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Everything posted by steve187

  1. how do they calculate yearly tax on electric vehicles
  2. every 150 days with an extension, the up side is no financials
  3. if having trouble with the financials i would suggest obtaining a multi entry non immigrant 'O' marriage visa from Savannakhét
  4. he fine is 1% per month if the latest car tax sticker you have is nov 2020 then you will have no problem with re taxing , can be done in your absence just need the book or a copy, one year compulsory insurance , as well as an 'mot' and all back taxes and fines
  5. visa not required see here - https://www.us-passport-service-guide.com/malaysia-entry-requirements.html
  6. that's a victim impact statement, read out after being found guilty and before sentence
  7. money does not have to season, so immigration is in the wrong, but you have to prove it came from abroad
  8. too many people using the service at the same time, especially when live, i now watch F the next morning as trying to watch live even if the timing is good to do that causes too much buffering, a paid for service should solve the problem, but that costs
  9. the buffering is caused by the uploader not your download speeds android boxes make a non-smart tv, smart. - but also work on smart tv's, but they don't make a user smart
  10. if paid to a Thailand bank, it will be a few days later
  11. is it paid to a Thailand bank, if so it will be a few days later
  12. no water, depends on the quality of the material. i bought mine from Bangkok, but when i had new Velcro fitted the label was removed, but the material was from USA, after 7 years still looks well
  13. i have a roll up Velcro secured cover, with supporting bars, 7 years old now and have changed the Velcro for new once,
  14. how would the poster know it hasn't changed without asking a valid question on here.
  15. state pension 00 to 19 Monday 20 to 39 Tuesday 40 to 59 Wednesday 60 to 79 Thursday 80 to 99 Friday
  16. run the car while stationary see if the fan/fans cut in
  17. i belive mot charges 6,000thb for 2 licences, https://www.vip-visa-thailand.com/ charges i believe 3,500thb, but if both these prices cover all dlt costs i don't know, to do it yourself its around 1,000thb, 5 year to 5 year but if expired more than 1 year the process may be different
  18. i believe in bkk there is an expedited service, i think its a 2 day later return and collect service, not sure which offices offer this, costs for passport are 1,000thb 5 year, 1,500thb 10 year
  19. link please
  20. your choice of font is painful to the eye A re-entry permit only keeps the permission to stay stamp alive, it does not extend it, ie permission to stay stamp until 21st Feb, re-entry permit will expire on the 21st Feb
  21. maybe some dust/dirt in there causing it to overheat and make the fan run faster
  22. car dealers do it all the time
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