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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. .. instead of going to school to learn woke ... should have learned the three R's 312 is more than 226 .. by a lot 76,883,434 is a lot more than 74,406,431 Presidential results From ⁦The Associated Press (AP)⁩ · Learn more Donald Trump wins The AP has called this race 226 Harris 312 Trump 270 to win 74,406,431 votes (48.4%) 76,883,434 votes (50%) CTCTDCDCDEDEMAMAMDMDNHNHNJNJRIRIVTVTALAKAZARCACOFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMIMNMSMOMTNENMNVNYNCNDOHOKORPASCSDTNTXUTVAWAWVWIWY All states Won Donald Trump 312 electoral votes Republican Party 76,883,434 votes (50%) Kamala Harris 226 electoral votes Democratic Party 74,406,431 votes (48.4%)
  2. i'll donate $10towards the jet fuel to send them back
  3. no need to suggest .. we all know it's true
  4. Steak ( ribeye or strip) and eggs .. bacon or burgers yesterday mixed it up with King salmon / occassional chicken legs or pork chops no veggies, no carb anything everyday
  5. same for me but the man in the revenue dept already told me that being an American anf=d just using SS funds and IRA "taxed funds. there should be zero taxes ,, just a matter of filing nonsense paperwork
  6. well .. if we gotta go there the majority of American settlers were those "Brits" don't forget Gambia, Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast, Nigeria, North and South Rhodesia, Bechuanaland, South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, the East African Protectorate, and Somaliland. Anguilla; Bermuda; British Antarctic Territory; British Indian Ocean Territory; British Virgin Islands; Cayman Islands; Falkland Islands; Gibraltar; Montserrat; Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands; St . New Zealand and their kangaroo friends Australia and look what they did to Canada lol ! How many countries did Britain invade? 171 at least the Irish told them to f off
  7. so , where have you been for the last four years ? Liberal lefties have been at this task but.. soon to end
  8. she should relocate to India and get back to her roots.. and hopefully get a meaningful job cleaning sewers
  9. Talk.. with video to my son at least 5x a week, sister 1x a week / with video a couple of buddies back in the US a voice call or video every couple of weeks,, I keep a US based # with Magic Jack ( works out to less than $30 for the year ,, unlimited US call time ) and keeps me registered with my US bank and video calls are google meet. which costs nothing other than your standard phone bill all calls are between 1am and 4am Thai time other than that the ringer volume on the phone is always off........
  10. that sucks did the MD's give a reason why it had to be removed / cause ?
  11. more like 6 weeks hang nails take a long time to heal ! lol
  12. Both Harris and President Joe Biden have adopted subdued profiles fake news .... nothing new Joe's either sleeping or at the beach ...
  13. note to self.. don't buy ground pork from that shop Honey.. how does that pork taste ? .. Thumbs up ? or thumbs down? hmmmmm can't put my finger on it !
  14. just the tip of the Iceberg click on this link to see more https://www.trumpinternationalrealty.com/property-portfolio
  15. ..I let my wife put anything she wants anywhere she wants ... Thai style .. Then after a day I put it where it really should be,, and I ask her .. "when did you become Thai ? ( she is )
  16. ya gotta admit ,, they are consistant !
  17. repeat these words three times ( no.... not thank you 3x like yingluck ) ... Illegal Immigrants are criminals and if that's not enough for you ...please ask the parents of Laken Hope Riley what they think. My wife migrated from Thailand to the US.. and did it legally .. and became a Naturalized citizen .. people entering and reentering the United States without permission are known as Sections 1325 ("illegal entry") and 1326 ("illegal reentry") of Chapter 8 of the U.S. Code. possible deterrents ? shot on site , fed to the gators, open a holding pen in Antartica
  18. only the liberal left and the fake news,, that are constantly trying to divide here's a great answer Black history is American history.” “How are we going to get rid of racism?” Wallace asked Freeman. “Stop talking about it,” the actor responded. “I'm going to stop calling you a white man, and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a Black man.”Apr 17, 2566 BE
  19. Imagine.. lefties.. all over the world suffering from the same illness
  20. that's why you eat fat and have a gall bladder for bile !
  21. That's what I've been saying all along
  22. just had work done 2 weeks ago at Bangkok hospital my profiles are optimal and my cac is "1"
  23. Where in the blue heavens did 15 million voters go? 2024 Election So, -15 million Harris voters just fail to materialize (no, California vote totals will not make up this deficit) while Trump ends up with similar numbers as 2020 and I'm not allowed to wonder if this isn't due to something nefarious? Hundreds of thousands of votes in very blue counties across many crucial states just don't materialize while Trump holds pretty steady? The highest rated and most consistently accurate pollster (Selzer) and an incredibly reliable predictor (Lichtman) were suddenly and incomprehensively so very very wrong? No, I don't think pali-protest "no votes" would account for this, and, no, I simply can't imagine Dems not caring enough about the outcome to the point where they just stay home en mass. Believe me, I'm am trying really hard not to slide into conspiracy theory territory, but this issue being so consistent and prevalent across so many states just doesn't jive what the national dem enthusiasm and my personal logic would suggest. Help me make sense of it...please.
  24. typical day Breakfast,, usually between 10am - noon 4 eggs / size 0 cooked with butter 4-6 slices of bacon and a beef burger 250 - 300 grams seasoning ... just salt 2nd meal 3-4pm a ribeye or strip steak 300+ grams and 2-3 eggs / butter some days add in some salmon , or pork chops / chicken legs no veggies, no carbs . no sugar .. and I drink plain water and or Singha soda water Steaks avg about 450baht per pce.. eggs are 165baht for 30 chopped beef is 410baht per kilo /grass fed/makro sloans streaky bacon ( no msg) 195baht 200grams
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