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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. yeah i know the law.. i was already under the light.. 3 more vehicles behind me were allowed to continue also because they were Thai. I was under the light waiting to turn when it changed to yellow. As were the vehicles behind me.
  2. It is worth noting that there are no public restrooms available to the public or to tourists. Asking shops to use their toilets is a waste of time because they will refuse. Most bars will demand you buy drink if coming in to use their toilet. This area is a good example of not providing for the needs of the tourists that walk around spending money in the shops. What this man did was abhorrent, but in considering he probably had nowhere else to go except in his pants. He chose this option. Also, the Thai security guard aided and most likely suggested the man use that water to wash himself. Even aiding by spraying a hose on the guy since he had already got some crap in his pants. Thailand wants all these tourists, but they leave little choices in providing things like trash cans and toilets which in turn causes behavior that can make them look bad. I would bet this man never once did this type of action before.
  3. Wow, This is exactly what everyone wants to experience for their holiday. Sitting back enjoying music then having the police harassing you to pee in a cup and wait to be checked. Some really good holiday memories to take home with them. They actually use the excuse to deter crime haha... It seems more like a witch hunt to collect money without any justification to be there. I hope the Chinese post videos of this in their country to show their treatment on a day just out having a drink and listening to music in a club.
  4. No, I got stopped at a checkpoint for driving under a yellow light. They issued me a ticket, kept my license and told me to drive to the police station to pay. So I went and fought the charge with a supervisor without success. Their really was no law saying you can not drive under a yellow light although the cop tried to show me some Thai paper saying it was a violation. It is a money scam. If they can not get you for no license or helmet they will find anything to fine you with. Even the head cop told me this. I had it all on video also. The fact though was they held my license and i had to pay at the cop shop. I then drove back and showed my receipt and got my license back. So in argument to your post, you can go pay immediately. Then show receipt and get your license back. Note the video, Thai woman on back of bike with no helmet was allowed to pass through checkpoint yet all foreigners driving bikes were stopped. This is your tourist friendly city. With this happening daily and then in related news cops walking into bars stopping all music and fin to perform checks on everyone. makes your holiday an extra special experience to remember so you never want to return
  5. Seems you are making any excuse to get free handouts.. Perhaps standing on a street corner would get you what you need. My op said nothing about who to make bribes to.
  6. They did not post it to another address in Thailand. Weed is illegal in the philippines
  7. pretty stupid filipinos to use their home mailing address to send drugs haha..
  8. Thai immigration did not keep renewing this guys passport. They went by their own records from years past of simply renewing the same visa he had in their system. This has nothing to do with Thai immigration.
  9. Thailand does not take sides. The accept all. That is why there has been no wars taken to Thailands shores.
  10. of course it is a misunderstanding. Her adoptive son was cold from the shower so she warmed him the best way known to man. Skin to skin contact.
  11. their theory is plausible. But let's see if they bother to follow his route and turn his head to see if she was there or gone. the video shown is not clear enough
  12. I think as long as i am not interfering with the Mafia business. Not taking away their customers. Not infringing on their activity. They will leave me alone..
  13. i did not ask them how... i asked them where to go and who to talk to... the offices and people i need so i can learn what requirements are needed and to assess the feasibility of doing it. My responses are only arrogant to the people who make comments like the one below
  14. I agree, and why do people with no knowledge of another's past come here making stupid and baseless claims simply to try and make themselves look good? When really they have no clue themself and hide it trying to bash others
  15. yeah, just imagine if all that extra is taxed when they start implementing that new tax law. Even if your money come in SS. They can tax you and make you prove the source and that it is untaxable
  16. I agree and know this already haha. thanks
  17. by calling it bribe, they insure the negative impact of using that word as well as the click bait it will generate. What the foreigner did offering money is completely normal for Thai. However, the foreigner should have done it personally and with apologies.
  18. Thanks for the reply. I have no doubt that I could make the business profitable. I also have many contacts in China to gain contracts from travel agencies to make my activity a part of a tour groups. I would not personally be operating the business. But i would be managing/monitoring it and am aware of the immigration laws needed for this as well.
  19. these are the things i was asking about. In your comment you invariably gave me very little information I am seeking.. Now if only someone can tell me who in BIB is best to talk to.. What office in City Hall I need to go make inquiries, and which tax authorities. pretty obvious questions i asked yet you alone invariably gave me some small amount of what I was inquiring about.
  20. treaty. AS i know it Americans still have the treaty allowing them to own 100% of business in Thailand.
  21. I do not see anything saying about netizens outraged. Must be a phrase used only against foreigners.
  22. When the government and TAT announce songkran lasting all month. Any foreigner would automatically think they meant the water-throwing. Given that Songkran is a holiday about pouring water on the hands and converted to water-throwing usually every day for the holiday period in all the past years. Thailand used/abused this to get tourism dollars up for longer than only the normal few days by extending the holiday but not telling anyone that there is no real Songkran activity during those times. I hope 90% of the incoming tourists cancel and demand refunds because really they were outright misled to schedule their holiday to participate in this water-throwing event unlike anywhere in the world when it is not allowed now.
  23. Perhaps you should google and read more about vaping. Your comment about Not smoking and not harmful is debatable.
  24. They forgot to add the vape law that is in Thailand which I believe carries up to 20,000 baht fine as well. Vapes are illegal to possess in Thailand.
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