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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Do any passengers and drives wear seat belts? Yeah. I know. A stupid question.
  2. TB carrier pigeons?😉
  3. It won't hang around. It's the Road Runner. It goes, Beep!, beep!
  4. It's a Hoopoo. The sound is a repetitious poop, poop. It's aerating your lawn.
  5. If I tell you I will have to kill you.😉
  6. She said "The stupid little bastard missed. A complete waste of money." It's a joke. For those lacking a sense of humour.😉
  7. The jarring verdict hinged on the evidence.😉
  8. Nah. Bannister. A cohort of Ray Ling. The Chinese fence.
  9. What is scary is that his followers will believe anything he says. But maybe after this performance, they will see the light.
  10. A bit over the top CANGROPE?😉
  11. I've reached the age of nearly 91 despite the medical profession's best efforts.😉
  12. Still name calling like a preteenager. Grow up.
  13. That explains why I don't know who he is and don't care. I haven't watched a Bond film since Sean Connery bailed out.
  14. Jawohl! Sieg heil.🫢 The man is a looney. Like the fuhrer was and who would have had him exterminated.
  15. I remember an old friend many years ago, telling me about his son's marriage. He said, "They've been married three weeks. They should be on farting terms by now."😉
  16. I was until I read the headings of your latest posts.😦
  17. In my earlier years I boxed and wrestled. Now at nearly 91 I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper bag after throwing the first couple of punches. But then I don't go anywhere where I'm likely to be attacked. The wife can be a bit threatening at times though. But as she is 75 I think I can handle her.😉
  18. Yes. The days in England when the threat of Borstal for 'Attitude Adjustment' and the birch were a bit off-putting for youngsters.😉
  19. I am talking about over seventy years ago when political correctness was unknown except in politicians.
  20. So the Burmese man is stealing a job that a Thai should be doing. Like giving favours and special treatment for a price in prison. The number one convict didn't have a chance to avail himself of the benefits offered.😉
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