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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. The UK has not put visas in a passport for over a year now, they are a separate piece of paper. In due course the whole issue will disappear.
  2. You can see it that way if you want but it cannot be denied that there are those that go to quite extreme lengths to try and validate their argument against masks. Shouldn't it be personal choice?
  3. The Embassy have changed the wording and they are wrong to put it that way, in your naivity you have accepted the misuse of the term visa. The bottom line is you will never get a replacement visa, the visa used to enter the country will remain in place until you leave and re-enter on a different visa. Immigration will only carry forward some info from previous passport and most importantly place a new permission to stay stamp in the new passport. This kind of issue is not really surprising as they got rid of the experienced embassy staff with the move to India.
  4. They will stamp your permission to stay based on the visa status being used for entry. Thailand has a 6 month requirement on passports for airlines. I was denied boarding with 5 months remaining.
  5. You are wrong in your interpretation. The letter only asks immigration to assist in transferring information in respect of visa status. It certainly does not ask immigration to put a visa in your passport. When I gave immigration the letter, they glanced at it and handed it back, not of any interest. It is a great many years since even a UK consulate has put a new visa in a new passport.
  6. On entry your passport must be valid for the duration of stay but most airlines insist on 6 months validity.
  7. You are quite right. If you enter the country on a SE visa the visa becomes "Used" and effectively superceded by the permission to stay stamp. I was on a ME Non O when I got a new passport and immigration put a stamp in my passport that had the previous passport number on it, mode of transport and the date when I had entered the country. They also added an entry(airport) stamp, all on one page. Other than "Non O" neither stamp had the visa number or any other visa related detail, so if I had tried to re-enter on the visa I would have needed the old passport for the visa details. Of course it is not out of the question for other offices to do things differently but at the end of the day it is the IO on entry that will have the final word.
  8. Quite, and have you noticed it is the most opinionated that want to deny others the right to make up their own mind.
  9. I think it is down to what the airline will accept. My wife had a potential problem last year and this is what easyjet say on the subject. Identification needed for domestic flights Photographic ID is required on all domestic flights. Children under the age of 16 do not need to show ID on domestic flights (excluding Italy). The adult they are travelling with can vouch for the infant's/child's identity. Children under 14 on Italian domestic flight must show photographic ID. Here's a few examples of photographic ID that is accepted: A valid passport - an expired passport can be used up to a maximum of five years after expiry Valid photographic EU or Swiss national identity card Valid photographic driving licence, provisional or full Valid armed forces identity card Valid police warrant card/badge https://www.easyjet.com/en/help/boarding-and-flying/travel-documents-and-information
  10. The reply was incorrect, there is duty payable. There is an exemption for Thais that are returning to Thailand. A friend of mine shipped his in his wife's name but still had to pay some duty on stuff that was obviously not hers. On the basis that most of the stuff will be second hand it is done on assessment relative to age. If something looks brand new you will pay duty and anything obviously old will be exempt. i know a few people that have done it and it has not been very much, I didn't have to pay anything. I used Asian Tigers for the shipping and found hem quite efficient.
  11. It is this perspective that detracts from rational debate on the issue. The situation is not unlike the "Gig economy" problems in other countries where there is a divided type of employment. In the last 10 years or so the minimum wage has pushed up the price of hotel accommodation quite substantially and to implement the proposed level would be a serious blow to the tourist industry. If Thailand wished to retain that sector of the economy the problem would need to be addressed from a different angle. The pandemic however highlighted the dangers of tourist dependency and this may well have been taken into account with Thailand looking to move in a different direction.
  12. Distorted perspective, hope it made you feel better.
  13. Bit of a stupid and irrelevant question. The monorail is not planned to go on Beach Road and is intended to supplement the HSR so not going to happen any time soon.
  14. They have been put in their place in the past. "BANGKOK: Thailand’s coup leader and prime minister-in-waiting, Gen Prayuth Chan-Ocha last night (August 22) called for the Immigration crackdown on “out-in” tourist visas to be rolled back." https://www.thephuketnews.com/coup-leader-calls-for-immigration-to-relax-‘out-in’-visa-clampdown-48007.php
  15. Do not worry, there is a solution in the pipeline, it is known as the E-visa platform.
  16. On the back of my marriage certificate there is a statement to the effect that the female party informs to use her own surname. There were reasons at the time which went away some years later and then after 10 years made the change. If someone was to read the back of the marriage certificate and then look at her ID card there is potentially a problem so always something to bear in mind.
  17. Garbage, people do what suits them best, but there has always been an elitist view with extensions. I did my first 6 years in Thailand on ME visas, just got a new one every year when I went back to the UK, all very easy. Only downside, I filled up my passport in 3 years. I got caught up in the passport fiasco of 2014 and was forced into getting an extension to remain in the country. In the 8 years since then I have had marriage extensions, retirement extensions and a few visas, the last in Aug this year.
  18. You are supposed to apply for an E-visa in the country where you are currently resident and the only 2 Asian countries on the E-visa platform are China and South Korea. As a UK citizen you would be able to obtain an E-Visa from the London embassy but IO may very well question how the visa was obtained if you try and re-enter across a neighbouring land border.
  19. That will cut down expat visa runs from Thailand.
  20. It looks like they did the visa and extension in one go, Oct to Jan is about 15 months. Friend of mine did visa exempt to Non O on marriage early Nov and was told to come back before visa expired to do extension.
  21. That is not true, I entered Thailand on the 26th Aug 2022 and my first 90 day report is due on 1st Feb 2023. There are circumstances when the clock can be reset.
  22. "it is only one of the precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk to yourself and others." If the statement was beyond your comprehension, not a lot to be said.
  23. I think there may be a bit of misunderstanding here. I did it online for a friend of mine just before the pandemic and the text is still the same. We both went but I was visa exempt, have you checked if you are eligible under the visa exemption scheme. There is an invitation arrangement but it does not apply to short term visas. Full details of the online process can be seen at the link and if you check the application process you will see where it asks for invitation there is "If any" in brackets. https://evisa.xuatnhapcanh.gov.vn/web/guest/trang-chu-ttdt
  24. You can acknowledge there has been a rise in deaths from covid at the hospital where my niece works, or you can choose to try and rubbish the information. Entirely up to you, but quite irrelevant.
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