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Eric Loh

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Everything posted by Eric Loh

  1. Even if the congressional hearing found him guilty of tax fraud relating to his gun purchase, it’s a major failure and a waste of money and time for such a minor case. For 2 years, they can’t find evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement and will stayed that way. The hearings will backfire on the Republicans. That will be seen as a genuine witch hunt with money paid by the people. The general public don’t give a damn on Hunter’s case The hearings will be a major snooze fest with little public interest.
  2. Far from being the start. It has been under scrutiny for 2 years. The laptop has produced mountains of material about Hunter Biden’s personal struggles and his foreign business ventures in Ukraine and China. It has not produced direct evidence President Biden benefited from his son’s business dealings.
  3. The DOJ and FBI care and charges are still being prepared for the insurrectionists,
  4. Not counting on you to change for sure. I was counting on the voters to take a stand against election deniers and they delivered. Good signs that Democracy is safe.
  5. A closet Trumper. The definition of patriot is who support one's country and not praise the enemy. Going to war for the country is patriotic. Fixed that for you.
  6. A true American patriot will never need reminding of the tragic event. Putting on a Maga cap don’t make you a patriot.
  7. 948 charges in one event and you don't think it is major. Hopeless denialism at its most funny moment. insider.com/all-the-us-capitol-pro-trump-riot-arrests-charges-names-2021-1
  8. 4 genders. Radical rights scared of historic truth.
  9. But banned books and lesson on race and gender issues. Free speech as the radical rights see it.
  10. A debate is a formal discussion. Hate speech, lies, deception and misinformation play no part in a debate.
  11. Come on mate. Be honest about this. He drained the swarm and then filled up with incompetent swarm creatures that willing to suck up to his criminality. Those who don’t suck to him and saw his criminality, resigned.
  12. This investigation may backfired for the Republicans. The fact is that no one really bother with Hunter Biden. This has been going in circles for 5 years and the Republicans had their chance when they were the House majority. Trump tried to exploit the allegation in his Presidential campaign and people simply shrugged this off. When Hunter Biden published his memoirs, the allegation was tested again and no one really care. Republicans are launching the investigation to please their base and Trump. Problem is that their base is shrinking and Trump’s appeal is diminishing. After the disastrous midterm election, it’s still the same old same old losing strategy aka insanity. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/10/hunter-biden-scandal-republicans-trump
  13. A distraction perfected only by Republicans since Benghazi.
  14. Back in 2017, he was a special quest of the former POTUS at a press conference covered by FOX and Post. No other news agencies bother to come. Bobulinski allegations were described as “of no value”. At 10:47, minutes after the debate ended, the Wall Street Journal, part of the same media empire as Fox News and the Post, reported, “Text messages and emails related to the venture that were provided to the Journal by Mr. Bobulinski, mainly from the spring and summer of 2017, don’t show either Hunter Biden or James Biden” — the former vice president’s brother — “discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture.”seem like bubkes. At 10:47, minutes after the debate ended, the Wall Street Journal, part of the same media empire as Fox News and the Post, reported, “Text messages and emails related to the venture that were provided to the Journal by Mr. Bobulinski, mainly from the spring and summer of 2017, don’t show either Hunter Biden or James Biden” — the former vice president’s brother — “discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture.” Republicans investigation will be a waste of tax payers money and a waste of time that will be better spent debating on policies for the people.
  15. For the uninitiated, below explain. Protocol seating also known as seating arrangement is the placing of dignitaries and guests in designated seats according to their ranks, tittles or role at a given event, based on the exiting order of procedure.
  16. Trump will run but he may not make it pass the primaries. His favourability rating is dropping to new low and the negatives are stacked high against him and there are younger more talented Republicans snapping at his heels. Trump is no spring chicken at 78 in 2024 while Joe is only 3 years older and looks much healthier.
  17. Careful what you wish for. Liz Cheney may replace Nancy as minority speaker. Under House rule, anyone can be chosen as speaker. That will make Rep's slim House majority more precarious to manage and vote as a unified team with more factions with different views.
  18. To tell you the truth, I felt sorry for him trapped in his own matrix and living in his own fantasy with his supporters.
  19. He even start with the same old speech as he did previous. "Ï am running because I believe the world has not yet seen the truth and glory of what this nation can be". Then he rant about his usual boasts, insults, promises, grievances, threats and conspiracy including a no evidence insinuation that China interfered in the 2020 election. Never mind, you will still drool on him whenever he speak.
  20. It's the same old re-cycled campaign that resulted in 3 losses. Good start or bad omen.
  21. By running, he is declaring war with his own party. He is likely to win the primary but will be the worst possible candidate to win a national election. The Republican Party is being held hostage by Trump and his base. DeSantis doesn't stand a chance against Trump in the primary. I am sure you know it. The party leaders and their donors can only watch with trepidation that it will be another lost 2024 election. What a curse Trump has brought to the party.
  22. Regurgitating the same old boring hits of yesterday. Low energy announcement. I think he running to avoid indictment. He is not running for the love of the country. That's the nature of this narcissistic and selfish man.
  23. Lake is done and I am hoping for the other obnoxious nutbag in the Colorado 3rd district election to meet the same fact. Will proper know by tomorrow when the ballots come in from the military and overseas voters, Actually I rate Boebert as the bigger un-intelligent nutbag.
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