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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. Don't forget that this wage increase ( like the last one) will make vendors raise their prices as well as decreasing the quantity of food given for each order. The country will see price increases across the board whether it is needed or not.
  2. A shame what is happening in Pattaya so often in the past year. Attack after attack on foreigners. Gang assault attacks happening monthly. Yet, still they claim it is safe and a family friendly city. Seems the only family that is safe is the Thai ones because their kids seem to be the ones doing the attacking. Good thing they got this on VDO. If the police actually do something to find them they have it all recorded.
  3. he U.S. took over the project in 1904 under President Theodore Roosevelt, and completed construction in 1914. The U.S. paid around $375 million for the canal, which included $10 million paid to Panama and $40 million paid to the French company. At the time, it was the most expensive construction project in U.S. history. Why should we continue to pay exorbitant fees to use something we paid for and built? Giving them control over it should not have meant losing ownership of it.
  4. This number will increase dramatically if they train them how to make really happy endings. I wish they would make it illegal to hire anyone without licensing and schooling in massage therapy. All too often massage parlors hire anyone willing to do the work leaving them untrained as professionals and causing minor injuries on their customers.
  5. I am like really confused.... The headline..Thai F-16 Fighters Intercept Myanmar Jet in Airspace Breach But then the story goes on to say that when they arrived. No other plane was in the area and their scopes were empty of aircraft? Completely contradictory to the headline. Then the buildup of how advanced and prepared the airforce is and how quickly they reacted and are ready for anything? Again, i am confused. If they reacted quickly then would there not be some type of aircraft in the area for them to see on the radar? Is that how they claim prepared and ready to act and being proactive? For all they know it was an alien spaceship come to get a glimpse at the bar girls. Nothing happens in this story except they saw a blip on the screen and sent 2 planes to investigate which in turn, found nothing. Flew around patrolling for almost an hour and then returned home.. So basically, this must be a really big pat on the back for the airforce to make such claims and post them in the news. I am certain every thai is proud of their readiness to thwart enemy intruders as shown in the OP. Geez
  6. Do you actually believe what you wrote here? Thousands of men coming to Pattaya to find a wife? Seriously? ohh, perhaps you meant a short time wife or pretend GF. hmm... I do not think there are many men who would marry a prostitute in Pattaya. And since about 80% of the women working there will sell themselves that creates a problem for your theory.
  7. Not a very good Meme to use since Trump of not a billionaire. Also, making this comment apply to this story makes no sense as well. A diversion to the story about Biden sleeping behind the wheel of the country. You really should post this on the Biden lovers OP or Trump haters OP that are visible in this site. Rather than trying to use it here in this OP that seems to have nothing to do with the story at all.
  8. I'm confused. Why would they be good or bad saying it happens in every country. Stating facts does not make them good or bad to make that claim. We all know these types of things happen everywhere. Thailand though seems to happen more often than other places. The fact the father protected the Uncle and his father makes this particularly scary in regards to a childs options to get help. The father should be arrested as an accomplice by his actions. Or as an enabler aiding by not stopping it and not helping his child.
  9. Hmm.. they injured their fists ganging up on hitting the foreigner. How ironic the news actually even shows it in this way.
  10. Nah... They will seriously investigate it.. seems more people are seeking those brown envelopes though.
  11. So their was a police man there to listen to this confession of drug use and sex favors for obtaining drugs? Where is the arrest report or drug test and being sent to rehab as I seem to always read about when police learn about drug usage?
  12. I live in such a place now.. And surely will not be sharing it with you or the AN members viewing your post. to do such a thing would destroy the very thing you seek. If you are not happy where you live or are visiting. Rent or drive a car around the country. I am most certain you can find what you seek if you go off looking yourself. But my guess is that you actually like being in tourists ghettos. Bars, bargirls and whores, fights and attacks on people, lots of foreigner tourists.. Aggressive locals and businesses. I hope you do not find the city i live in. That is for sure.
  13. Tourist police are only a little better than the local police. the difference is their hands are tied when dealing with a crime unless they get the local police involved also. I know for sure I would not download any app for any agency or force in Thailand. The apps as well as call centers seem to be more cause for problems than they are at helping people. I seriously think this app is a waste of time. I can foresee it on posters as you enter Thailand to download it and think most would not.
  14. can only be a few causes from it happening. Either it was not secured to the ground properly or the welding holding it together was done with shoddy work causing it to break. Either way does not change the end result. Kind of like the mall that had the water slide on the roof that broke apart while patrons were sliding. Blame and responsibility will be circumvented and the family will receive little to no compensation for their childs death.
  15. The law is so vague though. Even if passed just about anything can be said or claimed as abuse. Spank the child on his butt and if it hurt him and he complains his butt hurts from it. You are being abusive. Tell the child something demeaning or demoralizing and that will also be considered abuse. Most Thais do not direct punishment out to their child or grandchild but when they do it is quick and without thought ( like grabbing a stick and whacking the kid.) Once again Thais are using specific instances from teachers and some parents doing so bad that the Thai government is acting drastically by passing a vague and general law that leaves it open for different meanings and personal feeling rather than being specific in actions or causes that can be easily defined.
  16. I do not understand why he does not buy her one of those sophisticated earplug devices where he can listen in and tell her what to say when so she can attend those meetings with confidence?
  17. Kind of suspicious it claims he was trying to get money to pay some stranger then ends up dead. Surely, the cops have cameras around to show his (saviour/slayer?) and can find out if he got money from an ATM and if he was found dead with or without any money?
  18. I always thought it was peer pressure brought on by the older more seasoned whores convincing the newer ones how good they looked and how many customers they have because of their tats. Most women in the southern region do not get tats. It is a sign of a bad girl. Except for the occasional buddhist tats.
  19. Once again the Dems show they have no idea about what to do in the country and simply act out on things to undermine Trumps abilities when he takes office. Personally, i think they are scared to death that Dems will not be able to get into the WH again for a long time. Biden has been pushing a WW3 agenda with Russia and Ukraine for a while now. Even increasing the threats that the Ukraine can use against Russia rather than increasing the defense of Ukraine. Now, as seen this week, Russia is retaliating against the weapons Biden has authorised by targeting the infrastructure of Ukraine. But even worse, Biden has already approved even more sophisticated weapons that can be launched against Russia.. So who is the threat? Biden or Trump. In my opinion Biden is making WW3 come about for Trump to find a way to manage it. And now it seems Biden is trying to take away any threats Trump can use to get negotiations to the table making his job a lot harder and less believable to any country.
  20. You are generalizing too much without reason. Who is to say this Swiss man did anything wrong. More likely his story is true and those teens were acting out (which seems to happen more often in Pattaya these days) We all know if you saw your won car being destroyed that you would say something to get them to stop or would walk up and try to get into the car and flee. Any action would provoke them further to attack the man.
  21. Why? so far there is no evidence it actually happened the way the child said. Cameras showed nothing. Teacher claimed it was her day off. Only a 3 year old saying it happened that way. My 4 year old tells lies all the time about what things he thinks he will get into trouble for. Blaming anything and everything on someone or something else. So it is plausible the kid is only agreeing with grandma because she initiated the theory about the teacher doing it.
  22. Aren't these 2 statement contradictory? The Chinese contacting Thai immigration to prevent this man from entering Thailand and arresting him for deportation as compared to their system flagging individuals who are wanted in other countries?
  23. Hehe.. i am sure the facts that he was ousted by the military had no effect on the efforts to stop the military doing it again. Besides, soon there should be another one but then it will be Thaksins fault for making his daughter do what he wants as PM. No-one wants the military to engage in coups. But in some cases like Thaksin and Shinawatra a coup is needed just to get them out of the office. Otherwise this country would end up being another N. Korea with a dictator as the leader.
  24. I would tend to agree with you. Although news outlets usually push the worst news to the front especially violent crimes it seems there are more killings and violent acts now compared to previously. Are the younger Thais now getting older and more brazen? When will Thailand step up and take the blame for how kids are taught not to be responsible for their actions? These types of acts will continue to increase in the future.
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