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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. It was, and will be, readily available in Thailand. The only difference is the legality issue. And as far as I understand this article is about extracts, not flowers.
  2. You have to have a registered business, you have to get permit (and put a bank guarantee) from TAT, of you employ foreign national they must have a proper work permit and pay taxes. If those foreigners work legally - all is good. If not they might actually cut local's prices as they don't have those expenses.
  3. Yap, pretty normal after 25 years of marriage and 3 kids.
  4. Although I'm a lite smoker - only evenings - I once felt I get a lot less for the same amount of smoke. I took a break of about a week, it 10 days and it did help. However, none of the reasons you mentioned actually effect me. I smoke mainly to improve my sleep, but I can sleep well even if not smoking for few days from time to time. I do enjoy better some stupid comedy shows while stoned, I can still enjoy many things when not stoned. I don't experience irritation in the mouth, throat and neck areas from weed (especially now that I vape), but as a cigarette smoke I might have some irritation in the throat, but unfortunately it's near impossible for me to take a break from that
  5. Why don't you try it? I'm pretty sure that cases like that (criminal activity) will earn you both criminal charges (and possible jail time) AND deportation.
  6. Italy for one. How many farangs have the knowledge of Thai history? The sigh seeing or even understand enough Thai to communicate with Thai apart from asking how much?
  7. There are many countries in the world that only allow local nationals to work as tour guides. When Thai tour groups go to Europe and other places they must take a local guide while the Thai group leader is only allowed to translate.
  8. First of all you have to decide what and where (province\city) you want to study. Then try to search the universities site to see if they have the courses you want. Then go personally to the uni, find the faculty\department in question, find a professor to talk to, and then go to the registration office. As for assumption university, I graduated BBA there, and then enrolled for master degree in a related field. I started studying and even joined a faculty weekend in chonburi all without paying a single BAHT, not even the registration fee. After a month I decided it wasn't for me so the only costs I had were a couple of text books. Mind you, although most universities in Thailand have English programs for bachelor degree, very few offer master degrees in English AFAIK. Chula uni in BKK used to have an executive MBA program in their Sasin business school. It used to be in partnership with North Western university with many "imported" professors. Don't know if they still have the program, but back then it was 1m BAHT for 1 year.
  9. Needed for my father in the past. 1st time went to big private hospital in BKK. They took his pic, added to the note from the doc. Can't remember how much it was. The next few years got it from the embassy for free.
  10. That must be a different book than the Bible I know of. How on earth anything that has happened 3000 years ago in what we know of today as the middle East had anything to do with the history of the US of A?
  11. Good for the people, not so for the governments Everything you do, everywhere you go - you leave a trail that can be used to send you ads and offers. It is up to you if you fall for it or not. You use gmail? facebook? any other social media? It's all for free BECAUSE the companies that offer the services can cash on your activities in other ways. How many people out there are willing to actually pay for all those free services? and when some services actually cost money - such as netflix, spotify etc' - how many people are trying to work around the limitations and get more than they've paid for? I don't have statistics, but pretty sure most transactions in Thailand are by QR payment - directly from 1 bank account to another. At the moment there are ne fees collected from either end. As for businesses that accept CCs and get charged % for it - the bank's cut is already calculated into the selling price (and in small shops where it isn't, they charge that % in addition to the selling price - so the buyer pays extra but the business gets the full 1000 THB). Besides, those big businesses pay their suppliers by cheques, money transfers and maybe even some cash, so no % deductions again and again as you describe.
  12. that has changed over 30 years ago. Thailand allows multiple nationalities since then.
  13. Every Thai person over the age of 60 gets a monthly old age pension. That money is transferred to their bank account. That's true to rural Thais as well.
  14. Yap, it's all about the ganja. I'm sure that if he wasn't high on ganja he'd just give himself up nicely...
  15. So I've been using the Starry 4 for 8 days already. Started with Triple Gorilla which is not very strong, vaping at between 190c to 205c. 200c worked best for me. Yesterday changed to Mimosa at 190c and it was great. As I was away from home I only did very basic cleaning, but now that I'm back home it's time to give it a good clean I guess. In the instructions and all websites I looked at they say to clean it with isopropyl alcohol, which I assume is less toxic than Methanol. As I have at home 95% Ethanol (tried to extract the THC oil a couple of years ago) I was thinking to use that, but can't find any info regarding using Ethanol for the cleaning instead of isopropyl. I know Ethanol is food grade basically, but I don't know if it might damage the Starry. Anyone ever used Ethanol for vaporizer cleaning?
  16. Just go to the police station nearest that intersection and show them your badge. If they don't cancel the ticket they might at least give you a discount
  17. Maybe because of too many orders by unpaying ghosts...
  18. Some inaccuracies in the stories about this accident. At first they wrote it was a kindergarten, then they mentioned kids aged 7 and 14, now they say it was a primary school which still doesn't sound right for a 14 years old... Now they're saying the bus was manufactured in 1970. Although I was a young kid back then, I can't remember ever seeing a bus that looks like this 1 back then
  19. I'm waiting for the movie...
  20. All that has happened might have actually been an accident, might even be unavoidable, but his final decision - that is totally on him, and for that he should be harshly punished
  21. I guess you are the 1 that put the sad face on my remark. At least other members here CAN recognize and appreciate sarcasm
  22. So why go there on the first place?
  23. Not sure about audit when selling. Thinking about it - this MIGHT be the reason the buyer wants one of the shareholders to stay on the book for 1 year. This request came from 2 potential buyers. My accountant said it should not be a problem, but if the sale process will go forward I will also consult with a lawyer and see if we can draw a contract that will keep us from getting into trouble.
  24. No. The locals have a secret code and pay only a fraction of this price. Some airlines have a system where the more non Thais are booked on the flight - the less Thais pay.
  25. I'm in a similar position. A couple of years ago someone offered to buy my company but insisted that 1 of the shareholders would remain for 1 year. Didn't like the idea of having no influence on what's going on yet still carry some responsibility (was supposed to be left with 1 share). Now I'm considering closing the company. According to my accountant, and I heard it from other sources as well, of you have a working company and close it, the tax and VAT departments will audit the company and will always find a missing payment or penalty to be paid. The easiest way according to all those sources is to stop all activities of the company and keep submitting 0 revenue reports for 3 years. Then you can easily close the company with no hassles. Done it years ago with another company I had, and the closure was just a formality.
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