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Everything posted by itsari

  1. Add the price of a bullet proof vest to your scooter expenses
  2. The Chinese have been confined to barracks for close to three years now . The exuberance shown on your sarcastic post could well be how the Chinese feel right now
  3. Going to become expensive for foreigners that want to hedge bets and rent property.
  4. I think the Chinese will come to stay in Thailand in ever increasing numbers that will fuel the Thai economy for decades . They will come for freedom and not for being cheap .
  5. You live in a dream world if you think your list of requirements are going to happen in Thailand when renting a motorcycle
  6. I am saddened to read the story concerning the young man's accident on a motorcycle in Thailand. I am more sure my policy of not renting motorcycles at our Thai guest house is correct. OK for Thai fly by night businesses, but not if you have assets that could be seized by unfortunate inexperienced hirers and not forgetting the driver ignorance we all see on Thai roads
  7. Grim story indeed . Motives Quarrel at the shop the deceased bought food from ? The woman in the mans life ? I do hope we learn more of this crime , often there is no follow up on this media outlet .
  8. In my area there are not many atm machines next to a deposit machine . Thank you for the advice , could well come in handy
  9. Great news the infant was rescued . I read of a boy hunting for scrap metal fell down 30 meters into a foundation bore in Vietnam . Any news on the outcome ?
  10. His punch is worse than his bite . Bangkok bank have so many ATM machines out of order . Very frustrating to say the least . Grass on your countryman ? get real man
  11. Cut up motor motorcyclists when doing a left turn , Cross double yellow lines while overtaking , drive in the dark without lights on , speed through a traffic light turning to red, position car half in and half out of a lane , tail gate at speed , drive off a highway at very slow speed causing traffic behind to slow down and often begin the manoeuvre from the middle lane . Failing to keep the car on the left side of the road on smaller roads , Put half the car length out into a major road at a T junction . I got what you mean , drive like the locals
  12. 10,0000 percent safer mode of transport compared with Thai roads.
  13. Most countries ? How about all 195 countries ? But maybe you have first hand experience of all the countries ?
  14. That's your idea that the numbers are unreliable. Italy and the UK were 20 times worse death rate than the Chinese disclosure after lifting restrictions.
  15. I have to read it out to you . If you calculate percentages the deaths at 9000 in China it is far fewer than in Italy or the UK at the outbreak of covid .
  16. China has a population of one point four billion people , the percentages are small at 9000 deaths compared to other countries in Europe such as italy and the UK with populations in the 60 million region in the early stages of covid .
  17. The return of the low spending peasants and the would be if they could be foreign pensionists .

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