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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. So your lack of emotional investment in the issue means that your error should go unchallenged?


    So that you'll realize your errors, I've found this, but only because it's you.




    And just so you know. Canadians refer to Americans as Americans. We do not refer to the United States of America as America. We refer to it as the US or simply the states. Not because we have a problem with Americans referring to the US as America, but because it's simple and easy. As in " I'm going to the states for the weekend", or "he's in the US right now".


    On the other hand Latin and South Americans typically can't stand Americans calling the USA, America. If you go back and slowly read the previous post I was responding to you'll find that this was one of those people. Others simply recognize that America encompasses both North and South American continents and don't use. People (such as Thais) who learn English from Americans or Brits will use America for USA.



    Your friend, RobFord.





    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  2. Well then, how can you possibly say that it's only Brits and Americans who call the USA America?
    Of course, in fact, it's not only Brits, Americans, and Thais who use that but most of the world. It may not be legally accurate, it may not be fair, but that's the way it is.

    I suggest you go back and slowly read all of the previous posts.

    I could care less if Americans call the US America.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  3. You have totally misunderstood me. Someone posted a remark about "America". Are you so vain that you do not
    understand that "America" is more than the disunited states. There is a north and south.  And other countries that are part of "America"  As to who is in control of any country, state, city or whatever, they like your current "leader" in "America",have lost the meaning of democracy... Just saying...

    555. Vain? I never refer to the US as America. Only Americans (and Brits) refer to the US as America.

    And I'm not American.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  4. I am dumbo on common computer slang. Please explain to dumbo what 45 and 555 means? And how can  computer slang numbers "destroying democracy/ America". And do you mean all America, or just a a few antagonistic states of a smallish proportion of the whole of "America"? Just asking.

    You probably don't realize it but the rest of the world doesn't hold your leader in any great esteem.

    He'd saying that may start to extend past your leader to ALL Americans.

    Just saying.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  5. This will happen again. And the response will be to let people rebuild in a swampy bowl, which is almost 12 ft. below sea level in many instances. 

    That will be trumps response.

    "The rule, signed by former President Barack Obama in 2015, had not yet come into effect but aimed to make infrastructure more resilient to the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and flooding."


    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  6. So please take this health advisory under good consideration:
    Do *NOT* eat more than 60 contaminated eggs a day.

    I'm sure it pales to what you shove down your gob.

    Fipronil is an insecticide that - in an ideal world - should never find its way into a chicken coop.

    But it somehow got mixed up with a cleaning agent and sanitiser at some poultry farms.

    The insecticide is often used as the active ingredient in flea control products, as well as controlling pests on golf courses.


    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  7. Standing by Number 2.
    I recall you said that weeks, possibly months ago, when you said that the evidence was in, and charges were imminent.  When challenged, your response was that the wheels of justice are turning.....just wait.

    Probably less than the two years it took before Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment. You don't seem to understand that Mueller can't afford to make a mistake.

    Once he proceeds the Donald's goose is cooked.

    "Amid the controversy over James Comey’s firing and the Russia investigations, President Donald Trump’s critics — most notably Rep. Al Green, D-Texas — have already begun calling for his impeachment. But it could take months, if not longer, for Congress and special counsel Robert Mueller to finish their investigations into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and connections to Mr. Trump’s campaign. Which means the final outcome could still be a long way off."


    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  8. "Knew he would kill himself" pretty much contradicts the whole essence of what you are trying to say dont you think?


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    Once was riding behind a guy who hit a horse. He did a complete endo. The police didn't believe he'd hit a horse until they picked a piece of it's hind end out of the front of his bike. Lost 70% use of his left arm.


    The other guy only rode on the track and in the dirt. You can't go fast unless you're in a controlled environment.



    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  9. ^ I road raced bikes for years and wouldn't think of riding one on the streets of Thailand.  Walking is dangerous enough, especially with bikes riding by you on the sidewalk.  Totally bonkers.


    Yeah. I know a guy who raced motorcycles for years and never got a street license. Knew he would kill himself.


    Doesn't matter how good a rider you are, on the street it's just a matter of luck.



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  10. They are illegal, they have no visa, no green card (work permit), and are not US citizens.
    Even LOS requires one of these to stay here.
    What's unreasonable about this?

    I'm sure you'd be much more sympathetic if you did a little research on the hill tribe people ( and others ) in Thailand. They're exploited as cheap labor. The gf has a wealthy cousin who "married" a hill tribe girl. He could easily get her a Thai ID but isn't interested. Likes to have her under his thumb.

    "Nearly a million hill peoples and forest dwellers are still treated as outsiders—criminals even, since most live in protected forests. Viewed as national security threats, hundreds of thousands of them are refused citizenship although many are natives to the land".[8]


    "Today, at least 10 million people around the world are denied a nationality. As a result, they often aren’t allowed to go to school, see a doctor, get a job, open a bank account, buy a house or even get married."


    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
    So you know he's a sociopath because he acts normally?

    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

    "How to Spot a Sociopath
    A sociopath can be defined as a person who has Antisocial Personality Disorder. This disorder is characterized by a disregard for the feelings of others, a lack of remorse or shame, manipulative behavior, unchecked egocentricity, and the ability to lie in order to achieve one's goals. Sociopaths can be dangerous at worst or simply very difficult to deal with, and it's important to know if you have found yourself with a sociopath, whether it's someone you're dating or an impossible coworker. If you want to know how to spot a sociopath, then you have to pay careful attention to what the person says or does."


    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
    sirmud, there are those who will say this is fake news, a set up, a fraud, because there are some where who are so poisoned against Trump, that they will never see any good.  They lead sad lives.
    Interestingly, he hasn't tried to make mileage from this, but he's still the devil in democrats eyes.

    It took me less than a minute to find this. It's called a search on the internet. Please use it.

    Tower Air went out of business in 2000, and we could find no evidence linking Trump to the company in any capacity during its operational years. A December 1994 New York Times article (about an incident of vandalism at John F. Kennedy Airport) named former El Al marketing official Morris K. Nachtomi as the airline’s CEO and founder:


    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  13. Your missing the point, which is not like you. RT makes no pretence to be other than what is, though it is a useful aperture for those interested in finding out what's on the other side of the looking glass. Maybe you should try it some time.


    Complete BS. RT parrots western news organizations when it suits their purpose. Ive found RT in every Asian hotel room and never found them to criticize Putin. They spew anti western news sourced from western news organizations. That's it.



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