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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Ha Ha. But it's better than the 1993 Toyota Corolla that's given us good service, but just kicked the bucket, I think. Maybe it's worth a few bob? I've tried to save the planet by not using up its resources by buying new things. You may call it being, a tight arse. At 90, anything I buy now is a waste of money. Other than food and beer.
  2. My wife has just been given an old Opal Swing car. It's been in the family for years and the log book has gone missing. Is there any way to find the year of manufacture and are Opel Swing parts available in Thailand. Maybe this should be in the motoring section but I can't find it?
  3. I thought that those who had served prison sentences were barred from holding political positions? But then imprisoned in Australia doesn't count. Or even in Thailand it would see.
  4. And explosives. Without them, how would we have upped the ante regarding killing each other?
  5. Strippers should be supplied to the farmers by the government and rented out at minimal cost to farmers through Farmers Collectives. The cost would far outway the cost to the country by medical costs and the loss of tourists.
  6. I used to go to my church regularly and make my donations every Sunday. It is called the Shamrock Bar in Pattaya. Almost instant soothing of the mind with a convivial congregation discussing the world's problems and the ways to solve them. Sadly, age and distance have curtailed my regular attendances, but on the odd occasions I do make it I am immediately uplifted. Not physically I might add.
  7. 45th Engineer Battalion,? So it is an army bridge. This speaks a lot about the efficiency of the Thai armed forces. Where were the regular safety checks on the equipment? Perhaps it's like the floating visitor attraction in Sattahip Bay. Can't afford the spares as is in many military departments. Meanwhile it is top heavy with Generals doing nothing except playing golf maybe.
  8. Again you miss my point. If a person is a lying scoundral then by all means call him a lying scoundrel and not a douchebag as you say. There is a difference in me calling you a boring pedantic individual, or calling you a mangy cur with a rat that refuses to let it go. The latter I would not dream of doing as I show you respect. Now please let it go. I wish you a good day.
  9. Of course I would not entertain anyone censoring my thoughts. Nor did I even suggest it. As you say, thoughts are private and should be controlled by the owner. Not to be scattered around like chaff, that seems to be the case with many today. Especially politicians. There is of course respect and politeness to others that we should have learnt from childhood. Sadly some never learnt, or were not taught.
  10. Do you mean Free Speech such as ex Presidents and politicians name calling like adolescent children? If so, I agree.
  11. He will later when he gets his own illegal gun and uses it to release his pent up feelings.
  12. Yes. Very contagious. Many suffer from it. Mostly politicians and influential people. The symptoms are Lying. Corruption. Dishonesty. A lack of morals and ethical behaviour and greed.
  13. Now what country could that be I wonder? Fortunately the British god botherers left England and landed in the Americas in 1620. Us Brits said "Thank god for that" and began losing interest in god and religion. It certainly does not colour British politics as it does in the United States. Thank god
  14. And if I didn't have male wedding tackle I could have been in the front row of the Tiller Girls on Sunday Night at the London Palladium.
  15. I misread the caption. I thought it was whore fish.
  16. Perhaps you can tell us mere mortals what pub you frequent in the community. So we are forewarned and avoid it.
  17. Does anyone know of a furniture repair shop in Sattahip Town area? I've dinner table chair that needs repairing.
  18. All much the same as the the various coloured railways. Where the wheels and rails fall off.
  19. Some Dutch it would seem. But then it did happen here a couple of weeks ago. A load of fireworks on the back of a pickup.
  20. Butt. Butt. Poo. Happy New Year
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