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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. What extra fees are you talking about? When you buy a vehicle with a loan, the finance company shows you all details. The only extra fee above the installments is the ownership transfer fee. When you take a loan you should check all this so you know and agree. If you don't like it, don't take the loan. If your wife paid the full balance owed for the bike then all she had to add was the transfer fee and you'd get the green book with the bike registered to your wife. If she only paid to the buyer the amount he paid so far and nothing to the finance company, then she basically stole the bike from the finance company. You won't be able to pay the yearly tax without the green book and as someone already mentioned above - once it is reported stolen, you will get into trouble
  2. Nice breakdown of costs. However you didn't factor in the initial investment in equipment and maintenance. There's also bad crops and damages sometime. Another point is that any seller can try and get as much as possible for his\her goods. If there are customers willing to pay why not? I also think that once the market saturates prices might go down a bit. All about demand and supply.
  3. That's the point - let us wear it if we want, and not wear it if we don't. But at least you should educate those who want to wear it what's the best way to wear it. Those who wear them on the chin or hanging around the neck and put it up when someone approaches them, those who put the mask on the table or in the pocket when they eat it drink and then reuse the same mask, those who wear 1 mask for few days or weeks - they might think it prevents something, but is it? And as for your statement that cases rise among those who don't wear them - do you have an actual research or statistics to support it?
  4. Hotels had different prices for different nationalities long before COVID. Has to do with market demand and not government policies.
  5. 1. This is a story told by 1 person to anther and then told again. I guess a court would classify it as hear say. 2. Cannabis is not physically addictive and it's not a gateway to hard drugs
  6. AFAIK you need a work permit in order to sign a check - at least that's how it was in the past.
  7. Where did it say the man was high (or stoned)? He obviously hasn't been aware that weed and smoking accessories are all good and legal and was worried about that.
  8. In a way you're right. If the traffics humans want to traffics and do the jobs they're sent to do - nothing wrong with it. The problem is that many are tricked and forced into something they don't want to do and are being kept prisoners, and that should remain illegal and must be stopped
  9. Not only that opium was legal in Europe, but England actually forced it on China where it was illegal...
  10. That part is correct. The airline will be fined by the destination country. However, if a passenger checks in while on overstay in the departure country - that has nothing to do with the airline. They are not supposed to check how one arrived at the airport for departure and I'm pretty sure many members of this forum can attest to the fact that the airline staff did nothing about their overstay. That's up to immigration. I remember being asked for arrival passport when checking in to a flight to Thailand (using a different passport). On my last flight back to Thailand from another country all I showed was the passport with which I'll enter Thailand and no one asked for the other passport.
  11. Tell her it's time to find other people to consult with...
  12. Great idea. Can you explain to a guy who obviously knows nothing about Thailand and the Thai way how to contact the police, explain them the problem and pay then to do the job?
  13. 1. Thai nationals stopped doing tm6 few years ago 2. E-gates not being used since COVID I think. I guess they'll start using then again after the request for vaccination\COVID tests removed. On my last entry in June documents were checked before immigration and passport was stamped as evidence. I assume the io checked the medical stamp before he added the entry stamp.
  14. Happened to me on more than 1 occasion that when I showed airline check in staff only the passport that will allow me entry to the destination country they also demanded to see the passport with which I entered the country I'm about to leave. Can't remember if it happened in Thailand though.
  15. Yes. That was the only reason of the coup. To <deleted> tourists.
  16. Seems you've arrived Thailand after June 9th and think this is because of potheads. But actually it's been this way long before pot was legal
  17. That because they don't visit you. As @Mavideol wrote - they come around to ask about you, and not only people you personally know.
  18. If the airline or flight crew make a mistake such as not compressing the cargo bay all the great service of the professional company won't make a difference...
  19. You do realise that the professional company only does the paperwork before and after the flight, but it is the airline that does the actual transport, right?
  20. Here's an active thread about the same topic.
  21. You missed my point. The lawyer's contract can be evidence for your purchase of the land at that time but if there is corruption and at a later time someone changes the name on the chanot as a different transaction the previous transaction will be useless. BUT - as there must be a sell\buy contact signed at the land department, you'll have to prove that the signature on that NEW document is forged.
  22. I guess this answers your question: TPN media notes that private businesses and events have the ability and right to make mask wearing at their establishments and venues required, however.
  23. Obviously none if he thinks you can OD on cannabis...
  24. Only my latest renewed card is unembossed (the name is printed on the back of it) yet I never ever put my full name as appears on the card and never had a problem with that.
  25. Good explanation. I wish more repliers would read it before making stupid arguments
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