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Everything posted by itsari

  1. If a Phillipino nurse works 20 years in the UK and 20 years in her home country that will give her a better pension than if there was no agreement.
  2. The UK has a closer relationship to the Phillipines than Thailand and there are many workers from the Phillipines employed in the UK especially in the hospitals. There are around 200,000 phillipinos working in the UK compared to 50,000 Thai people
  3. I am afraid it does involve possible fatal consequences , Paying off government officials adds to the fire forgive the pun.
  4. Corruption scandal hits the gutter would be a more appropiate headline.
  5. Corruption will continue if people like you feed them to avoid an even worse sore arse.
  6. Fiddling with your phone? It's easier to fiddle with your phone than fiddling with cash.
  7. And profit comes from selling the beef for the best profit combined with hard currency to the benefit of the Australian economy. Hence exports are favoured
  8. You obviously need education. I have not the patience to do that for you As I said , good luck Sir Gobbler
  9. It is a great shame you do not realise what is happening around you. You are not alone sadly. Good luck
  10. I used to buy best quality beef from cootamundre NSW . The beef was excellent yet it was export quality being sold under the table. Destination was meant to be Japan
  11. I understand very well the geography of Australia
  12. Nothing circular about going for the most money from a product. Australian beef producers are no different. Please understand
  13. May I refer to the honesty portraying from Sweden regarding there neutrality in Europe's hour of need. Nothing to be believed in.
  14. Did you no private jets in the USA are major contributers to the CO2 levels . You tell me and the rest of the world to get used to it. I tell you that the world population will object to the ignorance shown from people with an attitude like yours Thanks for your reply Sir
  15. Just not true Sir. Travelling so far to see a baby hippo 🦛 is crazy and far from green.
  16. Not an ounce of jealousy in me I am pleased to say
  17. My honesty is my honour Sir With our integrity you have nothing.
  18. Thank you for your compliments . Sadly you are wrong
  19. That's leaving a giant footprint on earth for a rather pathetic reason. I am disappointed in humanity sometimes.
  20. Must be expensive in the UK as surely there can not be much of a market there as Australians have no desire to be resident there amongst such complaining individuals.
  21. Not required , it's a well known fact. You have been away too long
  22. Not true
  23. Most study the price of xxxx religiously. Spelt for easy reading
  24. Most restaurants, burger bars etc are run by the real Australians, or should I call them by the ocker mob new Australians or <deleted>
  25. You just wanted to be honest without exposure
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