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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. When i am in Thailand, i struggle for fluids to drink. I dont drink alcohol, i dont drink tea/coffee hot drinks, i am not a big fan of fizzy drinks and i dont like water. All this time i have stuggled along with drinking fanta when i am out and about and when i am at home i drink sunquick, which is a highly concntrated fruit juice you mix with water.

    Now i think only those who come from the uk will know what i am talking about, but i would really like to be able to get hold of Robinsons squash or maybe ribena something like that, anyone know where i can buy some? I have looked all over bangkok and never come across anywhere that sells it. :o

  2. Everyones gone underground.


    Some of us are back overground. :D

    You going to start singing the wombles song :D

    Underground, Overground, typing Free, the Wombles of Thai visa are we.

    Making good use of the things that we find, things that the everyday folks leave behind.

    Uncle George, he can remember the days when he wasn't behind The Tv,

    With his map of the World. Pick up the papers and take them to Huski!

    TV'ers are organized, work as a team. tv'ers are tidy and Tv'ers are clean.

    Underground, Overground, typing free, the Wombles of Thai visa are we!

    People don't notice us, they never see, under their noses a member may be.

    We type by night and we type by day, looking for <deleted> to type away.

    We're so incredibly, utterly devious making the most of everything.

    Even bottles and tins. Pick up the pieces and make them into something new, is what we do! :D

  3. Sounds like great fun. Will bring my BarGirl with me and planning to stay overnight. No problems there, mate ?

    You are more than welcome mate, but we are a restaurant not a hotel :D

    Wont be there for the bbq, but we will definately come and see you when we come to CM in July, will be nice to meet you and hopefully a few others from up that way. :o

  4. My lovely Chinese LaoPo :D in a silk QiPao designed by herself :D and me...


    You look far posher there than i thought you were :o:D

    Dear Daleyboy, I trust you wouldn't stab my back. :D Look at your avatar were make me feel :D

    No back stabbing here, you would have to ask a Kiwi or Aussie about back end stabbing :D

  5. I love the title to this thread: What is 'ur' education! :D

    I don't get out much and have limited Thai vocabulary skills but it reminds me of 'eer' เออ = 'yes' between friends pronounced like 'ur'! :D

    Sorry for going 'off-topic' :D

    At least it wasnt a political off topic :o:D Sorry off topic :D

    Gimme a break! :burp:

    :D You dont deserve a bloody break :D So what ARE your political views on the current American education system. :D

  6. I love the title to this thread: What is 'ur' education! :D

    I don't get out much and have limited Thai vocabulary skills but it reminds me of 'eer' เออ = 'yes' between friends pronounced like 'ur'! :D

    Sorry for going 'off-topic' :D

    At least it wasnt a political off topic :o:D Sorry off topic :D

  7. I aint no gashead mate, i tell ya i would rather watch paint dry than watch a game of football. Its cherry and whites all the way for me. :D

    Ah... you ain't that bad after all... :D

    And i reckon a few words to immigration about you and you will be holidaying in Bream for the next few years. :o:D

    nowt wrong with my visa... :D

    totster :D

    Who said anything about visas? I will just show them a couple of your threads on here, that should do it :D:D

  8. Laugh away gashead.. I'll be back in october ! :D

    totster :D

    I aint no gashead mate, i tell ya i would rather watch paint dry than watch a game of football. Its cherry and whites all the way for me. :D And i reckon a few words to immigration about you and you will be holidaying in Bream for the next few years. :o:D

  9. Yep and i will be laughing at you , because i know i am going out in June, while you are at work i will be putting notes in the rain thread about how hot and sticky it is :D:D

    55555, and I'll cover the end of March to the end of April........ :D:o


    :D Maybe we can get a list going to make sure our tots knows just how hot it is in Thailand, while he is rainy ole England :D

    Defo, come on who can cover May.... :D:D:D


    I have got te 25th June to the 25th July covered, i reckon we will be ok after this, as the summer will be in the U.K. :burp:

  10. Yep and i will be laughing at you , because i know i am going out in June, while you are at work i will be putting notes in the rain thread about how hot and sticky it is :D:D

    55555, and I'll cover the end of March to the end of April........ :D:o


    :D Maybe we can get a list going to make sure our tots knows just how hot it is in Thailand, while he is rainy ole England :D

  11. Neither a lender nor a borrower be, that is the rule i have followed all these years and never had a problem. Not much help to the op, but just remember this next time someone asks to borrow from you.

  12. A 70 year old who uses computors and can navigate round Thai Visa? Sounds pretty streetwise to me....................................or made up.

    I thought that was kinda obvious myself. :D

    BTW Lampard10, how does someone of your age navigate round here? :D

    His name is luke and he uses the force Bkk. :o

    As for the other story, well personally i think you are a troll. Your trying to tell me that a 70 year old is going to be bothered to hump bags up to departure to save 50 baht, give me a break

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