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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Surely they have got his name wrong it should be Jock MacPattarapitthayangurn . . .
  2. Mel Brooks couldn't write comedy like the Tourist Ministry. Every line and utterance they make is a laugh.????
  3. Big Chief speak with fork tongue! One minute he says stay at home to stop the spread of the dreaded lurgy. Now he says travel to stimulate the economy? The fastest way to stimulate the economy is to open up the entertainment industry. This will enable people to get back to work and earn money to spend on feeding themselves and one day to go on a holiday.????
  4. Will this be another hand slap to the forehead and exclamation of 'We knew what the verdict would be!'????
  5. Another 'Much ado about nothing.' Don't panic! Don't panic!????
  6. Public Bathroom? Public Lavatory.! This modern US imported new speak irritates me.???? But so does 'impact instead of effect or affect.' Oh my God??? I'm just naturally ornery.????
  7. Traditional Thai costume? I was expecting Pha chung hang. The pakomaa tucked up between the legs, and bare breasted.☹️
  8. Does anyone know of an electrical shop where I might be able to buy a T100 micro switch in the Sattahip, Pattaya area for my coffee maker?
  9. 'Trying to locate' maybe? Hunting is usually reserved for animals or criminals.
  10. I read that Thai Post was discontinuing registered mail.
  11. Will farangs in Chonburi be eligible for booster shots? And are they available?
  12. It's pantomime time again. 'He did it!' 'No he didn't!' 'Yes he did!' 'No he didn't!' 'Look behind you!' ????????
  13. Do you take any female helpers with you?
  14. While driving in Rayong yesterday I saw a motorcycle rider wearing company overalls with the BSA logo printed on the back. Are BSA manufacturing in Thailand ? Or what I saw was a Thai company using their logo?
  15. Never. A couple of spanners and you were up and running again.????
  16. Never. A couple of spanners and you were up and running again.????
  17. What did you do before electrolytes came on the scene?
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