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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. If this two tier justice system for the haves and have nots doesn't wake up the population to the way ordinary Thais are treated, I don't know what will. 'Let them eat cake.' And we know what happened to her.πŸ˜‰
  2. Good for killing rats and garden weeds also.πŸ˜‰
  3. The ambulance that picked him up reversed five kilometers on the circuitous route to the hospital.πŸ˜‰
  4. Shouted at? Where? From under your car?πŸ˜‰
  5. Sadly the public do appear to be idiots, as they continually allow this manipulation to happen. The puppet masters do this blatantly as they know the puppets will dance to their tune. Very sad.
  6. Pantomime season is upon us again. But then it's pantomime all year round here. 'Oh no it isn't.' 'Oh yes it is.' Look behind you! When will Mother Goose's goose be cooked? Never. ????
  7. Borrowed from a friend? oh come on. The Watchman has pulled that one already.????
  8. Is this a surprise? It was obviously going to happen. The annual nice little earner, for a few after a few bob's been distributed.
  9. The police are checking for fingerprints.????
  10. Wages of Fear. Bitter Rice. African Queen.
  11. Why can't I read notifications on Facebook? But can read the comments. I have to guess to topic? Win 11?
  12. Amazing. She will spend more time in prison for shouting abuse at the then self appointed prime minister than someone responsible for the killing of thousands. ????
  13. I'll suffer the adds.???? I was just wondering if it was my computer/me problem.
  14. Why am I getting numerous adds on Youtube now? Youtube pasted 'Disable your add blocker.' If I wanted add free, go to Youtube Premium. Is this a new policy? Or how to get rid of the adds?
  15. This where the term Dickhead came from I presume. I'll be 90 in December, maybe.????
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