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Everything posted by Tony125

  1. But since the Mrna vaccines such as Moderna and Pfizer are made differently than the old vaxes especially the flue vaxes you should be ok. Only a Dr can check your past allergic results and tell if anything in the Mrna vaccines might cause a similar reaction. https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/09/covid-19-vaccine-allergies.html
  2. Yes can be easily done. About 4 years ago a father and son visiting Pattaya stiffed their hotel for evening meal of 2,500 as they checked out and left after dinning. When they reurned 2 years later they were arrested by Immigration at the airport as the hotel had filed a report of theft and had copies of their passports/id's from previous check in and notice file of non-payment of meal and services. A warrent had been issued for them.If remaining in or returning to Thailand some can face a nasty surprise upon return. Was posted on several Thai news papers and Thai Visa.
  3. Wife 47 and her friend 69 previously had 2 shots of Sinopharm in Bangkok. Today both had booster shot of Pfizer at Bang Sue. Wife complaining of being real tired. Her dad and I both had 2 shots of AZ earlier in year. Wife told us we can have booster in January. Pfixer, Moderna, AZ offered.
  4. Omicron expected to arrive in NYC, COVID masks should be worn indoors ‘at all times,’ city’s top doctor says https://www.yahoo.com/news/omicron-expected-arrive-nyc-covid-224531550.html If USA is advising it Thailand will follow. You don;t want to wear a mask while here then better wait to come over later or vax and mask up now
  5. That's not totally true, wife is bargain shopper . Goes to many malls but waits till the article she wants is marked down to 50 or 70 % off the original price. Same product/brand but marked down. Same quality but now cheap.
  6. WHO advises people 60 or older to postpone travel due to Omicron https://www.yahoo.com/news/advises-people-60-older-postpone-194433324.html
  7. I was informed by BankofAmerica that transfers were limited to $1,000 usd after Nov 15th unless I call the bank and verify or get a USB security device added to my PC that will electronically verify to BankofAmerica.
  8. WHO advises people 60 or older to postpone travel due to Omicron https://www.yahoo.com/news/advises-people-60-older-postpone-194433324.html
  9. Who cares that older guys color their hair? Plenty of politicians and actors overseas dye their hair, do you think Tom Cruise has jet black hair now at 59 years of age? Some also have plastic surgery, botox, teeth whitening, face moisturizing , ect . It's a personal choice I think to simply look as good as we can. I moisturize my skin and work out to stay healthy looking feel good not to just impress others .
  10. As the article below shows you will face attitude problems from Thai or farang if you don't wear a mask
  11. Moderna to 'rapidly advance' omicron-specific COVID-19 booster candidate https://news.yahoo.com/m/9cdc22f8-b2d3-3cc4-8545-67ba4971babd/moderna-to-rapidly-advance-.html Super-Mutated Omicron Variant Reaches Three More European Countries https://news.yahoo.com/dozens-flight-south-africa-infected-130719907.html
  12. China study warns of 'colossal' COVID outbreak if it opens up like U.S., France https://www.yahoo.com/news/china-study-warns-colossal-covid-043539475.html So Thailand should not be looking for Chinese tourists for some time. Vaccines alone are not enough to control COVID spread, WHO warns https://www.yahoo.com/news/world-health-organization-vaccines-covid-coronavirus-190204654.html Masks indoors and social distancing may still be necessary to slow/stop the spread.
  13. A short TEFL course taken by a native English speaker should give them the knowlege of how to teach. I went to pick up a niece at her school and the teachers asked her to identify me. Her Pinay English teacher asked her "who taught you English?" she said "my uncle." They then offered me a job to which I replied "I am on a retirement extension cannot get a work permit." They said don't worry we can get permit for you as teacher's assistant/helper. I told them I would need to take a TEFL course first to understand how to set up and teach a class. Never got around to it. Had another niece 15 who spends summer vacation with us as well as learns in school. She is a regular chatterbox now in English and is #1 student in her class.
  14. It would be a benefit for all Thai students/persons to have at least a basic knowledge of English as it opens up many oportuniteis for them. Insead of just working on a farm they could work in business and maybe be paid higher wages as they could speak English. My sis-in law has a company and she and many of her staff speak English as well as her daughter . Before Covid she took entire staff and my wife to Japan for vacation. They didn't speak Japanese but could communicate in Eng with the Japanese. She has also gone to Italy, Singapore, France, Norway, Finland, Malasia and could promote her company's service and products because she could speak in English with all those company representatives. They didn't speak Thai and she didn't need to speak all those different languages as they all spoke Englsih. Even if just wanting to get a job in tourist areas they would have a better chance of landing a job if they have some proficency in English. Just think,every airline pilot or air trafic control person must speak English as you could not have a pilot unable to understand directions because he was landing at an airport that did not speak his native language.
  15. The reason Thai need to learn English is that it is considered the international language . No need to learn 4--5 different languages or hire many translaters for internation business if all attendees speak their native language plus English. Most EU residents speak their native language plus English as they use it when traveling. Majority of Thai and other nations say in Africa/SA would not understand a tourist trying to order things in German , Polish, Russian, Chinese so if persons learn some English they can at least make some communication.
  16. Also a point to mention you can be fined up to 20,000 baht for not wearing a mask in areas they are required. The high fines were made to discourage foreigners from refusing to wear masks.
  17. Because the vaccines were specifically made to cause the body to defend agaisnt the Covid virus AND their variants. That's why the vaccine works against the delta variant as well as the original strain. Not quite as effective but still protects against all the variants so far.
  18. I see you didn't bother to read the article that's one of the problems with people who have already made up their minds and don't want to hear conflicting information. The article explains about T cells and how those who recovered from Covid were 5 times more likely to catch it again than someone with vax.
  19. Here's a newerstudy, need to keep up with the latest news. Natural immunity doesn’t protect you as well as the Covid vaccines — here’s why https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/23/should-you-get-vaccinated-if-you-had-covid-natural-immunity-explained.html It's been said that Dr.s advise a covid vaccine as you may be immune to the strain that infected you but not the variants that the vaccines are made to affect.
  20. They don't all like them. Was friends with a Thai girl in US . I went down to her restaurant on weekend to eat and she sat with me. 2 pretty Chinese girls who had seen her talking/eating with me before decided to agravate her. She was sitting with her back to them. Being winter they had long parkas on. They strolled over to our table and proceded to unzip the coats. They were wearing low rider jeans where you could see the thong panties they were wearing and tied up shirts with lace push up bras. They said "Hi" to me , when she turned around and saw them she yelled " you fxxxxing Chinese Ho's" and charged them. I had time to grab her before she reached them who were now laughing. She asked me "you think that cute ?" I said "a little" can't you see they only teasing you" Hadsome other interactions with Thai and Chinese as well. One tThai girl I met (another restaurant owner) I said 'You are Thai, you don't look Thai" she said That's becuase I not regular Thai I Chinese Thai" (is that supposed tobe better? i think they think so.
  21. In the US as well as some other countries I am told that natural immunity is only good for up to 6 months. Dr's still advise for those that had Covid to get vaccinated. Personal knowledge as former co-worker had Covid but Dr still had hin get shot after he had 1 shot and then came down with Covid. He asked should coming down with Covid beconsidered a 2nd shot? Was told ,no. Waiting for Novovax ? Only 1 country has aproved it's use, Indonesia. It may never be approved for use or acepted as a viable vaccine in any other countries.
  22. Merkel Says Covid Spike ‘Worse Than Anything We’ve Seen’ https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/merkel-says-german-covid-spike-120052541.html Covid latest news: Germans will be 'vaccinated, cured or dead' by winter's end, warns health minister https://www.yahoo.com/news/covid-latest-news-austria-plunged-073542040.html
  23. It's been talked about for over 21 years to open a casino off shore on Koh Larn but that's it just talk. If the Saint that controls Thailand is against alcohol, scantily clad women, go-go's and Issarn singers twerking too many times in their dance routines I just don't see them opening up to any vices like gambling.
  24. Hahaha, when was the last time you were in the US or Canada? US citizen here, before 9-11 you could drive over the border either way with just a driving liscense. Now you need a passport or passport card to enter Canada or Mexico.
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