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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. What has training skills got to do with speeding and drunk drivers? But you are right - nobody cares! and haven't done for many years!
  2. Pitbulls have a "bad reputation" for good reason! They are unpredictable and for this reason alone, they are banned completely in some countries. There are a few stories on this forum where pitbulls have been responsible for killing their owner, even children and babies, who claimed vehemently, their dog wouldn't hurt a fly!!
  3. Circumstances alter cases. I file you as prejudiced!
  4. My point only refers to your post on the Azerbaijan incident. It may or may not correlate with a general idea that one is "safer" in different parts of an aircraft.
  5. The context of safety in this particular incident needs to take account of the integrity of the planes structure after being hit by a Russian missile which in itself was not an accident
  6. Hello to you, It is a difficult issue you have there, There is no harm in discussing the matter at this stage with a professional who actually understands your situation and hopefully point you in the right direction or at least get you to understand more fully yourself what is going on. Sometimes, no, often, there isn't a quick fix for many conditions, equally so, there are ways of calming down and resting the brain, particularly when trying to sleep. Try some meditation! Just for 5 minutes, with or without relaxing accompanying music, close your eyes, sit upright in a comfortable chair and try to think of nothing - time yourself! I do this myself and it is amazing how it reduces stress! In the meantime, start getting down to working on those To-Do-Lists, Start by saying to yourself, will start with two minutes; you may find that once you get started, you will actually get something done, Apart from anything else, this will allow for your mind to concentrate on something useful and therefore less to worry about later.
  7. I have thought about it! All you are saying is that MEN are the problem!
  8. Include me OUT!
  9. "The Center for the Prevention and Reduction of Road Accidents has... (I didn't even realise this Office existed) ... done little or nothing in the last twenty years that I have observed as having prevented anything from real action or meaningful law enforcement, apart from a few purges here and there. Another function it could include is a Department of "Attitude Adjustment" - which is the greatest actual problem of Thai driving culture! I think most drivers have a brain but they don't know where it is!
  10. Of course not, but that doesn't invalidate my point!
  11. If she is cracking now maybe after you have finished with her she will be completely broken!
  12. I am not referencing the legal aspect - without men wanting sex there would be no prostitutes Put another way, you don't see (real) men parading around and being approached by women - for sex
  13. Why is it always the women that get the rap? It is the men that are the real problem!
  14. Hello Colin, Why don't you team up with Bob? I imagine you know where he has gone! He is very similar to you, doesn't like people, Thai or farang and they don't like him. I think wherever you went you would be compatible and happy together!
  15. "I am new here". Please, please give yourself more time before you make mistakes thousands before you have made. While many on here will scoff and be entirely negative, be aware there is 90% truth in what they are saying.
  16. He's just blaming the victim! A random robbery where the thieves grab a handbag without knowing its contents! Sounds like her dog did little to protect her!
  17. Thank you, Richard, As an interesting anecdote connected with the Opera in Bangkok that night, I was invited to meet The Singer that was "Madam Butterfly" and others in the cast at the after-show party, not because of my suit but I was then a friend of the Conductor of the orchestra from whom I got free tickets for myself, my then English wife and the young lady with me that was to become our adopted daughter, she by my side in that photo!
  18. Actually. you are very much mistaken! I didn't buy it; it was made for me for free by a grateful Thai man (a qualified tailor) for taking care of his daughter (in the most honorable way). I wore it only twice, once to go to the opera (where that photo was taken) and at which I was voted the best dressed man! The other occasion was at a Thai wedding, both times in 2006. You will be pleased to know, I no longer have it - the suit, that is!
  19. What's that in English?? Fortunately and wisely, I don't need any of that stuff
  20. You are "out of here" GOOD!
  21. If you are going to put pebbles direct to the soil, look forward to the weeds being more trouble than the mowing!
  22. Let's turn this into a more positive post! Tell us what aspects of her character and personality attracted you enough for her to be considered a girlfriend, as opposed to just a...
  23. Maybe it isn't the bedroom!! Try the kitchen or the bathroom!
  24. Except when it happens to them!!
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