Hello to you,
It is a difficult issue you have there,
There is no harm in discussing the matter at this stage with a professional who actually understands your situation and hopefully point you in the right direction or at least get you to understand more fully yourself what is going on.
Sometimes, no, often, there isn't a quick fix for many conditions, equally so, there are ways of calming down and resting the brain, particularly when trying to sleep.
Try some meditation! Just for 5 minutes, with or without relaxing accompanying music, close your eyes, sit upright in a comfortable chair and try to think of nothing - time yourself! I do this myself and it is amazing how it reduces stress!
In the meantime, start getting down to working on those To-Do-Lists, Start by saying to yourself, will start with two minutes; you may find that once you get started, you will actually get something done, Apart from anything else, this will allow for your mind to concentrate on something useful and therefore less to worry about later.