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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. 100 % correct human bodies do not need fiber to evacuate
  2. Sounds like you might be lacking in proper nutrition you need more animal fat in your diet not "sawdust" drinks and chemicals Eat animal-based foods. This means no: Fruits Vegetables Legumes grains Sugars Nuts Seeds And anything else that isn’t meat
  3. Seinfeld episode with " The Bro or the Manzier"
  4. overweight men in pattaya on the beach so... these dudes are "ok" ???
  5. just an fyi.. for the truly health concious Rice bran oil's nutritional profile stacks up pretty closely with vegetable oil's; ( aka seed oils !!! ) Most often, rice bran oil is extracted with chemical solvents like hexane, which is released into the environment26 during the extraction and recovery processes and reacts with pollutants to form harmful ozone. and it does wonders for your health !!! ( NOT )
  6. coming from the guy that said .... Around the house, I wear a towel, at most. this is why my phone is always.... In some other room. This is the problem. If I wore clothes, then..... Problem solved, I guess. Should have opted for the Samsung 21kg (with the matching dryer ) even has a towel setting ! and they work great ! and they pair with the smart thinga ap.. so..no matter where you are you know when they are done.. and you can change setting any time with your phone
  7. ... A cattle prod to the back of the head then some knee modicication with a Louisville slugger would take care of things rather quick...
  8. ha ! Liberal left melting down .. here's a few easy cuts about to come .......
  9. I was in a restaurant in New Orleans with my ( soon to instantly be my ex and 6 of her NY Wall St stuffed shirt friends half way thru dinner I said I have to go .. they all assumed I was just going back to the hotel ... I went and packed my suitcase , went to the airport and jumped on the next flight back to NY .. game over Never looked back !
  10. To save time .... Short version ...... 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Notice,, there's only "2"
  11. That was some amazing show,, and a great line up of talent ! One thing most people don't realize ALl the magic that passed thru Hendrix' was done well before the " digital " thechnology for live performance came into existance look at Hendrix in the late 60's vs say what Beck did at Ronnie Scotts / 2007 vs present day 50+ years later Hendrix Guitar/amp/wha/fuzz/Octavia Beck quite a substantial rig with a dozen digital aids plus custom wound pickups.... BUT.. Beck ... all in all it still started with his soul and thru his hands Looking at any other guitarists - present they had 50+ years to study and practice the Master's techniques,,
  12. You're on the "wrong team " We get our C.O.L.A. increases every year ( Cost of Living Adjustment )
  13. or was it because . there was no teleprompter ! The phrase Nothing....... comes to mind .... is so true !
  14. and ..... Pete Hegseth will be there to make sure !
  15. actually it stands at 218 Republican vs 209 for the idiots with 5 races still not called Alaska, Iowa and California are all set to go GOP and a good shot at Ohio https://www.thune.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=C0921A9E-5612-4E32-94D2-290CC5E144AA
  16. if I were you .... I would read.... https://www.thune.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=C0921A9E-5612-4E32-94D2-290CC5E144AA
  17. my son is 20 He and his friends call me often ( live vid ) to show them how to play Hendrix cuts
  18. Just announced ....... Matt Gates attorney General ...... Wow ! Yes Yes Yes !
  19. Perfect timing.. ...here they are planning a remake of the Beverly Hill Billies
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