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  1. Yes, and United States of Origami might be a give-away... It was actually about 50$ notes.
  2. Coming from a socialistic country, we considered socialism a long way back into capitalism. While there are several benefits of socialism, there are also several severe shortcomings of it, which are making it fail after quite a short time as an economic system. But without explaining what socialism is, I wanted to tell you a joke that I've heard in 80's when still living there, and country was still a socialistic republic, and people were talking that communism was ultimate goal... An old man walks to the banana seller and asks how many bananas he has in stock... over 500 kg, the seller said. OK, I'll buy them all, says the old man... OK, but where should I deliver them, inquires the seller... Nowhere. You keep them, and when people come to buy bananas, you give them bananas for free... Soon, the first next customers arrive, and get bananas for free... word spreads quickly, lots of people come to get bananas, soon leading to large crowds that start arguing, finally physical fights break out, and there's a total chaos, requiring police to intervene and disperse the bloodied crowds... Policeman goes to seller and asks what on Earth happened! Seller tells him the story of the old man paying for bananas and telling him to give them away for free... Policeman is puzzled and asks why would someone do something like that... Seller says You can ask him yourself... he's sitting on the bench across the shop! Policeman walks over to old man and confirms the story, then asks why would he do that... And old man says... You see, I'm old already and won't live long. I just wanted to see how it will look like in Communism when everything is for free...
  3. Kra canal 2.0. At least this time it's not involving the nukes to build a canal through Thailand... It was flaring up every 2 decades to squeeze some money out of Singapore to put a stop to it, last around 2003, if I remember correctly. Practicality of Kra canal was actually better than this land bridge... there, ship would just sail through Thailand to the other side, but here the whole ship needs to be offloaded, then stuff transferred by road, and then loaded on another ship to continue... What's the point? Especially as a lot of the stuff is for China, which has ports in Burma that avoid the pirates of Malacca Straits, and are even closer than Thailand to the West and to China...
  4. Maybe, but she doesn't have Bernie's brand, experience, or charisma.
  5. Yes, this one 🙂 The "Certificate of residence" Now it's blue one, but once you fill it up and go to immigration (counter E2) to get a new one, a couple of thousand baht and 6 photos later you'll get a new white one. You could then just go over to E1 counter to get a new non-quota immigrant visa and endorsement. You cannot move it from one booklet to another even you have many months left. That's also the only time the booklet would have address updated. So, again. No TM30 to worry about. You don't need to report your residence to government. You already have a permanent residence reported to them - the address in your alien certificate (the red police book) and, if you have it, the pink ID card. And of course, in the blue house registration book. Enjoy your freedom!
  6. Check what it says on the cover of that booklet 🙂
  7. Assume you mean permanant residence with blue/white Certificate of residence. No, TM30 not required. In fact the only thing to deal with immigration is non-quota resident visa + endorsement (generally no waiting, 30 minutes to complete at counter E1 at CW) to allow you to leave the country for up to a year. If you travel all the time, you'd probably do it once a year, if you have no plans to go, you don't need to do anything there. The rest is once per 5 years at police station reconfirming your address, again 15 minutes job, and if you change address a visit to district office and police station to update it and get new pink ID if you want one.
  8. Had time to deploy the drone, but not to mark the bridge as closed... Priorities....
  9. There is something that works within 1-2 days by completely removing it... but it can have serious side effects. It's called Benzbromarone (Benarone). Maybe discuss with the doctor on it?
  10. Throw him out and lock the door?
  11. Not buying a product you dislike manufacturer's ceo of is one thing. Torching another man's vehicle because you dislike or hate manufacturer's ceo is something totally different. It is my choice if I say - I don't want to have anything to do with Elon so I'm buying a BYD or Deepal or whatever, instead of a Tesla. But destroying someone else's property, regardless of reasons in the head of the criminal should be penalised to the highest degree laws allow. This isn't making a statement like gluing themselves to the road or throwing a can of paint at a bulletproof glass in front of Mona Lisa painting. People have gone mad. Or maybe they've been that way all the time, now it just came out.
  12. I don't think anyone needs to attack Tesla or protest in front of their shops... Just wait until the news spreads that their cars aren't screwed together, but glued... and that the glue is failing and panels falling off their so special Cybertruck... https://fortune.com/2025/03/14/elon-musk-tesla-cybertruck-delivery-halt-owners-complain-of-metal-sides-falling-off/ On Thursday, EV enthusiast site Electrek reported Tesla delivery agents as saying all outbound vehicles have been stopped amid concerns that the glue holding the exterior stainless steel panelling in place is failing. Who wants a car that's glued together? If that sounds like you, reach out to Elon. With only 5% expected sales target reached, he surely has some in stock for immediate delivery! Duct tape NOT included!
  13. Fox is hardly a trustworthy news source, much more a right-wing propaganda machine.
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