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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. 16 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Learning to swim should be high on the list, even basic floating and keeping the right way up would keep them alive long enough for someone to notice.


    We are lucky in that the Thai grandkids all swim like fish and adore using our small pool, it's actually unclear exactly where they learned to swim but they do live near the river.


    Sadly, when we have other family visiting the youngsters all need floaters and constant adult supervision, and they don't seem to get any more confident in the water over time.


    Get them learning whilst in school!!



    In the article there is no mention of swimming lessons. Over the years I have ensured that my nieces and nephews can swim by teaching them myself. A degree in higher education is useless if you are in dep water and can't swim. I have repeatedly suggested in various forums that the military open up their sports facilities, including swimming pools to schools in their area for a couple of mornings a week perhaps. Hotels and resorts could do the same and be reimbursed for the facility. An average of four children a day drown here in Thailand. Where is the Sports Minister on this  subject. Most developed countries have swimming lessons in their schools curriculums.

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  2. 4 hours ago, sirineou said:

    66 years old and for the past year I have not been sleeping well. I don't eat after six, I take multivitamins , B1 complex, melatonin and Magnesium.

    I also often take Benadryl which gives me 7-8 hours of sleep.

    If I don't take Benadryl 6 -7 hours  Usually interrupted by  1 hour half way through, which is why I always have a book on my nightstand.  . 

    I am aware of the health benefits of  a good night's sleep , but also apprehensive about long term Benadryl use, 

    I understand that as we age our sleep patterns change, and I am sure I am not the only one with this issue.

    So I wonder how do you deal with such issue. I would appreciate and would consider any advice. 

    Perhaps I'm lucky and pulled the long straw. I'm ninety. No medical problems other than old age that I'm aware of. After getting into bed I always read a book until I nod off. if I can't get to sleep after my trip for a pee in the night, I read again and it sends me off. I would suggest that looking at mobile phones before bedtime may keep you from sleeping. Just my opinion.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

    We have a lukrung16 year old daughter who is signed up to https://www.gmmgrammy.com/th/index.html  How she started was to learn the guitar first privately. Government schools do have music teachers but our daughter had it all mapped out that she wanted to go to boarding school. Whilst there she joined, with a few other musicians, and formed a band in which they participated in talent contests out and about with the assistance of the boarding school. She was later approached by GM Grammy(Bangkok) and they signed her up with our permission. She now lives in Bangkok under the cover of GMM. They teach her singing, music and acting etc. 

    All I can say is it took a lot of hard work by herself to get where she is and hopefully the OP's grandson can do the same. Good luck

    Thankyou, and well done and good luck to your daughter. I wish her well. And you for supporting her.

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  4. Perhaps you should spend less time pontificating. This will give you more time to recognise humour, with a u.  And that those you accuse of criticising and belittling you are being humorous. But you do not recognise or appreciate it. Being an English, Londoner born in 1933, I was raised on cockney humour. What else did we have. Without it we are nothing. Other than boring. Perhaps humour is dying out because we don't converse face to face as we used to, and recognise the nuances in facial expressions. Stop preaching, my friend and laugh, and the whole world laughs with you. Well, that's what the song says. 

    • Confused 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Thonburi-tales said:

    I would have thought every American male has a rap sheet for gun offences and unruly behaviour. Goes without saying in Texas doesnt it.


    6000b for a night in a provincial hotel???  jesus

    I pay that per month for a two storey home just over the river from Chinatown.

    Thailand is a 3rd rate tourist destination that charges 5 star prices. I havent been down to Pattaya or Phuket in over 20years.

    Overated dumps full of old farang and dirty cops.


    So other than that it's OK is it?:wink:

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