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Everything posted by JimHuaHin

  1. Surprised, not; the marfia families will be strongly supportive of any moves to enrichen themselves.
  2. If she is (or even was) really a Lieutenant Colonel in the Thai military, in all probability she is well protected by a very senior active or retired Royal Thai Army general.
  3. Of course Anutin and his BJP have never been involved in corruption.
  4. About 4 years ago, I had both done at the same time under general anesthetic at Mahachai Hospital (private) at Mahachai (about 2-3kms west of Central Mahachai, opposite side of road, travelling out of Bangkok). Procedure in mid morning, out of hospital about 2 hours later). Came back for results the following weeks. Some polyps were removed and checked for cancer. Total cost was about 20K Baht, for memory.
  5. Considering all the problems and issues confronting Thailand and the Thai people, Moo Deng is important????
  6. Good summary. Rules and regulations are in place - but rarely enforced. The rich and powerful "buy" immunity from the laws and regulations. Until Thais actually change their thinking and behaviour, there will be no change. It is that simple.
  7. Except at government offices and banks, where reams of paper and multiple signatures are required. Did not General Prayut promise paperless government?
  8. Seems that Chinese, Cambodian, Russian, etc. agents can do what ever they like in Thailand; or is the Thai security apprati totally incompetent?
  9. Seems that China and Russia are moving towards enacting WWIII.
  10. The Roojai website indicates that they only insure drivers 30-70 years old. Possibly solutions - seek out alternative vehicle insurance companies which will insure drivers 70+ years old, also, as suggested above, change car ownership from self to spouse/family member/friend/etc., and list yourself as a secondary driver (no problems, I have been told). Having only compulsory insurance is not advised, as noted above. This is Thailand, where the law and law enforcement are "flexible", farang friends who have been involved in accidents have told me (and this has not been my personal experience) that even though an accident is not your fault, because you are a farang/foreigner you are frequently considered at fault, as you are "rich". Good luck.
  11. There are different types, or models, of modern capitalism; some maximise the exploitation of workers (and consumers), others minimise it. Do a Google (or other) search on "Types of capitalism".
  12. The elephants are just visiting their traditional lands.
  13. Employs hundreds of thousands of workers; but what about the tens of thousands of small family businesses that are forced to close due to 711s appearing on almost every corner; or the tens of thousands of farmers who have lost their land and future due to massive agribusiness expansion? Go to Scholar Google and do a search on CP, and discover academic articles published overseas on the damage that CP has done to Thai families.
  14. You left out exploitation of workers - where do profits come from?
  15. Can driver's over 70 years of age get comprehensive vehicle accident insurance?
  16. All great in theory, but ... I tried this in October when I had to renew my license; but the video stopped after about 10 minutes, a test question appeared (which I correctly answered), the video went back to the start, and after 10 minutes same question!!! So, I tried using Edge and Chrome, same problem. Even tried on my old back-up computer. Same result. Maybe a DLT problem? So tried again next day; same problem. Some friends have had similar problems; other completed the test ok online.
  17. Thank you Putin. In this morning's news, a Russian vessel in the area where the cable is located at the time of the outage has been detailed. All part of Putin's "war" against Europe and NATO.
  18. Once again. an inadequately thought out "solution". Bangkok is sinking people, and has been for decades. It has been estimated that when (although some say "if") all the global ice shelves melt, global sea level will rise by about 70 metres. (Although, recent Australian research in Antarctica suggests that the volume of ice below the surface is much higher than previously thought, indicating that sea levels would increase more than previously estimated.) Rather than spend billions on useless bandaids, built a new capital city, as Indonesia is doing.
  19. Umm. If ".. 420 officers and volunteers took action on Christmas Eve to safeguard tourists ..." then clearly Pattaya is not safe for tourists. Or are the police just after more overtime?
  20. Swimming is a much safer option; or if you must walk, walk in a swimming pool (obviously one full of water).
  21. Family friendly tourist safe Pattaya!!!
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