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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. Yes and as we all know there is this underlying insidious pysche in general society that the whiter you are the more prettier you are which is of course total BS.
  2. Yep. These numbers are for November and IIRC (the requriements change too rapidly for my ageing brain) it was a test on day 1 and day 5 so its highly likely that a lot of them passed the first test, went bar hopping or whatever and tested positive on day 5.
  3. Frequently but I'm sure, like you we would carry on until the next exit. It's common sense which sadly a lot of Thai drivers are lacking.
  4. Not only that but the highways and slip lanes need better lighting particuarly when so many bikes have no working rear lights
  5. Anyone who tries to change it or dig too deep into others affairs may not live long....
  6. My rule is to indicate very early when entering a u-turn and reduce speed slowly... ..
  7. For sure but its the responsibility of the driver coming onto the motorway to give way and only proceed when its safe. Some of these veichles are so old that they don't have the ability to pick up speed quickly and shouldnt be on the road full stop
  8. I've lost count the amount of times I've had to brake hard in the outer lane for this very reason and without being misogynistic its nearly always women.
  9. Sure, the local markets are defintely not Halal but supermarket product most probably is. As far as I know, all CP & Betagro facilities are Halal.
  10. Are there food shortages? I'm not aware of any. There's defintely price inflation, particuarly on pork but that's another story.
  11. If you eat chicken in Thailand then it's probably mainstream Halal, i.e. electrically stunned before slaughter. In fact a lot of value added chicken i.e breaded sold in the UK is Halal..
  12. I would suggest they don't come and that go's for anyone who's complaining about the new policies. Whilst the rules are stupidly crazy and flip week to week, it's their country and we have to abide by their bureaucractic decisions. The less people who come means that someone, at some point will see sense and relax the rules and make it easier for tourists to visit though IMHO that's not very likely...
  13. I reguarly travel to the US for business and I'm surprised at how extroverted you are (in general) compared to us Brits - We barely acknowledge strangers in our own country let alone Thailand. The unwritten rule on the London Underground is don't make eye contact with anyone ???? Bit more friendlier up north though....
  14. There may be a small element of that but IME it's prostitution or a dead-end job working in a factory/farm. Granted, not a great choice I suppose but shagging a farang for an hour at 1000 a pop means she's earning considerably more than minimum wage.
  15. Yeah but Waitrose are charging 50p for carrier bags these days. That's your deposit written off ????
  16. It is claimed that Toon - a former "pretty" or entertainment cum PR woman - got customers to join her group after advertising on Facebook.
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