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Everything posted by ChrisKC

  1. I think you will find that Thais do NOT spend MOST of their money on religion!
  2. The main problem with Thai people and Buddhism is that it is treated as a religion and its rituals, rather than the much more important aspects as it relates to the basic precepts being followed, such as non-materialism!
  3. The main problem with Thai people and Buddhism is that it is treated as a religion and its rituals, rather than the much more important aspects as it relates to the basic precepts being followed, such as non-materialism!
  4. I have been told by a couple of Senior Monks that it is registered as religion only for tax purposes
  5. That sounds like a compliment - if so, thank you.
  6. That sounds like something hopelessly silly your hero Trump would say! Good role model for you, I know!
  7. This is not much to do with Thailand - it is easy to eat nutritionally poorly anywhere in the world. It is what you choose yourself that matters. I am surprised that you think that ANY diet (good or bad) would show meaningful results in one week! Pad Kha Prao however "bad" it is, is not bad as long it isn't part of your regular diet. I have been here 20 years to discover that in restaurants and outside eating, will provide little in the way of long term nutritional needs. 90% of my diet, I prepare myself, with boring (for some) vegetables, eat lots of fruit, no added sugar in anything , added to plenty of daily exercise that culminates to my 100% health both physically and mentally.
  8. Bodily we start to die from around our mid-twenties That is when I started to live!
  9. I never HATE anyone - I hate what they say and do. In the case of Trump, I hate what he says and does!
  10. At this time in my life, no one day of the week for me is special for any reason. I wake up in the morning recognising I still have everything I started out with and content with that realisation. Then I go straight to AN to read about how everybody else is feeling. I have no idea when I will leave this place. I do know that when that time comes, i will end up somewhere very similar to that immediately prior to my conception! When I was born, I was one day closer to dying; at nearly 80, that situation is still the same!
  11. Yes, maybe you are right but that doesn't make the inflation rate quoted as fake or insanely high because it doesn't include those elements you think should be. I don't understand why matters you raise are not included but does the average American have "Real assets, stocks, bonds, real estate (apart from homeowners) and other investments". I don't claim in the slightest to be an expert either for USA or anywhere else. In this instance my comments are not political, though as an aside I am certainly against Trump. The only claim I am making is that the recognised measure of inflation as stated that does include a selection of everyday items, while accepting it has its downside, is not fake in itself -misleading maybe, in the overall scheme of things. If you look at the chart, you will see a steady decrease appears to have emerged over the last six months - I don't understand that either! But that doesn't mean I think the figures are fake or that inflation is insanely high! And I am not interested enough to delve further to prove right or wrong.
  12. If you are using the scale of Kamala Harris as being "dumb as a box of hammers" compared with yourself, where do you think you are? I think the box is completely empty! Come to think of it, maybe there is no box either!
  13. Sorry Mike, they are not my figures, I am only the messenger! Its true that many products including food are more expensive but they have been taken account of in the figures. I am quoting official figures; if they are fake, I will ask you to try to explain how and why, other than you find it hard to believe. https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_inflation_rate
  14. I am aware that trumpers prefer to shout a number that sounds insanely high that few people (other Trumpers) will fact check against a number that is well within acceptable levels. The actual figure of 2.89% annually is not insanely high as stated by another member which is the reason I commented on this aspect in the first place
  15. I looked it up before I posted my comment - shame you don't like it!
  16. Inflation in USA as we speak is 2.89% and is in line with Government economic strategy.
  17. Which is why I won't fall for it!
  18. Three people are confused; My sentence above was badly written. I have had a few bad experiences with Thai people (two girlfriends in particular) and, yes, that was a reality. However, these random experiences are not enough to cloud my judgement over my general impressions and experiences with Thai people as a whole: those I know and all those I have encountered during normal daily life! The above comment is about the contrast between Bob and I, as his experiences are the opposite of mine.
  19. Thank you for the good wishes. The negative reality of one occasion I can take - what I wouldn't like would be if your reality of constant Thai harassment became mine!
  20. I am sorry I cannot excuse you on this occasion and most other occasions, as your negativity towards Thai people is plain to observe on most topics on the forum, and while accepting you have some supporters who agree with you, I think, maybe I am in the majority who do not! Chris, an Englishman in Thailand for more than 20 years that has no problems worthy of mention for just about all Thai people I have ever met. Good luck with "doing stuff" in the afternoon and "hammering" in the evening.
  21. Hardly a viewpoint is it? Can't you find yourself a place to socialise, that's a little more scenic?
  22. If you were to wear the same glasses as the OP, maybe your perception of Thai people would improve!
  23. Thank you very much I used to have DTac but now with AIS so for me the charge per month for Outsiders is B799 per month
  24. He wants it on his home computer! I would be interested to know too Can I just download the TRUE app to my PC? I know I will have to pay!
  25. A more important issue is the economy! Even his own supporters are pleading with Trump not to keep damaging his own and their campaign by simply name-calling! They asked him to talk about the issues; for example, the economy Watch his self-proclaimed intellectual speech on the economy. Some people on this Forum will think it is mind-blowingly great, Spoiler - it isn't!
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