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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Surely, anyone found guilty of a criminal offence should be banned from being a politician. But if the offence occurred in a foreign country for smuggling flour and was sent to prison it doesn't matter.πŸ˜‰
  2. More proof that humour is on the wane. Oh dear.
  3. Now now, Mother. Settle down.πŸ˜‰
  4. With mosquito nets on all windows and doors, much the same as those with air con. Only when going out.
  5. In thirty seven years here I've never had aircon. Fortunately the house is built on stilts and we get plenty of air flow. Even so, the fans are working where needed. Especially at night. I wonder how much I've avoided paying for electricity in that time.πŸ˜‰
  6. Of course. I was being facetious. I was referring to the arrest and detention of a group of farang Bridge players a few years back. Some of them quite elderly. The police used the excuse that they were using more than one pack of cards? Not being a Bridge player I wouldn't know. Barry Kenyon would. He had a front seat as I remember.
  7. He said he was gearing up for an Iron Man competition.πŸ˜‰
  8. I have just watched the film A Prayer Before Dawn. Maybe death is preferable.
  9. A good argument for not having the death penalty. At least they are alive.
  10. 'Get It On.' Marc Bolan sadly curtailed early.
  11. You're not. I'm humming along to them all the time. Sometimes a song gets stuck i my brain and I can't get rid of it. It was Jane Froman's, Blue Moon yesterday. Ten Years After's, Love Like A Man is gnawing at me today. Tomorrow, The Lambeth Walk,maybe, now I've mentioned it.πŸ˜‰
  12. So he will be allowed to go on and transfer his HIV to other unsuspecting people?
  13. And what does Anutin say? "Don't blame me. It's all a misunderstanding. Those dirty falangs just stirred it up for me."πŸ˜‰
  14. Well. He's not all there. That's for sure.πŸ˜‰
  15. Bull<deleted> Bob returns. Did he ever leave?πŸ˜†
  16. I'm ninety. Old age? I'm not looking forward to it.πŸ˜‰
  17. Only at stupid old farts.πŸ˜†
  18. When I was a kid we didn't have tissue paper. We had lavatory paper. Cut up newspapers hanging on a string. Not much use on the dining table though.πŸ˜‰
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