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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Planet Earth. From a time ninety years ago when we called a spade a spade and not an agricultural implement. A time when we applied names to what there are. Like lavatory for instance. Not bathroom, restroom and similar. Planet Earth when we didn't broadcast our anus and surrounding areas to the world. I suspect you come from Uranus. πŸ˜€
  2. I had to google Washlet? If you are that concerned, buy a portable 'bum gun.' Get some target practice in in the confines of your home first. Bum guns are the best thing since sliced bread. After nearly forty years of using one its the thing I miss most when travelling abroad. Sliced bread can be a bit messy and painful if crusty and toasted. πŸ˜‰
  3. Perhaps you need to upgrade your sarcasm detector mechanism. Humour seems to be disappearing in this modern age. Much the same as trouble free travel.πŸ˜‰
  4. Fox, wolf? Does it matter? It was a joke. Bloody hell.πŸ˜’
  5. I'm sure you will let us know. We await with bated breath.πŸ˜‰
  6. He obviously had designs on her. The tattoo of a young girl and wolf will look like Red Riding Hood's grandmother in forty years. The wolf will look a bit mangy as well.πŸ˜‰
  7. This one area I will not criticize other than the needless exercise of having to do it. After receiving a reminder, I submitted mine on Friday and received the approval early Monday morning. Obviously the two lads previously mention, that handle the website had a good result with their football. I've never had a problem doing this on line.
  8. Five or six year olds anywhere do not do that. Here nobody does that at any age.
  9. Back fifteen years, my foster son came back from school and said his English teacher said you pronounced giraffe, giraffee because it has an e on the end. When he politely said it's giraffe she told him not to argue with her. He came second in a National English speaking contest and even now is called upon by his Thai international company to do their presentations for them. Perhaps his teacher should have listened to him. Until the Thai education system is elevated from marching, haircuts and dictatorial teaching, and encourages imaginative and lateral thinking, not much will change. But then it's not my country.
  10. But what are the oranges covering. Some sort of sweetener?πŸ˜‰
  11. Daily. With the missus. No quarter asked and none given. But only verbals.πŸ˜‰
  12. More intelligence? You ask too much. staff are discouraged to make suggestions to those in charge to avoid loss of face for their supervisors. So they don't. This attitude is drummed into the young generation from their first day at school.
  13. Watching porn on their phones.πŸ˜†
  14. For me it's a minor problem. Pigeons and squirrels are a major problem. The squirrels are decimating my Jackfruit, mangoes and bananas. I have given up and let them enjoy themselves. Life's too short. There are more important things to worry about.
  15. The report missed out the partridge in a pear tree. What a load of nonsense.
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