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Everything posted by superal

  1. Please tell me how it can be demonstrated that the visitor will depart the UK at the end of the visit , especially for a self employed person such as my lady who has her own business and house . She was turned down last time because it was not believed she would return to Thailand . Do your g/f use an agent ?
  2. A German friend told me that he read recently ( he cannot remember where ) that the UK immigration has made it a lot easier to go there with your Thai partner , for short breaks of around 2 weeks . Has anyone heard the same ?
  3. My mystery is why was Wizz TV giving a poor performance but at the same time my other Thai TV box UK programmes were playing well with no problems . Both from the same router and Ethernet cable , using 3BB . Also whilst I did mention the slow speed test when having my VPN on , I only use the VPN on my laptop , not when watching the TV . I reported the event to WIZZ who said that everything was fine at their end . However the following day WIZZ TV has been working well again . Fingers crossed
  4. Thanks for that but my enquiry to 3BB about outage , they said no problems their end . BTW I am paying a 3BB sub contractor for a V.I.P. service which guarantees 200 Mbps and never below that but often below that . E.G. . last night I could not watch UK TV via Wizz TV . Speed test showed little or no results . All channels not opening but the local Thai LOOX TV ran well . Much to my ladies delight . Then early this morning I was able to watch SKY Sports football with no buffering etc . WTF is going on ? I have had the 3BB technician come to my house and carry out many speed tests to try and convince me that it is my equipment that is the problem but he could not better my speed test results on any app . Then he produced a 250 Mbps speed test from his I phone . What a jerk . I told him to go in not a polite way . I have been told that many people are ditching their ISP providers and opting for a decent router ( Archer 600 ) with a sim card and connect to TRUE internet . A friend has just done this in the UK with good results and a substantial saving . Anyone here tried this ?
  5. True but they can or may lessen the potency of the infection which will enable the infected person to recover in a short period of time and without some possible nasty long term effects . No covid vaccine claims 100% immunity .
  6. Police first action to call Chong Chom border crossing and notify them to stop and look for a man wearing along-sleeved green shirt and a hat and also stop all grey Hyundai vans .
  7. Are your speed tests good if you are using Tunnel Bear when connected to say the UK etc ?
  8. Also , of the infected people , how many were wearing a mask ? I bet it is a high % . These medical masks are the most commonly worn mask . They give the wearer a false sense of security . They do not stop pathogens , in fact they stop very little as the masks have side cheek gaps and are never sealed . However if the wearer has a cough or sneeze the water droplets will be contained but I have witnessed people pulling down their mask to cough or sneeze . Often the masks are dirty , having been kept in a trouser pocket of cluttered hand bag . Often the wearer has the mask over their mouth only or even under their chin . Medical masks are a waste of time , only a n95 mask can help if changed daily . but they are not comfortable to wear for long periods .
  9. The mind boggles , power cut right at the climax time . ☹️ , 🤣
  10. I use a V.P.N. ( Surfshark ) most of the time on my laptop . I have noticed that there has been a lot of " no or slow connections " recently . So I did some speed tests and was surprised at the results as follows . FAST Speed test = no VPN 390mbps down , with VPN 20 Mbps down . OOkLA no VPN = 250 Mbps down , with VPN = no connection . Test my.net with VPN = 26 down , no VPN =55 Mbps down , When connected using my VPN I have a UK location address . Are my speed test results typical , or do other VPN companies give better results ?
  11. Once the temperature hits mid 30s a fan just increases your discomfort . Like having a hair dryer on the hot mode blowing on you . Yesterday the temperature up here in Isaan was 41c . I had the Aircon on at 10 00 am all day and in my bedroom all night set at 25c . Most bars do not have Aircon but only fans . Makes drinking very uncomfortable I stay home with Aircon and ice cold beer . Big problem if there is a power cut . Either go for a ride in the car or go to a large supermarket . I have often seen Thai folk sat on the floor in a corner of a supermarket , eating , their brought with them , food , like a picnic . Poor farmer people getting out of their village where no one has Aircon . In the 12 years staying in Thailand , this is definitely the hottest summer I have experienced . Some places in Issan forecast to hit 43 c later this week . Temperature to drop to 34-36 c May 6th ish .
  12. Well , the elite Thai have suppressed the lower classes and maybe have the same plan for the expat . Certainly see nothing to encourage a non wealthy ex pat retiree to Thailand . Ex pats in Thailand have no standing , no voice or representation . As for the embassies , are they still here ? Expats are seen by the Thai as walking ATMs . Two tier pricing , visa rules and expenses , now possible tax on income or the hassle to prove otherwise . Not only are Brits avoiding Thai holidays but there have been reports of ex pat retirees leaving Thailand .
  13. Some shops where I live have a series of steps that are about 7 inches high and no handrail . Do not see any wheelchair users where I live because almost impossible to negotiate the so called pavements .Thai women with babies in push chairs use the road . Back to the topic . The Thai government must know that Thai standards in many categories are third world at best but they do not give a flying xxxx . Thai holidays should carry a health warning . Thai gov; needs to wake up, smell the coffee and join the 21st century .
  14. Not over Russia for Thai Air or Eva Air . They fly over Afghanistan , Pakistan / India . Recently changed their flight paths to avoid Ukraine , Israel , Iran . Certainly , flying with a Chinese airline will be a lot cheaper if you don't mind a long stop over . I prefer non stop flights . Have a few drinks and sleep . Don't like the hassle of security checks and re-boarding . Once used Scoot Air from Gatwick . Half the normal price , direct and new aircraft . Sadly they no longer fly direct to Thailand .
  15. Agree with most of your post accept the mention of the disabled . They are not well catered for especially for someone in a wheelchair who will have to take their chance by using the road . Broken pavements in every town in Thailand with vendors taking up space that should be clear for pedestrians . Thailand compared with some European holiday venues , just does not compare . Look at the beautiful Spanish promenades . Thai pedestrian crossings mean this is where you must cross the road and Thai drivers will not give you priority when using the crossing . Red lights at a crossing are often ignored . Etc Etc . Finally one of the major factors for the absence of Brits to Thailand is the ridiculous cost of air fares . It appears that all of the air lines have agreed to hike up their fares . Lucky if you can get an economy flight for under a grand . Imagine a family facing those fares . They will either stay in the UK ( BTW UK holiday bookings at an all time high )or be off to the Balearics .
  16. Happened to me too . Inferior materials do not last . Cheap materials may save money initially and appear to be similar to the more expensive ones . That is why I would only buy Bluescope insulated roof panels . Fact , metal roof noise from the rain depends on the steepness of the roof I.E. A flat metal roof will be much noisier than a steep roof . What surprises me is that in Thailand there is little consideration given to venting the hot air from the attic , even with new buildings . Solar powered whirly bird vents fitted on the roof would have reduce the loft heat substantially and in turn make the house cooler plus reduce Aircon running costs .
  17. That has been my opinion from early on . I posted it on this forum and to my surprise there were those who supported the fact that Israel were bombing the Palestine indiscriminately . All carried out under the premise of defending itself . What B/S . Biden has blood on his hands because he supplied weaponry to Israel . I am not a Muslim , nor a Jew but a humanist .
  18. I also cannot open the link because I do not belong to F/B and never will .
  19. That is what I was thinking or maybe hotter
  20. If it's 41 c in the shade in Isaan , what is the temperature out of the shade ?
  21. What province do you live in ? 30 km outside of Surin Isaan it shows 41c in the shade
  22. OK , these are facts . Israel has the backing of America . Iran nuclear development is well supported by Russia because of the Iran help and drone supply to Russia during the Ukraine war . Also Russia to supply military weapons , fighter jets ,warships , helicopters and the technology / assistance for Iran to manufacture its own weapon stock pile , fighter jets and naval vessels . Do you believe that Western intelligence can infiltrate the Iranian security ? Once upon a time satellite spying was the way but now has its limitations .
  23. Ever cloud has a silver lining , because when they go to prison they will get plenty of practice .
  24. Up here in Isaan the daily temperature is at least 40 c every day . Fans do nothing but blow hot air on you . I normally go to my office at 10 am with intermittent aircon . Many of my friends do the same and even my Thai lady surrenders to my office to cool down . Now when the temperature drops next month to the mid thirties , I can resume my normal activities . I know several Europeans who leave Thailand for a couple of months at this time of the year . Some Europeans can tolerate the heat better than others . I used to bask in the Turkish sun ( temperature mid 40s ) but not now . As for driving , I kind of understand but I have adopted the " never assume anything " when driving in Thailand . Have a dash cam installed . Swimming ? maybe try to get to a safe Thai beach for a couple of weeks ?
  25. Iran was on the verge of nuclear bombs a couple of years ago . It is shrouded in secrecy . Speculation has it that Iran already has the bomb . Testing might not have happened to prevent detection . There are many opinions and conjecture but Iran is known to have all the tools , skills and ingredients to make nuclear weapons / bombs . One opinion link below . https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/feb/19/does-iran-already-have-nuclear-weapons/
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