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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. 2 hours ago, thesetat2013 said:

    Taken in full context.. did not have that meaning at all. image.png.afba611368c25c81c6b7e9ce1fb7d58f.png

    AS it reads. Done talking about debate... So you can claim understanding it differently. However taken in context it is clear it could be construed as telling people to shoot Trump..  of course, being a Biden fan you will reach for it being innocent.. Trump fans will reach for it being criminal. Courts would take it literally. i think it could be used to convict Biden as an accomplice. By the way. I believe Biden was running ads this way also encouraging others to put a bullseye on Trump. Easily could be construed as enticing  others to commit the crime. Normally something like this would not attract attention. But since someone actually did put a bullseye on Trump and tried to kill him. It should not be taken lightly. 

    A figure of speech, surely. I've found that some Americans I've had conversations with take what one says literally. That is dangerous when talking to us Brits. 

    • Agree 1
  2. 26 minutes ago, novacova said:

    Rookie miss. 130 yards isn’t far for a rifle. I can hit 3”x3” target at 100 yards with a 10mm pistol without a scope. A head shot with a 232 & scope is a piece of cake. The kid was rattled and probably hyperventilating 

    Most Civilian Brits would not know how to fire a gun. We leave that to the military😉

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, HuaHinNew said:

    IMHO, the biggest challenge is, you have to conditionally accept the Thai culture and their ways in every aspect of life here.


    From the Tuk Tuk driver to the business, financial and government institutions.


    Be prepared for the mountains of useless bureaucratic paperwork you will experience.


    Immigration engagements will test your patience and fortitude, take he hit and engage a VISA agent. 


    Thai language for the majority of us; learning conversational Thai can be very difficult, due to the nature of it being toned based, and the Thai written script, I won't go there!


    But, learn the Thai language basics of greetings, money, directions, and food, and you will get by, you will pick up other common Thai words in your daily journeys.


    It is expected all Farangs are more financially viable than Thais, so be financially diligent.


    Romantic relationships, take your time and don't overcommit too early, understand once you're in a full relationship with a Thai woman, you are supporting the woman’s Thai family.


    Personal relationships, be aware of the people you develop relationships with, don't lend money to people.


    Transport, taxis are relative cheap here, ensure you use metered taxis, Grab works well here also, refrain from any engagement on motorbikes, absolute putting your warfare and life at risk. 


    Driving, if you are in a position to drive, you are going to encounter a whole new experience, it's like Mad Max III on the roads here, just drive with the defensive attitude that everyone else is out there is trying to kill you, and you will survive,


    Big alert, Zebra crossings and speed limits are not norms for Thai drivers, you are going to shake your head on what you will see, don't get into road rage incident's, guns and knives are quite often used in road rage incidents here.


    Prepare for the often random police road checks here, any confrontation of an alleged infringement can be addressed with a small donation.


    Food, depending on your taste buds, great variety of foods available, street vendors, choose carefully.


    Accommodation, establish yourself initially in a rental property to gage your social and travel needs, select a property with the environment that matches your lifestyle.


    Medical, once in your 70+ age group, cost of medical services here can be finally overwhelming, this can be an individual's decision on their preferred options, usually based on personal health status.


    Weather, three seasons; dry and hot, hot and hotter and wet and hot, so you can leave all your woollies behind.


    Politics and corruption, this is a self learning experience; but you will get the generally run-of-the-mill on what goes down here on a daily basis, never be surprised.


    Forums, like this one, joining a number of foreign or expat online forums will keep you up to date on daily issues and stories.


    Taxation, ok the elephant in the room, the TRD (Thailand Revenue Department) under direction from the new PM, (go find me more tax revenue - the county is broke - get it off those pesky Farangs 555) official updates to the tax laws are still being finalized, but expect as a foreigner be prepared to be paying tax on your certain funds remitted into Thailand and tax on any other income earnings in your native or other countries not remitted into Thailand (It's a Tax fest).


    Get out and travel and enjoy all that Thailand has to offer you. 


    Finally, If you cannot embrace the above, you will suffer a slow and painfully agonizing Thailand lifestyle.


    PS. Possibly missed a few categories, but the general points on foreigners moving and living in Thailand I think I covered.

    If you were a visitor or lodger in someone's house would you not expect to observe and adhere to the house rules, however irksome they appear to be? Chillout, as the saying goes. 

  4. 21 hours ago, Danderman123 said:



    14 million people voted for Biden to be the Democratic nominee. A handful of politicians and TV commentators aren't going to overturn those votes.

    More than a handful now methinks.  But the assassination attempt on Trump is starting up a whole new ball game. A dangerous one if the loonies get out of control.

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