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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. 2 hours ago, impulse said:


    What's missing is the fact that this guy was a felon, and already barred from possessing a firearm.  The cops that were killed included members of a "fugitive task force", and they were tasked with arresting him for a firearm violation.  Which a typical American sees as proof that gun laws only keep guns from law abiding citizens.


    And from a pragmatic standpoint, with more guns than people, anybody who believes that they can confiscate all (300 million +) guns (especially from the bad guys) is sadly deluded.  This incident is proof...


    Get rid of thug culture in the USA, then come back and we'll have a discussion about the average American agreeing to give up our ability to defend ourselves.  But it ain't gonna happen.


    'Get rid of thug culture.?' I think you have to start from the top.:wink:

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  2. 2 minutes ago, impulse said:


    What's missing is the fact that this guy was a felon, and already barred from possessing a firearm.  The cops that were killed included members of a "fugitive task force", and they were tasked with arresting him for a firearm violation.  Which a typical American sees as proof that gun laws only keep guns from law abiding citizens.


    And from a pragmatic standpoint, with more guns than people, anybody who believes that they can confiscate all (300 million +) guns (especially from the bad guys) is sadly deluded.  This incident is proof...


    Get rid of thug culture in the USA, then come back and we'll have a discussion about the average American agreeing to give up our ability to defend ourselves.  But it ain't gonna happen.


    If a burglar knows the houseowner has a gun, he will most probably carry one himself. In the UK, If he carries a gun to burgle a house or raid a bank he will be in deep brown stuff if he is caught. 

  3. 2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


     The UK and Australia are islands and also don't have the history of gun-ownership that America has.  The cases don't compare. 


    Banning guns in America would lead to only the criminals having guns.  It wouldn't work.

    But as I understand it many of the shootings are from legally owned guns and NRA are rubbing their hands together. All very sad.. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Callmeishmael said:

    That is an interesting example of how American and British have become so different from each other.  If you go back several hundred years the past tense in English was -en rather than -ed.  While English speakers adopted -ed for most words, a few retained the older -en form.  In the 1600s, when my English ancestors moved from England to the Plymouth Bay Colony (now Massachusetts) all English speakers used gotten as the past tense of got.  Sometime in the past 400 years the British dropped the -en while the Americans kept the original version of that word.



    The same reason they still use miles and Fahrenheit.:wink:

  5. 14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:



    A man was tragically killed on a cassava farm in the Thai province of Udon Thani, sparking a police search for the person behind this crime. The police are looking into various reasons for this attack, including personal or romantic disagreements.


    The victim, Pichit Wongwai, a 60 year old farmer, was alone on his tractor some distance from his home when he was approached by an unidentified person. Following a short conversation, Pichit was shot in the chest at close range.


    After the incident was reported, local law enforcement officials and medics arrived at the scene. They found Pichit's body in his field, surrounded by horrified members of his community.


    Piecing together information from locals, police discovered that Pichit had left his house early in the morning to prepare his land for planting. He had an axe with him, hinting at possible knowledge of a lurking threat.


    The authorities are now considering the likelihood of the killer being someone Pichit knew. They believe the murder might have been the result of a misunderstanding or a romantic dispute. Meanwhile, they're doubling down on their efforts to capture the criminal and ensure justice is done.


    The unusual violent act has made the locals worry about their safety. The police are asking anyone with information that could help solve this crime to come forward. They guarantee that every piece of information will be thoroughly followed up to ensure that Pichit and his family receive the justice they deserve.


    Caption: Image courtesy of Khaosod


    -- ASEAN NOW 2024-04-24


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    Man shot on cassava farm. Police are looking for the root cause.:wink:

    • Haha 1
  6. 0600 every day a go for a short walk. A local dog used to have a go at me every morning when I neared its house. Barking and doing what it is supposed to do to alert the owner? After a few stare downs and a crouch down as if i was getting ready to throw a stone, it would back off, but then I changed tactics. I carried a crust of bread in my pocket and fed it to the dog when it came at me.. It ate the bread then amazingly, it ripped my leg to pieces.:wink: No. Seriously. After a couple of times doing this it still barks, but does not attempt to attack me. Maybe it's thinking 'if I'm not careful he is going to feed me that crap again.' 🙂

    • Haha 1
  7. 17 hours ago, Gandtee said:

    Maybe the answer is to slip her a Bt100 note so she can tuck it into where ever, for herself.

    While offering this advice, I must confess that the last, and maybe the first lady's drink I bought was way back in 1988. The bars I frequented are what I call men's bars. Not Girly, or Boys Bars, but a place where you could get a descent conversation and humour, without the hassle. The Shamrock Bar in Pattaya is a good example. Being a bit long in the tooth now, driving there is a bit/very off putting, I'm sad to say.  

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