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Everything posted by superal

  1. Sorry to hear your plight however it is a common event in Thailand with farangs buying land , building home and then losing all . Expensive lawyers have been known to be dodgy and often side with the Thai wife ( unknowingly to you , until the conclusion , against you ) IMO , sit down and have a talk with her . Tell all that you know , no B/S , explain that lying is not acceptable in a relationship . If it is gambling there is a way out but if she is in another relationship , then time to move on for your sanity and safety . You are young and can recover from this problem . You are not alone in this type of property wrangle with your g/f . Many Thai ladies pair up with foreigners for security and long term plans .
  2. Didn't you know that Aseannow has an agony aunt page ? ????
  3. Item 8 , any signs of drugs use , insurance is void . Item 9 , is a get out of jail card for the ins; company and down to their interpretation . People on holiday will drink alcohol , when out and about in the evenings , that may see them over a drink drive alcohol limit but so what , they are not driving . Item 9 is ambiguous unless the hospital reported that the claimant had excessive alcohol in their body . However the ins; do not stipulate a level of alcohol that is acceptable , unless there are companies that do so but I am not aware of any . So maybe 3 or 4 beers could void your insurance ?
  4. I should have made it clearer . I was also talking about the aged in general in Thailand and how they are supposed to exist on under 1000 baht a month . Yes , they have no I.D. cards but is that insurmountable ? Maybe the wealthy monks could take care of them in their golden temples instead of soi dogs .
  5. Disgusting situation because there is no social safety net from the Thai government , only a small monthly pension of between 600---1000 baht a month , depending on their age . Normally the family takes care of its elderly relatives in Thailand but in this case there is no family so they live the life of a street dog . Other people around them must be aware of their plight . Not sure if there are any refuges or charitable organisations ( Salvation Army ) in Thailand .
  6. Your comments are not outrageous and should not alarm A.O.T. but in this case it may well do . It should be that all worldwide international airports would comply with an international standard of health & safety plus routine mechanical maintenance that would be subject to unannounced audits and without strict compliance , penalties of airport closure . Health & safety of passengers and airport staff should be top of the list of priorities before profits .
  7. Not only in Thailand but a global problem . It is a natural progression for newly qualified junior doctors , employed by governments , to seek the private sector employment and thus multiply their income with a lessened workload . There we have it , two classes , those with money can afford the private health but the majority have to lean on the government health systems . Even the UK NHS is crashing . The solution may be to charge reasonable fees at gov; hospitals and thus stop the very minor illness attendees which will ease the burden for medical staff .
  8. I agree that when using escalators etc in airports , passengers should have a duty of care and behave in a way that does not put themselves and others at risk of injury . Similarly , the use of phones in cars is accepted in most countries and should not be a distraction from your live moments of actions . Indeed airline pilots , taxi and bus drivers are constantly in communication by way of phones / radios . If phones were found to cause danger in airports , they would have been banned by now . Now if we want to be pedantic , consider the following . Many air travellers , especially those going on holiday , will have been drinking alcohol on the plane to relax and in reality many will deemed to be at a level of alcohol , so as to be unfit to e.g. drive a car but after leaving the aircraft they will be using the escalators etc . Are these people taken into consideration when risk assessments are being written for the use of elevators / moving pathways etc ? IMHO there should be a better way to convey passengers from the aircraft to the immigration hall which is often a long distance. E.G. Electric mini coaches . Or should the elevators etc be attended by airport staff ?
  9. Thanks for your slant on the French problems and as you pointed out , it is also seen in the states . However it is a global problem where integration does not happen or does not work for various reasons . 1/ Certain nationalities like to stay together as a community i.e. birds of a feather flock together and would not feel comfortable living with unknown peoples . 2/ Most immigrants come from poor countries and will have low education levels which will hamper their employment opportunities , leading to low paid jobs which in turn forces them to live in low cost housing . Often seeking support and benefits from governments which can cause resentment from the indigenous nationals . 3/ Without prejudice , many immigrants will have been exposed to a high level of crime and that has become an accepted way of life to them . 4/ Finally sensitive issues that are religions , beliefs , customs and cultures , most of which do not blend into their new chosen country . The French problem is occurring throughout western countries where there are not enough workers to fill vacancies and the governments are being pressed by big businesses to bring in emigrants to fill vacancies and increase their company profits . In addition the new immigrants income taxes will help to support badly managed , waning pension funds .
  10. Thanks for an informed opinion which implies that the lady was not negligent and no blame attached to her . As a layman I cannot understand how any sizeable object , such as a suitcase wheel , could bypass the correctly fitted comb plates and then for a leg to enter into the driving mechanism and thus through a large gap , there must have been a failure/breakdown in the main below platform structure along with poorly fitted comb plates which had no overload safety sensors fitted .
  11. Could it be that the Hitachi maintenance applies to only periodic scheduled services ? Daily safety checks made by the airports maintenance crew , who would have been taught by Hitachi , in the visual inspection . I cannot believe that Hitachi personnel would attend every day .
  12. The young man had disregard for the law and probably had a reason to flea from the police but shooting a gun was not needed . The resultant riots carried out by mostly Muslim immigrants were a prelude to looting and massive damaging of vehicles and buildings . Many global governments are encouraging immigration to improve their economies and business profits without a concern on racial integration . It clearly does not work . Is it a wonder that the indigenous nationals get outraged when they see the government hand outs given to immigrants and the locals are left to their own means ? Choosing my words carefully on this article but many UK nationals are emigrating to countries with fewer problems . Same goes to other European folks . The French / German and other European countries have my sympathies because of the amount of en mass immigration and the behaviour of the latter .
  13. You echo my previous take on this incident ( not accident because accidents are unavoidable ) and your last paragraph would be the opinion of a judge at a compensation claim hearing . In summary the failed mechanics and lack of maintenance were the route of the tragedy , especially the weak looking yellow combs that are there to prevent any foreign object entering the mechanics . This lady needs to get a top lawyer and sue A.O.T. for maximum compensation .
  14. Agree , as seen in hotel balcony heights , broken pavements , scaffolding without enough boarding or handrails , lack of driving skills etc etc etc .
  15. I go along with your view on the size of the pink suitcase , seems rather large . Also concerning the carry on luggage in general at most check ins . Rarely is it weighed and like you I have seen passengers boarding the plane with 2 or more carry on baggage . E.G. large ruck sacks which take up half the overhead locker , compliant sized wheeled luggage that is too heavy to be lifted up to the overhead locker by one person . The pink suitcase could play a part in investigations if it should have been check in luggage but that would also implicate the check in staff . In the western world , most mechanical machines that serve the public , there will be a service / maintenance schedule ( not just a visual inspection ) . There can be a strip down of most parts and non destructive testing on stressed parts that include fasteners and bolts . There will be a service register that records all inspections . I wonder if that applies in this tragedy ? Alas , we know that Thailand is known for lack of maintenance / health & safety laws because it spoils profits . That was the same in the UK until about 30 years ago
  16. I cannot remember where but I have seen emergency stop buttons on both escalators and walkways . Maybe it's dependent on a countries health & safety laws ?
  17. Any details of make/model and discounts ? No logic business as they normally prefer finance as they get commission . Well done for your perseverance
  18. Lending criteria here is without logic and will vary from one retailer to another . Not sure if there is a credit rating in Thailand . As an e.g. in the UK , big brother / credit agencies will have access to your finances and financial history and that info is openly available to lenders . However Thai lenders are keen to lend to government employees and the teaching profession , without doing a means test . My ladies sister is a teacher and her husband is a head teacher . They are mortgaged and c.c. debts to the hilt . They do not think about tomorrow . I suggest you approach another dealership because you appear to be financially secure and a safe lending risk .
  19. Unprofessional for sure and maybe a clue here to why Tesco pulled out of Thailand ?
  20. Tops can be a pain for online shopping . I.E. Checked online for availability of groceries because I am outside of their delivery area . Drove the 30 minutes to the store and none of the 6 Waitrose items were available - out of stock . Stock control is not a new invention . All done via the bar code , fed through the till and automatically to the supply depot . Hence no pain restocking . I do not think that happens in Thailand
  21. Me too . My last Acer Chromebook lasted 12 years , still works but has passed its Chrome A.U.E. ( automatic update expiry ) which means no more updates or virus protection etc . Many people are not aware of the Chromebook update system that can last up to 8 years or maybe only 1 year , depending on the laptop model launch date . I only use my laptop for basic surfing and have just bought a new HP Chromebook with an A.U.E. till 2028 . It runs well and for only just under 8000 baht . Chromebook have a high security level and are not easily hacked .
  22. Thanks for the link which basically puts you at the mercy of the insurance company and their interpretation of whether alcohol played a part in the event of the claim . E.G. say if sat in a restaurant having a meal and wine , over the drink / drive limit , when say your chair breaks causing injuries / hospital treatment .Your intoxication delays medical treatment and bigger bills are the result . Will the insurance wriggle ? Having alcohol in your system does not void the policy but you are giving the edge to the insurance company . Some western ins; companies will use agents in Asia / Thailand . As happened to me , they wanted me to go to Bangkok in their private ambulance , 400 km , report to a top hospital and stay in a 5 star hotel whilst I was being checked over . I explained that my food poisoning symptoms had all but disappeared after my local gov; hospital care but they kept pushing for me to go . I spoke to the UK ins; who paid me out in full for my local treatment and thanked me for my honesty . So beware of dodgy agents who are in collusion with hospitals/ hotels etc
  23. Agree and also holes in the tiled walkways plus steep kerbs and then navigating the vendors wares that occupy most of the pavement . Thailand should take a leaf out of some European promenades that are spacious and well maintained .
  24. You have the same approach as me . I take what I can afford to lose , then that is that but I do not back others only my lady and mil . Also get to eat in the buffet for free or complimentary but sure paid for it on the gambling losses . I used the casinos as entertainment and a few times have walked away with 4 or 5 thousand baht win but mostly lose . The mil took the jackpot a few years ago , 400,000 baht but she must have given it back by now . I would think that the only farangs that use the casinos now , have probably visited Cambodia and coming back to Thailand . I will not pay the 1500 baht that the Thai I.O. want . Before covid it was 800 baht . Talk about shooting yourself in the foot .
  25. Me too , when it comes to beer o'clock but the peskie little xxxxxxs can penetrate clothes unless you wear loose baggy attire . Also the high pitched sound as they circle your ears . The collar up stems from the 60s / 70s or maybe earlier . Shows your age
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