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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Swing. Love it Jiving music. My wife and I could cut a rug.
  2. I'm not too old at 90. It's just that my wife has worn my ears out. My grandson now uses my amp for his guitar, because when I try to play my LPs on it the music sounds distorted and quiet. My two nieces treated me to Jabra headphones way back and I listen to my stuff on my computer. The Stranglers. The Animals. Hendrix and Clapton. T Rex etc. But I still like some of the old stuff that I grew up with over the years, Boogie Woogie, and jive from the war years when the Yanks came over to Britain. I still manage to shake my bacon when my granddaughter visits. Not with headphone on of course. Keep on rockin.
  3. Sorry to hear of your loss. When my mother died in hospital in the year 2000, the hospital issued a death certificate and we transported her to the local Wat. Where she was cremated a few days later. My Thai wife handled all the goings on but as far as I remember we did not inform the Embassy. Half of her ashes were scattered in Sattahip Bay, where I will join her eventually. The remainder were taken in a small urn back to England to be scattered where her husband was cremated. My friend took the small Urn in her hand luggage with no problems. Of course this was before terrorist scares. I have read fairly recently of ashes being taken back to home countries with no problems. I would put your friends ashes in an urn and put it in your stowed luggage.
  4. Only slightly obnoxious. But I do like to see those that he invites to do the vamp with him begin to smile and get real pleasure out of it.
  5. If it was sarcasm, I apologise.. Not Scouser? Nevermind.
  6. The Swiss man said "I've fed bears before and I was just keeping my hand in."
  7. Maybe because they don't want family members or loved ones in places of ill repute. "Darling. I was at a company seminar."
  8. Nah. It was spirits. Sang Song, Lao Kao, or whatever its called.
  9. But black humour is not so rare. There are still those that have the fortune to have grown up with and enjoy dark humour. Especially us Brits. I'm surprised at your comment Lou. Scouser are renown for their humour, black or otherwise. But of course we have to get on the politically correct bandwagon and be offended.
  10. "Give me the 'bear' necessities. Old mother nature's recipes." The bear looks armless.
  11. My profile picture covers the X to exit the message. I'm 90 so not as sharp as I used to be. How do I move my profile picture? Good night
  12. I thought honesty was taught from childhood by parents. Not here it seems.
  13. Perhaps he was referring to wheelchair use. I've used it. I'm 90, but I've noticed quite a few who seem young and active using it. Mostly it would seem by the Indian travellers. Just an observation.
  14. Sorry to labour a point. This is a screen shot of showing why I can't close messages after reading or relpying without reducing to size to 33% and then going back to 50% as Jaywalker helpfully suggested. It's so annoying. There must be someway to get back the whole messenger box that includes X to turn off the message. Not delete it.
  15. If you have those problems it's a bit collar and cuff. I'm 90 and not looking forward to it.
  16. I've deduced that this Opel Swing is a 1996 model. It runs well. Bangkok to Sattahip no problems. My wife is concerned that it might be overheating when she is driving it locally. Where can I find the normal running temperature information? Thanks for any pointers.
  17. Thank you and those that came up with good advice.
  18. Yes. My ex solicitor swindled me out of Bt200,000. Took him to court and it was agreed that he would pay regular amounts into the court. It never happened. He was sacked from his joint practice. The only satisfaction my wife and I got was to get him sacked from two non solicitor firms he worked at..
  19. That's the answer I was looking for. Thanks.
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