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Everything posted by itsari

  1. The TM 30 receipt is inside my passport obtained at Chiang Mai immigration. I think there computer is wrong. I am going by Chiang Mai immigration next Monday . I will check how they could of decided I am in Bangkok. Thanks for your reply
  2. Lack of competition creates a high price of beer in Thailand. Stitch up between the Thai government and Thai beverages company.
  3. Lack of competition creates the high price of beer in Thailand.
  4. No need to update, as I mentioned I have not been anywhere out of my present abode for 4 years. I know the TM30 is good for many years as shown by the 90 day report going through without problem on the 17th. Just the computer saying no for some unknown reason on the 16th
  5. Agree that wages are out of sync with cost of living wich brings things back to the beer is too expensive for the majority of Thais.
  6. On the 15th of September i tried the online 90 day report for the first time. I received back an email confirming Thai immigration had received my notice of staying longer than 90 days on the 15th of September. On the 16th of September I received a second e mail with a notice of rejection. The reason was that my TM 30 was last registered in Bangkok and not Chiang Mai. I have not travelled from my present address for 4 years . On the 17th I went to Chiang Mai Immigration office and the notification went through no problem . I never mentioned the rejection made online .
  7. The 73 baht to 1 pound lasted for just a short period of your 20 years in Thailand and fell to around 50 baht in 2009 . Meaning you have suffered a lower pound rate for 17 years .
  8. A rather naive answer. The beer for 60 baht is very expensive if the majority of Thai people are on a low wage.
  9. Many Thai people are working for the value of 6 beers. Very expensive
  10. Not smoking in public is a definite step forward. Congratulations Thailand
  11. Thank you for your help. Yes the transfer was done immediately. Thanks again 👍
  12. On a selfish note I have nothing to fear. I think that applies to a very large percentage of retired people living in Thailand. So I stand by my statement that it's paranoia setting in. Perhaps there are a small percentage of people living here in Thailand that have a risk of having to pay tax on their income from abroad. They will still have some left so all will be ok 9 am sure
  13. Sin e this post is about the financial requirements for a 12 month extension I wish to ask about changing the account to a fixed term account from a savings account with the same bank? The bank informed me this was not a problem with Chiang Mai immigration. Please can you give your opinion Mr Dr Jack?
  14. That's paranoia taking over, relax
  15. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . If people want to pay for the material why worry. Ancient Rome and its decadence has continued . Hardly new Mr Farang
  16. Proof of poverty to run a stall on the street appears bazaar. Like all laws in Thailand they are made to be broken. A gap every 10 stalls and 50 cm from the road for safety sounds great . In reality unenforceable.
  17. The system survived the American cival war from 1861 to 1865 where over 600,000 soldiers lost there lives . I am not seeing your point of 60 killed in Las Vegas
  18. Was it not designed for giving smaller states a greater say in the presidential elections? The system was began in 1787 which is a long time ago yet one can say the original reasons ofthe system still apply .
  19. Obviously jealous ??? OH boy My research was over a 15 year period and I know the word is a derogatory term .
  20. But you are in privacy as you meant being in your car
  21. You could give it a try out side a police station and see what happens
  22. The N word is used amongst them selves too. Keep it in Australia
  23. All foreigners feel the pain with a strengthening baht. However the Thai business world is complaining about the bahts strength affecting exports. Change has began
  24. Extreme levels of currencies like the pound usually do not last long You need to look at the average rate over 12 months I see the Thai baht has started to fall back again after a good run for the last month.
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