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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. I have had mine a couple of years now, one of the first visa, they were mastercard previously. Used it in a variety of scenarios and been a real godsend at airports. In Thailand only used it with lazada. Bank transfers through the account are also very quick and easy.
  2. Can be a problem with some keyboards. If you do need to do it, type "snipping tool" in the windows search box and click on the "mode" dropdown, pick what you want and then save the screenshot.
  3. Thanks, the comment was general, i didn't know if they had or not.
  4. A prerogative of the English, doesn't apply to the devolved nations.
  5. Exactly, but a percentage of 66 million thought they could get a better deal than a trading block of half a million. Only the delusional would think that the UK can be on the better side of any deal. Just waiting to hear about a fantastic deal with India, in exchange for visas.
  6. I don't need to prove how bad brexit has been, just ask those that have to live with the fallout. Of course that would mean taking your head out of the sand.
  7. No change? So jobs transferred out of the UK to avoid the brexit red tape is not a change in UK revenue. Time to revisit the maths class.
  8. Difficulty is a perception based on ability and would agree may be a little problematic for those not familiar with online processing which is now becoming quite common. Regarding the documents, as has been suggested the normal procedure would be to merge multiple documents into one file. Not particularly difficult and google can help a great deal. As for changing a document I am sure it can be done. If you look on the page listing the supporting documents and look to the right of a document that has been submitted there should be an edit symbol, looks a bit like pencil on paper. I haven't actually done it but if you click on the symbol I think you would get the option to change the document. If the the problem is with the first 2 on the list, there is no edit and you would have to start over. See copy of page in question. I am old school IT and have little problem with most online functions, until smartphones become involved, not my thing. In this ever changing world age can be a handicap at times. Good luck. Official Website of Thailand Electronic Visa_4.pdf
  9. Your words "COVID is estimated to have cost the taxpayer £400 billion, the effects of this will of course all be blamed on Brexit." The implication being that it was all to do with covid, brexit came at no cost to the taxpayer. Many UK companies set up outlets within the EU and are now employing EU labout and paying taxes to the EU instead of the UK exchequer. Of course in the eyes of a brexiteer, reduced revenue can never be seen as a cost to the taxpayer.
  10. Spot the deliberate omission. Now tell us how much brexit cost the taxpayer.
  11. If you are putting the sim in a router the phone number becomes academic. The most economical sim for a router is a 12 month one.
  12. You are not quite right on the last point, the 5G will refer to 5Gz as in dual band wi-fi. There are very few 5G cellular network routers on the market and what there are are quite expensive, £400+. I did a bit of homework first and opted for the TP-link MR400 https://www.tp-link.com/th/home-networking/3g-4g-router/archer-mr400/ Got it from lazada for 2500 baht.
  13. I had 3BB fiber and was getting significantly higher speeds, so much so any fluctuation was irrelevant. My wife had been on at me for some time to change to sim but I had been reluctant. A few weeks back now the internet suddenly went off about 9am but it was about 3pm the following day before a service engineer turned up. My wife says everyone is changing over to sim card internet and the likes of 3BB are laying off support staff and the problem is only going to get worse. I agreed to make the change and here we are. It is not as good as a fixed arrangement but cheaper and more flexible. I only have to use it for 6 months and it will have paid for itself and if need be I can go back to the fibre.
  14. I didn't say VLC had a problem, the popup from VLC clearly stated the team had sent out a bug. I am not offended but I get a bit irritated when people do not pay attention to what is posted. You would have to show me where I asked for advice. In my first post I said I hadn't done anything, and it will remain that way.
  15. Apologies I meant Windows Films & TV, I used to use media player until I got Win 10, now I have both from Windows. I have however just had a look at media player and mine has a volume control, just to the right of centre. On Films & TV the volume control is bottom left corner.
  16. The sim was labeled as 15Mbps but results with testmy.com a bit variable. I am about 5-6 miles inland of Chonburi city. As said, good enough for me. I use Kodi to watch TV and try and keep the video file below 2Gb, much larger and you can get some buffering. Of course the critics will be along in a bit to say anything below 4K is not worth watching. Having come from 405 line monochrome I am not particularly bothered. About 5pm I usually watch BBC news live and that is pretty much the same as it was with 3BB. With live TV other factors come into play and difficult to pin down the source of interuptions. Good luck.
  17. Take it you don't read all the posts.
  18. Unbelievable, are trying to say I have fabricated the popup.
  19. Yes lazada or any decent IT outlet. A few weeks ago I had a problem with 3BB so kicked them into touch. I bought a TP Link router Archer MR400, about 2500 baht, and a 12 month DTAC sim card about 1300 baht. Works good enough for me as long as you are not too ambitious on watching videos. You need to activate the sim on a phone first and then just stick it into the router and logon to the network. The router can be taken anywhere you want, even abroad if you get a local sim card.
  20. Quite, but unless you keep the files for different versions it can sometimes be difficult to get back to an earlier version.
  21. VLC, screenshot just now. Popup says they have problms.
  22. I don't think it is anything to do with windows. A few weeks ago when I went to VLC I got a pop up saying I should install the latest version 3.0.14, I haven't done anything and still get the same popup. The latest version is now - I think that says it all. In the meantime just using windows media player.
  23. I can only assume you have had very little to do with VFS. Money grabbing on steroids.
  24. You obviously missed my post about my visit to the beach. The point is they are not against foreigners the just want to exercise some control and as an ex UK serviceman I can understand that even if others don't.
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