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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. Thanks, but I already know all I need to know about the vaccines and boosters
  2. You're confusing airline staff with immigration. The airline staff have to check you have proper documents to enter your destination country (visa, visa exempt, citizenship of the destination country). To them you show the Thai passport when travelling to Thailand. Immigration officers check the passport you entered current country with (be it local passport or foreign passport with visa). AFAIK you don't go through immigration officers when exiting the US. When you enter Thailand as a Thai citizen you use the Thai passport. On the way back to the US you show the airline staff your US passport as proof you're entitled to enter the US, and most times they want to see also the passport you used to enter Thailand as well. When you go through immigration you show the officer the Thai passport.
  3. 1. There has never been in human history testings in such grand scale for any contagious disease so really nothing to compare to. 2. Statistics of comparison between deaths in the last 2 years and previous years (which also takes into account the growth in population) would help putting things in perspective. Let me make myself clear: I do NOT deny the existence of covid nor the severity in some cases. I do claim however that most if not all measures taken against covid are way over the top, mostly not medically but politically motivated and the harm done to the mass population around the world far exceeds the harm of the actual disease. It is obvious that vaccines will not solve the problem yet not enough resources were put into developing a covid specific cure (meds) and increasing hospitals capacity to treat those who actually need treatment.
  4. Wouldn't you be more annoyed if you found out he/ she is triple vaxed but actually has covid?
  5. What difference does it make if you register him now or in 20 years? Assuming military service is still mandatory then, he still might be drafted. However, from reading posts of Thais born overseas and applying for citizenship at adulthood it seems more complicated. If it was me, I'd register him now.
  6. The surprise is that a booster is required every 3 months. As for influenza - it's a different vaccine every year based on speculation of this year's variant and not a booster to the 1 you got last year.
  7. News flash for you: that's why all vaccines (except the J&J) were originally given in 2 jabs. They were supposed to work basically forever (after all we were told that once 70-80% of the population is vaccinated Corona will be gone). No one said a booster will be needed after only 6 months, which in some countries was reduced to 4 and even 3 months after the 2nd jab, and now everybody is talking about a 4th jab. My guess is that it will become a monthly thing (maybe weekly? ) in the near future. But hey, go ahead and enrol to the weekly program.
  8. Nothing to do with the land office. They are not concerned with buildings. You should check with your O.B.T or tesanan which are the bodies issuing the building permits.
  9. Apparently not so as it seems the body keeps forgetting hence 3rd jab (1st booster) was introduced 6 months after people were fully vaccinated, and now recommended as short as 3 months after 2nd jab. And now in some countries they recommend yet ANOTHER booster 3-4 months after the 3rd jab
  10. Yes, fully approved after about 1 year of the biggest ever clinical trial whereas normally it takes an average of 3-5 years to approve other drugs and vaccines....
  11. What do you mean deferent areas in the immune system? As in 1 vaccine protect your arm and the other your leg? There are currently 3 technologies that try to teach the body to fight Corona: 1. Traditional vaccines (Chinese) that use weakened or dead covid virus 2. mRNA that deliver the spikes protein to the body's cells without the virus itself 3. Using an GMO non harmful to humans virus that through the genetic modification imitates the covid virus.
  12. Sure, it's like try fill 1 litter of gasoline in a diesel car. If it doesn't work add more gasoline, maybe it'll work better... And it's not so much the virus move faster as Pfizer promise to be able to tweak the vaccine in 4-6 weeks was probably BS.
  13. That this is: 1. Experimental vaccine approved for emergency only at the moment 2. Unlike other vaccines kids get only one, this one seems to be a vaccine to be repeated on a regular basis
  14. In February they'll probably drop it to 2 months, in April to 1 month, by June it will be weekly and before the end of 2022 it will be served with your morning coffee....
  15. As they use exactly the same vaccine they used for the first 2 doors as a booster how can the booster be effective when the original is not?
  16. nope. The 6 plants per household for sale to medical institutions was never approved. It is still a complicated procedure to get approval for that. In order to have buds for medical usage (oil extraction) you have to grow it in a greenhouse under strict conditions. Six plants would give about 2Kg of buds. Outdoor growing is for seeds only, yield is about the same (2kg) and return is next to nothing. I visited several farms lately and checked it out. Again, rumors have it that approval for personal use might be granted in JAN-FEB next year.
  17. 280 baht to deliver illegal drugs... Really? You might have read about a plan or suggestion but never actually approved. A couple of years ago people who applied for a permit to grow for medical reasons (after proving that they've been growing and using in the past) were granted a permit for 1 year. That permit was never extended. New applications will be accepted at the beginning of 2022 and permits for 1-6 plants per household might be granted according to medical condition.
  18. It's gonna happen with or without celebrations. Nothing can stop it. Better live as normal as we can while we can
  19. All I got from the article is that there are severe side effects to the vaccines, that actually need emergency treatment... Good luck to you'll
  20. That's because he didn't have sole custody which means both parents must sign. OP started he has full custody so only his signature is needed for all official business conducted on behalf of the child ie issue a passport, id card, enrolment to school etc.
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