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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. 1 hour ago, digger70 said:

    Each to his/her own it's what people Like or not .I like Tats that aren't excessive.

    It's the same with everything  like cars Some like Fast expensive cars /hot rods  to Show of. others just like a shopping trolly to go from A to B.

    So you don't like them, ok Fair enough you have your  opinion  Others/me have  our opinion.

    Fair enough. An opinion was asked for. A bluebird tattooed on each tit of an eighteen year old will look like pair of vultures waiting for a meal, when she it fifty. A car can be resprayed and brought back to the original. What do you do with tattoos? You're stuck with them. Each to his own.

    • Agree 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


      Its the basic parental duty to take care of their children .

    It is something that you SHOULD be doing , not checking is being irresponsible .

      Its not me being sanctimonious 

    I presume you have children and watched them one hundred per cent during raising them. And never an accident. I would imagine the sun shines out of your arse. The family of the lost child are suffering enough and will forever. They certainly don't need comments from the likes of you.

    • Agree 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Mekmong MICK said:

    If you can get your phone number tattooed on them for when they get lost someone can call you to collect it makes sense I guess. I also got my 2nd wife to tattoo my tax file number on her arm so I'd remember it each year on June 30th

    If I had to tattoo my number on them incase they got lost I'd give them the wrong number. And bloody good riddance!😉

    • Haha 1
  4. 17 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


      Well I suggest in future that you and your wife checks under and around you car and that then, one of you watches from outside the car whilst the other reveres/drives the car out the driveway .

       I constantly see people in Thailand have no idea what a dangerous situation is and seem to have the mentality of *If I am going to die I will die and there's nothing that I can do about it*

       Next time YOU check the safety of your car , otherwise it could be you in the news next time 

    Sanctimonious smart arse.😦

  5. 15 hours ago, connda said:

    You could spend the money to have a lens replacement with an artificial lens that corrects for far-sightedness, but honestly, do you really want to undergo that type of invasive surgery and the cost associated with it when the condition you have can be corrected with prescription eye-glasses?  Personally, I wouldn't.  But that's just me.

    Similarly I have been diagnosed with Macular degeneration in one eye. There is a treatment whereby the affected eye is injected. It's not a cure. It just retards the progress. Just yesterday the doctor that carries out this procedure said "You are ninety. I would not let my mother undergo the treatment. One small infection during the procedure and you could go blind." Needless to say I heeded his advice and will learn to live with it. All part of the aging problem. Old age? I'm not looking forward to it.😉

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 15 hours ago, SoCal1990 said:

    Here are the unpleasant spewings we can expect from the sweaty <removed> based on past debates from 2016 and 2020: 


    - Aggressive and confrontational

    - Unintellectual speech patterns

    - Childish use of inappropriate insults

    - Focus only on soundbites and avoid providing and substantive data

    - Evade giving any direct answers

    - Try to appeal to people’s emotions and populism rather than facts and figures

    - Ridiculous questioning of opponents legitimacy 


    Did I leave anything out? 

    Other than that. All very civilised and honest.😉

    • Haha 2
  7. ARS Jet Gold spray works. Those flies have a habit of getting in the ends of my retractable blinds. When I wind the blinds out they attack. Wear a mask when using this stuff.

  8. 23 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    indeed i do find it hard to walk tho after wrapping myself with it..........................  🙂

    I see there are no flies on you.😉

    • Haha 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Jenkins9039 said:

    Makes you wonder why he went back home - I should note i've personally conversed with the guy around Chalong Yacht Club a decade ago, I understand he has cancer, but with his age and survivability its somewhat surprising the nonce decided to opt to return to the UK, when he could have just swanned around Cambodia etc till he croaked.


    In addition, why didn't the UK seek extradition when it was obvious they were giving a passport (second) to a different person than the kids father that was assaulted all those years ago (stolen ID relates to that).


    Lastly why on earth didn't Thailand just indict him themselves, since this has come to light his 'social media' looked at in a different light begs the question on whether he assaulted Thai(s) -> Very likely.


    In addition lastly, there was quite a close knit group of expats around him personal life and commercial life -> how the <deleted> did they miss the signs.

    Did they miss the signs? Sadly, people can be accused of wrongdoing just by association and tarred with the same brush. Or 'birds of a feather?' It must be very embarrassing for his acquaintances and friends who knew nothing about his sordid past.

  10. 12 minutes ago, 0ffshore360 said:

    In my experience it is very normal. I too have  just come out of a " session" as you have named it . Still a little residual gunk and husky voice and yes lacking energy.

    Even assuming you are a very fit 90 I would suggest not expecting instant rebound .

    Thanks for the response.

  11. I'm 90. I finished my medication for a session of covid a week ago but a test shows I'm still affected. I have a bit of a cough, not serious, but a feeling of tiredness all of the time. Anyone been through this and is it normal?

  12. 49 minutes ago, rocketboy2 said:

    Sometimes I have to use a hacksaw.




    Overdone!  Your soldiers wont go in there. What's that? An Ostrich egg or a trick of photography?😄

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