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Everything posted by itsari

  1. The landlord v tenant can become difficult when one side does not want to play fairly . I appreciate your point how reality of renting can be . It is best to know how the agreement is meant to work before deciding to break the agreement so you are aware of the possible consequences.
  2. The man says 'excluding' imports
  3. Any damage above general wear and tear then the renter is responsible for the cost of repairing. Not paying the rent to be sure you recover your original deposit is not following your rental contract and could give you problems with a new rental contract as often a landlord will check with your previous landlord.
  4. Both the EU and UK are suffering from the separation.
  5. A sex tourist is somebody who wants to f them for a price and get on his return flight home . Many men will want a 42 year old woman as a partner who wish to live in Thailand in preference to having a 20 ish young woman sitting on his arthretic knee. I am afraid to say you are the one living in a fantasie world .
  6. I agree , the Australian Government is doing far more injustice to there taxpayers with there portability of old age pension rules .
  7. 48.1 percent wanted to remain in the EU and voted out by a small majority .
  8. If you take your theory on undeveloped land to say Canada where you have so much more area than Thailand compared to the population yet housing is unaffordable that makes your statement look silly .Canada now restricts foreigners from buying property. People want to live where they can find work and have the benefits of a modern lifestyle. Living in the sticks is not for most people. If you said land is expensive for the average Thai with their low income I would agree with you. If you do not restrict foreigners from buying land in Thailand you risk creating huge resentment amongst the Thai people as they see owning property is beyond them.
  9. What ever the news location it is a terrible incident I just hope that the news on the doors not opening are incorrect. If correct somebody has a lot to answer for . My deepest sympathy to these unfortunate children's parents.
  10. Poms?? English only language allowed here Iron
  11. Right, the xxxx is for those that don't read so well.
  12. Seems very odd that one immigration office can refuse to implement a law. Please can you explain the mo Xfer method ?
  13. On one hand it is ignorance to place cones chairs etc to reserve there public parking spot, yet on the other hand it is aggresive behaviour when you are abused for moving them to park.
  14. A matter of opinion. I am asking you where you can go on earth and buy land not expecting changes. Thank you for your reply
  15. Interesting prediction from you.
  16. A realistic long term observed answer
  17. Is that not the same in any country with new rules and new changes? Best you buy land on Mars to avoid change to laws
  18. Neither describes myself . What describes you dear Sir? Let me guess. Retired civil servant of some type perhaps? I say that as often they have little idea about reality as their income is supplied what ever happens
  19. I did as you advised Dan . I asked in Chiang Mai and they informed me that they do not accept the combination method in Chiang Mai.
  20. I have lived here 10 years. You don't need 65000 baht a month to live here period.
  21. I was looking forward to reading your reply but alas you deleted the information. Am I correct on what I stated that Chiang Mai do not accept income and money in the bank combination?
  22. I believe that Thailand has to do what ever it can to discourage foreign ownership to avoid the ridiculous prices that are paid for property in the west . The idea of leasing land for 99 years and at the end of the lease the ownership goes to the government will mean that not too many would want to get involved.
  23. Often a country is considered rich by how the old people are cared for . With pension payments of 600 baht a month here in Thailand you could say it will be 20 years minimum before the country can be considered rich and free of poverty.
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