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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. If it was originating from another country. i would agree with you. But most likely, someone snitched here for a commision or competition.
  2. The Dermatologist seemed to know immediately what was the cause based on the injury site. Showed me pictures of them that matched mine. I am trying a cream he gave to prevent infections. He said it gets bad for 3 days then will begin to heal. If i do not see improvement i will of course see another type of doctor. But what the Dermatologist said makes sense. This bug has acid on its skin that causes these burns. It has no need to bite. Just touching you is enough. Everything I read about it seems consistent with what is happening and what the doctor said.
  3. Internet said they are most active during the rainy season
  4. no.. it is only on one leg... the bend in the leg allowed the one part to touch another part of my leg and it also got burned
  5. My new years eve was spent with my Thai family. It was relaxing. On New Years day I noticed a small red area behind the knee at the joint. I thought maybe i had gotten bitten by a sand flea that has happened to me many times before at the southern beaches. A day later the red rash double in size and spread to another of my leg behind the knee. 2 days later, then skin begin blistery and it appears there is a big part of the skin that is dead on both places. I did not see any particular sign of a bite mark consistent with this type of reaction. Today is the 3rd day. The pain is incredible now. I finally went to a skin doctor to see what was happening. The doctor said I had not been bitten by anything. But instead this tiny bug must had crawled across my leg at the afflicted area. The ROVO Beetle seems to be common in Thailand although after more than 13 years here I have never seen or heard about it. Apparently, the skin if this beetle is toxic acid. ove beetles are small, segmented insects with black heads and tails and orange abdomens. They are poisonous and can cause a rash or blisters on the skin if their venom comes into contact with it. The venom is acidic and irritating, and is known as Pederin. Symptoms can include: Fever, Nausea and vomiting, and Blindness if the venom gets into the eyes. So be warned and be careful. This thing can be attracted to light and is so tiny unlike a normal beetle. If you develop any symptims like I described, seek medical attention right away. The longer you wait the worse can happen to the afflicted area. Infections are common if you do not treat it.
  6. Wow really? You use MAGA to support your theory? Yet, This has been happening with Biden at the helm. Amazing how you put your anti-trump into everything you read. How about looking at the facts of the story instead? The man had been collecting and making weapons all through Biden admin. Putting stuff up that was anti-Biden/Harris. That does not make him a MAGA supporter. It just makes him one of those men who saw the current admin for what it really was, a farce with a demented old man running the show and a twit who could not say anything political without a snicker as his sidekick.
  7. Siriraj let me rent a CPAP machine to test them.. I rented 4 different ones for up to a month for all of them... cost was like 50 baht a day... Unfortunately for me the CPAP could not push the air past the blockage so none of them worked. My mom uses a CPAP and swears by it. Claims once she began using it her sleep apnea disappeared. Siriraj ear, nose and throat clinic would be the ones you should talk to. They would most likely accept the test you had as well. They accepted mine from another hospital.
  8. Wow.. You guys only seek to find the flaws when the flaws are with yourselves in your reading or listening to things. Trump did not want Alll immigrants expelled. He wanted all the illegal immigrants expelled. All those starting with the worst/criminals and those already told to leave the country but ran instead. Then focus on the millions who have no permission to stay in the US and are without Visas. I really do not understand how hard that is to comprehend? You guys see it and comment on it constantly about foreigners in Thailand who have not checked in or have not renewed their Visas here. You post things saying to get the trash out or criminals who are illegal in Thailand. Why then, because Americans want the same in their country do you twist it into something bad?
  9. i wonder if the cash they found in his car will be enough to pay for the damages he caused in his tirade through the highways..
  10. I am not so sure malicious damage caused by an immature angry paid driver would be covered by insurance. Hmm... I do hope the company fires the guy though. He does not have the temperment to be a driver responsible for many lives every day. AS does so many paid drivers in cars and bikes these days
  11. i have never seen a Thai drink the red Fanta... So I am assuming it is only used to appease Buddha in offerings.
  12. Surprised to see the police presence there. It used to be legal to release those into the air until some complaints caused them to be banned. One has to wonder where he even bought it and if it was purchased inside Thailand. The sale should be made illegal also if they are illegal to use. I hope the kid learned some kind of lesson. Clearly he has no respect for any authority. Or he must have been watching how the Thai kids get away with everything and thought he could as well.
  13. What a stupid comment to make to try and justify the attack. Anyone who has been to Lopburi and tried to get within a foot of a baby makes them run away. Let alone handling them. Being protective, yeah possibly, but not handling them for sure.
  14. Yep. clearly the man stuffed himself head first into the drainage pipe and got stuck with legs protruding. Must have lost his gold in the drain and tried to dig it out. hmph.
  15. I suggest you have a sleep test done at the hospital. A few thousand baht for a room overnight and a couple thousand for the test. I will explain why. For a couple years I would wake up in the middle of the night and be unable to sleep for another hour or 2. I thought maybe noises or needing to go to the toilet was the reason. I mentioned it to my doctor and they began testing me for the reasons. I tried sleeping pills and tried antihistamines and even tried CPAP machines that push air into my mouth while I sleep but nothing changed. Finally, I agreed to a sleep test in the hospital. It turned out that my breathing would stop many times an hour and that would wake me up. They call it sleep apnea. X Rays showed I had blockage in my nose and throat. I just recently had surgery to clear the blockage in my nose and throat. Prior to the surgery they tried to get a camera inside through my nose. They were unable to do so and later told me that my airway was blocked 80%. I never thought this could have happened. I breathed normally I thought. But in sleep the position of the body and the way you breathe changes. Throat becomes more relaxed. Since the surgery, I have been able to sleep all night a full 8 or even 9 hours without waking up. Whereas usually i was awake within 3 or 4 hours. So perhaps you should consider what I wrote here and find a serious approach. A sleep clinic can not help you if they do not know the cause of your problem.
  16. I do not see what is your point. What excuse is there for the driver to come out of the car kicking and punching him to begin with? I seriously doubt the foreigner hit the driver inside the car. There is no excuse that can be said that justifies what the driver did initially. As for the continued beating, the foreigner may have done things that led to continuing hitting him and getting a weapon (the signs) but even still, the foreigner is unarmed and mostly defending himself. A taxi driver must be prepared to accept if a passenger wants to cancel the ride or change the destination and to do so without violence. This driver needs to be sent to prison for assault with a weapon with intent to cause bodily harm. Let him rot in a jail cell for a few years for losing his temper and then attacking the foreigner.
  17. Something really needs to be done about this gang problem in Pattaya. The police make arrests only on the worst of what they do but fail to address the real problem. Why aren't parents held accountable for those that are out late in the evening drinking or racing or causing problems?
  18. In Pattaya really? Perhaps that is the only time or the best time to catch some of the tenants at home and with money in their pockets.
  19. I would tend to agree with this. Usually, worgeordie has some good comments. But in this case I think he has been watching too many leftists news outlets that are trying to undermine the legitimacy of Trumps selections for his aides. There is nothing Muisk can do without Trumps approval. So to say he is acting like the PREZ or VP is ludicrous. Trump would never allow that to happen anyway. He is power hungry and craves to be #1 in office. I do believe Trump listens to Musks' advice and even acts on some of it. But that is the extent of Musks' influence.
  20. What a tragedy.. Not so hard to believe though. I was there yesterday not far from this beach with my own family and kids. The waves were up to a meter high. I had to constantly watch my kids even playing near the shore. I banned them from going in past their knees with strict warnings not to go out into deeper water. It should have been easy for the parents to see as I did that there were strong waves and an even stronger undertow.
  21. Typical Thailand. Something bad happens and they immediately say all need to be checked immediately. What ever happened to regular fire safety checks annually or semiannually. After the news settles down and a few checks are done. All will be forgotten and the normal routines of no checks or bribing someone to pass a check will begin again until the next major incident.
  22. They should have taken the dogs to a shelter to await execution. The fact that they continued to attack even after the owner called them back shows they have a taste for blood and will attack again in the future. They need to be put down.
  23. When i was still in America I thought I would not want to live past 60-. But here in Thailand I have changed that. Now I do not think I want to live when my pecker stops working. If that stops working it means I am too old for anything else as well. I surely do not want to be strapped to a bed without being able to use my pecker when a pretty woman is next to me. Sickly or with injuries my pecker has always worked and always made me feel better at the time. Without that it seems to me that life without using my pecker will be pure torture. Just waiting for something to happen that will let me die quietly and quickly. Better if I do not get so old that I spend my days and nights suffering without any comfort or joy or good feeling inside a woman.
  24. At first reading it did not seem to be molestation. a kiss on the cheek and a touch to the stomach is not necessarily molestation if it was done once. Thai teachers form a close bond to students and I have seen the kids themselves pushing themselves into Thai teachers. Even to foreigner teachers. But for this teacher to do it many times and to many girls. That is a serious problem with molestation even so innocuously done that can lead to even more. And the fact that one student claims the teacher touched her non-existent boobs at 8 years old makes a serious problem waiting to happen. I am not so sure the man could be charged unless he did these things with a sexual intent. But the police should intervene before something worse happens and the school should dismiss the teacher from working with kids. Clearly this man has no thoughts for his actions nor the ages of these poor kids. I also think if these young girls complained then this sort of activity has happened on more than one occasion for each girl. The man clearly needs to be taken away from kids and perhaps even locked up.
  25. Because all the weaker ones have been killed in the battlefields. Except for N. Korea. They will require more troops from N. Korea to fill their ranks that have been killed already. Russia has not shown any strength at all. They should have easily taken the UK given the size difference between both countries as well as their weapons capacity. Russia is about 28 times bigger than Ukraine. Ukraine is approximately 603,550 sq km, while Russia is approximately 17,098,242 sq km, making Russia 2,733% . I think this war, has been going on for 3 years simply because it makes Russia money and reduces their population. They do not gain anything by winning the war.
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