Coming from a socialistic country, we considered socialism a long way back into capitalism. While there are several benefits of socialism, there are also several severe shortcomings of it, which are making it fail after quite a short time as an economic system.
But without explaining what socialism is, I wanted to tell you a joke that I've heard in 80's when still living there, and country was still a socialistic republic, and people were talking that communism was ultimate goal...
An old man walks to the banana seller and asks how many bananas he has in stock... over 500 kg, the seller said.
OK, I'll buy them all, says the old man... OK, but where should I deliver them, inquires the seller...
Nowhere. You keep them, and when people come to buy bananas, you give them bananas for free...
Soon, the first next customers arrive, and get bananas for free... word spreads quickly, lots of people come to get bananas, soon leading to large crowds that start arguing, finally physical fights break out, and there's a total chaos, requiring police to intervene and disperse the bloodied crowds...
Policeman goes to seller and asks what on Earth happened! Seller tells him the story of the old man paying for bananas and telling him to give them away for free... Policeman is puzzled and asks why would someone do something like that... Seller says You can ask him yourself... he's sitting on the bench across the shop!
Policeman walks over to old man and confirms the story, then asks why would he do that... And old man says...
You see, I'm old already and won't live long. I just wanted to see how it will look like in Communism when everything is for free...