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Everything posted by Chelseafan

  1. I think from 17th but no doubt some bars will push their luck
  2. Nope. Confirmed by my bar owner friend. Open from 17th
  3. Yeah and I hope they are testing all those illegals sneaking into the country from Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia....????
  4. I know but haven't seen my little one for over 6 months and time marches on. If that happens then I will have to deal with it
  5. I'm hoping to travel next week before potential lockdowns happen but can see the Thai/UK authorties taking further action and despite being triple jabbed I'm worried the pre-departure PCR test is going to come up positive or worse still I test positive on arrival but hey ho, life has to go on. As for Omicron, it's already in Thailand and there's no stopping it. Worringly, it appears that being double jabbed doesn't have much effect, only by adding the booster do you have up to 75% chance of zero/limited symptoms. Given that Thailand is nowhere near getting most people double jabbed let alone the third booster, this could be bad news.
  6. I think you will find that most posters are much more informed than scientists and virologists ????
  7. Are you taking into account Bank holidays ? I may be wrong but yesterday was constitution day so I'm not sure if banks were operating...
  8. Everything on the web is a breeding ground for scammers, crypto is no different. I understand the basics of BTC and Ethereum but some part of me can't help thinking this is a pyramid scheme and when it falls, it's going to take a lot of people with it
  9. Maybe I am missing something but why is it a scam ? I assume he (and his partner) had BTC in the early days and thats just what the worth of it is today. He may have defrauded his partner but it's not a scam as such.
  10. More than that, they never publish the sourcedata. If they actually told everyone HOW they came up with their numbers, I'd have a bit more respect but all it seems is that they are plucking numbers out of thin air
  11. "People were not put off going to Thailand not because of the situation in the kingdom but because of fear of lockdowns in their own countries and not being able to return after their holidays. " Those planning a long haul holiday would have been planning/researching months ago but the rules at the time meant they would have had to quarantine for 7/10/14/? days, wear masks at all times (even on the beach), forgoe any nightlife such as bars, restaurants, nightclubs. Why bother? Even today, Thailand is to all intents and purposes in lock down. Next summer might be better if they start opening up now and give assurances to holidaymakers - something they are unable to do.
  12. I like those ones in the bum when you are feeling run-down ????
  13. Good for you. If it's alright by you, I'll go by the advice of scientists rather than forum members as I believe they have a little more insight than we all do You go on reading the internet conspiracy theories after all it's the same place that says Elvis is still alive so must be true ???? Until now I've never had a leg amputated. I'm still walking.
  14. Significantly reduces risk dear chap, SIGNIFICANTLY reduces risk. But hey...that's just sensible talk.
  15. It's nothing about democracy, it's about freedom of choice and taking responsibity for ones actions Other than medical exemption, I have not heard one single rational arguement for not taking the vaccine.
  16. I'll have you know that "Nakorn nowhere" isn't as backward as you think - My wifes house even has electricty. It's buffalo steaks all around at half the price ????
  17. If memory serves me right, the original variant was discovered around November 2019 and it took until December before sciencetists discovered how deadly it was. Let's get ALL the data in before we look to relax the restrictions. I am getting sick to the teeth when the BBC continually announces how many people are being infected. The true figures to worry about are those that are dying. - around 150 a day and I'm not sure all those deaths are due to Covid either. To put it in perspective, over 600 people a day die from cancer
  18. I agree but the (UK) Government have to be seen doing something. With limited data at the moment, I think the decision of reintroducing masks is a prudent one. What if Omicron turns out to be more deadly and the Government did nothing. There has to be a sensible balance until we have all the facts.
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