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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. On your head be it.😉
  2. My Thai wife said to me nearly forty years ago, "Do not get into a confrontation with a Thai. If you have a problem, let me deal with it." Sound advice. Dealings with Thais is all about 'Face'. Loss of face is unforgivable for them and dangerous for the person perceived to be responsible. If you have a Thai wife or Thai friend, let them try to deal with it. Just my opinion.
  3. I wish you long life. Good health and happiness.
  4. In 1776 we Brits told you that you were too young and would get yourselves into trouble. But you wouldn't listen. And petulantly upset the tea trolley in Boston Harbour. You've been squabbling amongst yourselves and calling each other childish names ever since. Now just look at our British government. No. Please don't. They are as much use as a one-legged man in an arse-kicking contest. Politicians? They are Snake oil salesmen, or women. At ninety one next month am I prepared for the world coming to an end? I don't care.😉
  5. FFFC. Free Fall Flying Club. It used to be exclusively the FFFFC. Falang Free Fall Flying Club but it seems everyone is getting into the act. R.I.P.😢
  6. They are decent but misguided. They are captured by the Razamataz and the influence of people made up to look like aging film stars. Apologies to aging film stars.
  7. A biased and untrue report by the Telegraph. Known for its Left leanings.
  8. The peaceful protest I watched was not the one reported and described by the biased Telegraph.. The so called Left rabble were the ones that were the ones causing the trouble.
  9. Yes. Times are hard. I sent the missus out on the game last week and she came back with Baht 510. I said "What tight bugger gave you Baht10?" She said "All of them."😉
  10. Nothing wrong. They are very effective. 😉
  11. What about the use of Impact? Now, it is widely used by the media and announcers instead of effect or affect.
  12. The sport governing bodies allowing this are all to cock!😉
  13. Of course. It's like entering a greyhound in a poodle race.
  14. Until they don't, and abide by the rules, nothing will change.
  15. I still have mine from 2020 and doing my 90 days last week at Jomtien Immigration there was still a place for Arrival card.
  16. Right. Only idiots would take a big gob full if they had never tasted dragon's balls before. Maybe she was sexually excited? As Rita Hayworth sang, "There is a fire down below. Down below in my ........😉😄
  17. If you try to eat dragon's balls what do you expect? The dragon is not going to be very happy and will breathe fire on you.😉
  18. Thank you. Your feelings on those charged with running my country, the UK, are very similar. The difference is that our politicians don't throw childish insults around at those they do not agree with, although those they are supposed to represent do. And quite rightly deserved in some cases.
  19. But she hasn't given it upfront. That would be classed as buying your way into power. All politicians promise the world to voters. But when they are in power. Hard brown stuff!
  20. As an observer, I wonder if US citizens are embarrassed at the way some of those seeking high office continually stoop to juvenile name calling? Something that most adults left behind in their preteen years. Are these the sort of people they want to represent their country? All very sad. But then perhaps it is the norm in this crazy mixed up so-called civilised age.
  21. She had a nasty turn. R.I.P.😢
  22. I checked Spam. No go. Anyway. Time to move on.😉
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