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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. Can you give a list of any other infectious diseases that anywhere in the world asymptomatic people or people with mild symptoms were regularly tested for enmass as for COVID over the last 2 years? Can you recall any situation in the past were people were considered as dendagrously infectious and as a threat to society until proving else by regular weekly medical tests? I can understand the histery in the first couple of months, but it was proven long time ago that all hard measures taken by most governments around the world that nothing really helped. Sweden, a country that put no restrictions at all is in a much better situation than most other countries. As for the vaccines - the biggest scam in the world. I talked to a teacher in a local school the other day. Nearly ALL teacher got infected after 3-4 jabs. Many of the students at that school got infected after 2 jabs. In 1 class 3 out of 16 students for infected, 1 of which was not vaccinated and had the same mild symptoms of the others. Many of my vaccinated friends got infected. My son, unvaccinated was positive with no symptoms at the same time that many of his vaccinated classmates got infected AND symptomatic... As for masks - there is not even 1 valid medical research that confirms they help against respitoral viruses. The only 2 real researchers (with randomly selected participants and a control group, not computer simulations) that were conducted and published recently (1 in Denmark and 1 in Bangladesh if I remember correctly) came to a conclusion that masks do NOT help. The Bangladesh research claimed something like 5% prevention rate in people over 50 years old and in certain conditions.
  2. As in most countries around the world. For some reason so many people on this forum think Thailand is the only country that ever had COVID restrictions. News flash - it is not. True, some countries started easing restrictions before Thailand, and Thailand still has some way to go, but they are on the right track.
  3. You got it wrong. In order to keep the Mia noi in a 30k place he has to stay at a 6k place!!
  4. Ummm, vaxed people get infected, some with mild symptoms, some with severe symptoms - just like unvaxed people. If you ask me, I'd say the vaccines are the big scam... As for insurance - I know a Thai guy who insured his whole family for COVID. All of them vaccinated, all of them got infected with mild symptoms and self isolated at home. All of them got paid by the insurer 50k BAHT a pop...
  5. And that is probably the reason so many Farangs come here. To feel SO BIG
  6. I guess that her Australian visa or permit were related to the old passport. That's a different story. Same thing here when someone replaces a passport he usually has to get a letter from the embassy and transfer the visa or permit of stay to the new passport. But it has nothing to do with her coming into Thailand with old passport and going out with new. Just as if you lose your Aussie passport while out of Australia and get a new one at the embassy where you visit, you won't have any problems returning to Australia with the new passport.
  7. The passport number makes no difference. 1. The cycle for Thai citizens starts and ends in Thailand. 2. A Thai person who stayed out of Thailand longer than the validity of the passport might get a new passport at the local embassy and when returns to Thailand he would enter on a different passport with me number. The only purpose of a passport is to show one is allowed to travel to his destination
  8. You confusing airline check in staff and immigration. At check in she should show her Australian passport as proof she can enter Australia. They might also ask to see the Thai passport as the Aussie passport won't have a Thai entry stamp. Going through immigration later she only shows the Thai passport she entered Thailand with. A couple of years ago while flying to Australia I showed airline staff the passport that allowed me entry to Australia. I don't remember having to show them the Thai passport. Coming back, however, I showed the Australian check in staff the Thai passport and they asked to see the passport I entered Australia with. At immigration on both sides I only shows the one relevant passport.
  9. Any person who stands IN FRONT of another person holding and aiming a gun at him is not an instructor in my books
  10. In Thailand they refer to the copper plated bullets as live or operation bullets, and the uncoated as training bullets. I assume the dummy is a mistranslation. I guess the reason is that the coated bullets are more expensive and therefore you wouldn't want to water them for training... That said, as far as I'm concerned there are only 2 rules in regards to guns: 1. If you don't know how to handle one, don't touch it. 2. Never ever aim a gun at anyone or anything you don't intend to shoot at. Not even a toy gun. "Training" bullets... Real bullet...
  11. It might be news for you, but vaccinated people can get infected and infect others just as unvaccinated can. This whole green pass\green passport\green badge is nonsense, just as all those useless tests before flight and after arrival and for any person who doesn't show symptoms.
  12. Excuse me for being dumb again, but your first post mention going into an elevator and not into a hospital COVID ward. Both my replies to you were about that and NOT about a Corona ward.
  13. Sure thanks for dumbing it down. Now let me try to smart it up a bit for you. I would rather avoid going into a covid hospital ward full of patients coughing and sneezing, and if I had to, I won't just wear a mask. But I don't view every person around me as a potential ticking bomb. Not every cough and sneeze indicate COVID infection. I can also tell you I've been next to a symptomatic child, no "social distance" and nothing happened to me or any of the other children that were next to that child, who later that day got tested and confirmed as COVID infected. If you choose to live your life in fear that's up to you.
  14. Your post reflects exactly the main problem with this "pandemic". How could you be aware that those people are indeed infected? Before COVID, have you ever looked at people around you fearing they're sick and infectious? I stopped looking at COVID daily statistics long ago, but even at the beginning of the panic over 2 years ago the overall % of "infected" people never reached 5%, yet governments around the world looked at 100% of the population as disease carriers. They pumped fear with help of the media and got most of the people to believe the same. In Sweden there were no COVID restrictions, no mandatory masking or social distancing, no curfews or lockdowns and currently their COVID related deaths stands at about 50% of other European countries and 25% of East European countries.
  15. It reminds me of a friend who wanted to become an airforce pilot. When told once he enlisted that might not happen and asked what he would like to do instead he said he'd join the anti aircraft canon brigade. He was then asked why? He answered: if I don't fly - nobody flies!!
  16. There used to be a temple in BKK where they were teaching youngsters to repair appliances. I called them when had things like that and they'd come and take it. I'll try to look for the name and contact number. That's the place: https://thailandtourismdirectory.go.th/en/attraction/23310 Wat Suan Kaew
  17. On the official Thailand pass website there's a link to insurance options, and on that page it states you need an insurance for the duration of your stay, not 30 days
  18. You wrote it twice so it must be true. However most dead actually died WITH COVID and not FROM COVID. Statistically there is very little excess deaths in the COVID period when compared to previous years
  19. You missed a lot of things. You can't catch COVID while eating. You can't catch COVID while drinking. There are many situations in which you're safe. And for all those who replied with something like "this is Thailand" open your eyes and get your head out of wherever it is - many such restrictions are implemented or were only recently stopped basically all over the world. In many countries they had even worse restrictions such as total lockdowns for extended periods, restrictions of leaving the country (Australia is a good example - you had to ask permission from the government to fly out. Kinda prison really). So yes, many countries got their bearings right after more than 2 years and Thailand is a bit slower, but it is going on the right direction.
  20. 1. Breakthrough cases refer to vaccinated people who got infected by COVID (as in the virus broke through the vaccines protection). 2. Pfizer tried to seal the research results for the next 70 years, not the past 70 years. A federal court in the USA ruled against it and they had to publish the results. Google and find for yourself. https://christianresearchnetwork.org/2022/03/05/pfizer-reluctantly-releases-data-under-court-order/ https://newsrescue.com/1200-deaths-in-90-days-pfizer-safety-data-released-under-judge-foia-enforcement-and-its-not-good-expert-video-review/ Just a couple of samples ^^^ 3. AFAIK WHO doesn't approve/disapprove vaccines or medications. The FDA and other such government agencies around the world do. 4. All vaccines offer "protection" for a limited time. Hence the "need" for boosted, currently the 2nd booster (or the 4th jab....)
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