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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. No he wasn't. And the main reason for the problem was that about 13 years prior to the meltdown the government had fixed the THB\USD rate to 25\1. They controlled it by buying\selling foreign currency according to demand and supply. George Soros realised there's an opportunity for good profit and started to attack the THB until the BOT nearly ran out of USD and has to give up. Again, I'm not a fan of the guy, and he's done a lot of bad to Thailand, but had nothing to do with the meltdown.
  2. They're not even short time monks. They're 11th grade students sent to a temple school, probably unwillingly. The equivalent of boarding school for trouble making kids.
  3. You're obviously mixing with the wrong croud
  4. Show me your friends and I'll show you who you are ............
  5. As much as I don't like the guy, he became PM in 2001. The meltdown was in 1997....
  6. That's 15k per time. Not a bad price if she was a Virgin
  7. In order to LEGALLY drive customers you'd have to drive a tuk tuk with public transport plates (yellow). And in order to LEGALLY guide tourists you'd have to take a tour guide course and become a certified tour guide.
  8. A better way is to apply it after shower and BEFORE you wipe your armpits dry. If you wet the stick directly it will dissolve faster and might break
  9. And you write this while living in a country not yours....
  10. A car ownership can only be transferred in the province where the car is registered. Tax payment can be done anywhere. To the OP, you have 2 options: 1. Have the current owner register the car in chunburi (and get new plates), after that's done can transfer the ownership to you. 2. You go with the seller to Bangkok and do the transfer there. You can then travel and live anywhere you want and keep the Bangkok plates. Whenever you want to sell the car in the future you'll have the same 2 options.
  11. These are wild bees so I don't think any bee keeper will have anything to do with them. It is possible however to harvest the honey if you know how... Once you harvest the honey the bees will relocate
  12. Oh, yeah, I remember the days just over 10 years ago when the girls only wanted your smile and a hug. I'm pretty sure that's all the filipinas want. Go check it out and let us know, will ya?
  13. Very strange. Up until about 20 years ago no one checked id or passport for domestic flights. I had a friend that always booked domestic tickets in Thailand for his friends and employees under his own name so he can accumulate the miles. They started checking documents after a bomb went off on a plane that Mr T was supposed to board (they later claimed it wasn't a bomb but Aircon gas mishap....). Back then Thai IDs didn't have any detail in English. Thai only. Another point is that airline tickets always show the name in English and never in Thai, whereas Thai birth certificates show the name only in Thai (don't know how it is today, but definitely that was the case 20 years ago). And a 3rd point - I have dual nationalities and there's a 1 letter difference in the family name between the 2 passports. I always book flights using the same spelling\passport details, but check in with either passport according to my destination. Never ever had any problem not asked any questions about it
  14. I assume it's misspelt in English and not in Thai, right? Being Thai, the name written in Thai on the ID card is the most important, not the named in English. As for the bank account, so far I've never seen a bank book of a Thai person showing the name in English. Besides, I had to look 3 times at the correct spelling and the misspelling to realise it was the letter a replaced with an e (and I guess that's why you\she didn't notice it as soon as she got the id card, so I think no one will notice it if not told. As for future business, job applications and whatever - in Thailand most, if not all documents are in Thai, so I can't see any problems there. In order to deposit money to get account all one needs is her account number or her phone number or her id number for prompt pay.
  15. So you can add Mr T to the list just the same
  16. Yes. He made it very easy to borrow money without any way of earning money to pay back. He basically enslaved them. And made money on the interest.
  17. Check what was the average household debt BEFORE and AFTER his tenure in government before claiming he made the lives of the majority better.
  18. And no one sees that as a problem?
  19. Simple. Ask to be buried in the fridge and if the compressor stops working after 18-19 years you could take care of it yourself
  20. Do you know where the Tops supermarket at meechok is? Just drive past it (on your right) and about 20 meters past on the left there's a vehicle's parts shop. I got a bulb changed there
  21. On my way to Honda showroom. Do you know what colours they have in stock?
  22. I don't understand the op nor all the replies to the topic. The op - if you're a us citizen, why pay an agent 93k for a tourist visa for your wife? Why not apply yourself? The actual cost for visa fee and getting all the required documents would have been a fraction of this amount. Another point is when COVID started and ask restrictions came about - why didn't you contact the agent and ask for a partial refund as the process couldn't proceed? Now, after 4 years you want to continue what was started back then? Doesn't make any sense IMO. As for all those who say the agent did a runner - with all the restrictions of travel during the COVID era I would assume he had no business going and probably either just closed the business and went on to do something else or maybe even went bankrupt like so many other business in those bad times. Accepecting the agent to refund any of the money 4 years after its just stupid. And suggesting the op to engage in a criminal activity? For less than 93k? Come on....
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