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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. MPs are up in arms about imported Elephant pants. No wonder a team of fashion experts resigned after the tourism ministry announced a competition to see see how many pairs of elephant pants one could put on in a couple of minutes. What about the thousands of tons of illegally imported pork and chickens feet? Maybe that's too close to home for those MPs.
  2. Maybe she did stop it and filmed what he was doing as proof. She did show the proof to the police, according to the report.
  3. Their behaviour and complete disregard for children's and non combatants safety in Gaza maybe?
  4. Perhaps if and when the US navy recovers the weaponry they will check to see if any of the missing crew are still trapped. And to check watertight doors to determine why one of their ships sank.
  5. Jomtien. Not the first. Been doing it for around twenty odd years. Same address same details.๐Ÿ˜’ Thankyou.
  6. It ain't over till the fat lady sings. But it seems like the intrinsic population is more aware than the extrinsic. They aren't taken in by the tan makeup, bouffant hairdos, theatricals and posturing. There is hope for the USA yet.๐Ÿ˜‰
  7. Does the Bt800,000 still have to be deposited two months before extension application? And have there been any alterations in the requirements recently? OK, tell me to check with Immigration but I think sometimes the info from AN is more reliable.
  8. Then they are attracted to your wallet, if that wasn't the first attraction.
  9. I used to have a tookey in a bottle of Thai spirit that was given to me. My wife made me get rid of it. In a Scottish whisky distillery I visited many years they had adders bottled in whisky in their reception area. The picture shown appears to be of a bottled dead snake. A new take on 'Drunk as a skunk.'
  10. No I can't and I'm surprised that you can. Pita is disliked by the hierarchy for his proposal to reform the Lese majeste law. By those of the unelected establishment put in place by the miliary junta in a coup. They are the ones attacking him and his party. With Trump, it would seem that he is being attacked for his wrong, and alleged wrong doings. How can you a install a corrupt person to the presidency? What terrifies me is that there are many Americans who are prepared to welcome, just for his charisma I suspect, an alleged dishonest man into the Presidency. Both Thailand and the USA are not my countries. I'm just casting an opinion.
  11. Maybe you need driving instruction or an oil change. Hang in there.๐Ÿ˜‰
  12. Old? Us 90 year old peasants get out at 0530 to do our morning walk and constitutional. Not sure about the pushups. But I do hop out of bed and run to the toilet a couple of times a night. And I skip breakfast sometimes.๐Ÿ˜‰
  13. h "Have at you, Sir Percy. No quarter asked and none given. Death before dishonour. Once more unto the breach, Dear friends. Or close the wall with our English dead."๐Ÿ˜„
  14. Speechless? That'll be the day. You have enough mouth for two sets of teeth.๐Ÿ˜€
  15. Maybe a local teaching him not to park in front of his shop?
  16. Who would want to sit or rub shoulders with those sweaty tossers? I would suggest they were inviting an internal body search for drugs.
  17. If after being arrested, just a prison sentence.
  18. Like Trump with his mates Putin and Kim. Proud? I would suggest embarrassed and ashamed is more appropriate at the way certain US citizens are happy to support a corrupt man. The fake tan must be the attraction.
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