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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. I took a tip from the locals and bend down as if to pick up a stone and threaten them with a stone-throwing action.
  2. My seventy-five-year-old Thai wife is recovering well after a mastectomy. Chemotherapy and radium treatment that was diagnosed almost a year ago. She did not suffer the bad effects of the treatment that my first wife suffered from in 1982 that I was dreading and is leading a normal life. Cancer treatment is much more advanced now. I wish you both well and be positive. My wife's treatment was performed in the government hospital in Chonburi and was excellent. Being Thai, she is covered by the Thai health scheme, but I'm sure treatment for a foreigner would be much cheaper than a private hospital.
  3. " Our hearts and minds go out to those to those who have suffered..." The most used platitude by those who have the power to do something about it.
  4. Lemon's a sucker. Dishonest. Serves her right. Maybe politics is her forte?
  5. He's an easy target and scapegoat. Let's see immediate action against the coach owners and inspectors.
  6. I'm glad you didn't. But we all know.
  7. The Thai's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears.😉
  8. After a shower, I turn in at about 10 pm and read until I get dozy. Up a couple of times in the night for a pee. Well, I will be 91 in a couple of months. Most times I have to read again to send me off. Up at 6 am and a fifteen minute walk to keep the bits moving. Sometimes an hour's nap in the afternoon. Boring? Yeah. But I've done all of my gallivanting over the years. 😉
  9. Come back, Bob. All is forgiven. Who will rid us of this mentally addled person?😉
  10. Thankyou.
  11. Stick with it.😉
  12. My grandson is interested in old military armaments and purchased a 1943 shell casing. I've tried to identify it to no avail. Any advice?
  13. Perhaps DNA samples from the victim and the accused might clarify the guilt, if any. but this is Thailand.
  14. How many will get cheated out of their newfound wealth when the parasites come around?
  15. I wouldn't want to be under an Albanese or anyone else. But if that's what turns you on. You have indicated your preferences several times.😦
  16. Obviously indulged in too many Brussel Sprouts.😉
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