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Everything posted by rabas

  1. Sorry, science doesn't work that way. You can't just say maybe someone something. You refute a valid argument like the one presented. But I don't think one can. I didn't mention choice but there we agree.
  2. What PTP? Jatuphon just made a scathing denouncement of Thaksin and the PTP. Nattawut quit two days ago. There is no party left after PTP's doublecross except some MPs few of whom will be reelected. Quintessential Thaksin. https://twitter.com/YvonneBkkpost/status/1693810281020117469
  3. So that's how they can control him. Let him serve while monitored, get involved in politics and go back to prison.
  4. Oh ye lemmings of another faith. Across the world, mask use had the highest correlation with the near complete disappearance of influenza during Covid. End of story. Instructions: 1. Read. 2. Weep. Disappearance and Re-Emergence of Influenza during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Association with Infection Control Measures
  5. Other tarantulas and scorpions. Or a bright, young, slightly naive Western educated youth who loves his county. I think his time will come after a a learning period. A disjoint government with a powerful opposition may just be the ticket. Learn how to deal with tarantulas and squash scorpions.
  6. Or, an ideal situation where a weakened squabbling old guard balanced by a new growing MFP opposition, giving the fledgling MFP time to learn how to introduce new ideas. Though romantic to some, burn it down and start again rarely works. New ideas grow in fertile soil not ashes.
  7. Misinformation bells ring loud. Since you were not here, please read Human Rights Watch's very extensive reports on the subject.
  8. Prem's apprentice and top supporter Surayud Chulanont is now head of the privy council. As for entering the country, Prayut currently oversees the police commission that will appointment a new national police chief before Sept 1, possibly Surachate Hakparn, who doesn't seem to like Thaksin. But who knows, Thailand's power structure runs deep.
  9. The only reason anyone would consider granting amnesty is to avoid social disorder. You know, shootings, blowing stuff up, burning down Bangkok. Now that Thaksin has completely trashed his already dwindling support, he has become irrelevant. Who would really want to forgive him, why would anyone loose face to help him return? Remember the Thai golden rule, "I can go along with all your lies, and smile, as long as I don't lose face."
  10. Important video about the Ukraine war effort. It's short so you need to look closely at important details (I watched a few times). The monument at 0.06 is dated 1941-1945 (WW2) and note the red/black flag unfurled with the Ukrainian flag. The red/black flag denotes the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) that engaged in guerrilla warfare against the Soviet Union, Communist Poland, and Nazi Germany. see here "The UPA systematically sent agents, mainly young women, into the enemy-occupied territory .. ".
  11. Remember, Anutin was a necessary evil for the previous government to form. Forces that support the 250 senators are unlikely to support Anutin, PTP, or Thaksin. In fact, that's why they are there.
  12. If you liked Anutin's idiotic, corrupt, farang-phobic Covid vaccine disaster, you'll just love him as PM. Add Thaksin and you get a government packed with corrupt Thai billionaires, Ugh!
  13. On a more serious note, a Ukrainian 'official' advises Russia on Black Sea safety. In truth, she's very active in many war related humanitarian projects tirelessly caring for children and raising money. Amazing people.
  14. Amazing video of a Ukrainian IR drone attacking a mighty Russian T90 tank, in the dark. After being hit, the tank runs at top speed as the drone follows dropping more grenades, eventually disabling the poor tank before blowing it to smithereens. Wait for the final frame. The last blast was so big, the brave little drone probably didn't make it back. Job well done Ukraine.
  15. Non-immigrant Type O is the base visa type used for many purposes. No one is going to get rid if it.
  16. 'O' is the base visa category, O-A was dreamed up for a specific class of foreign retirees. There's no reason to require criminal checks for everyone. So I doubt they do that. Also, why require yearly overseas criminal checks for people living here full time? As far as I know, O-A retires tend to be more mobile. Significantly larger financial limits on legitimate retirees would be counter productive. Among other reasons, criminals often have more money. Lol, how many retirees would start criminal activity to cover the increased expenses? Note, previous monetary increases have been grandfathered so they do understand the concept. Even Joke commended not going beyond 800K last time changes were made. They may make life more tedious, they seem good at that, but they won't chase long term retirees out of Thailand. That's not good for anyone.
  17. Arguably more, all things considered including that he is a recent appointment.
  18. I didn't mention income tax. Hidden taxes (see link) are a substantial part of every country's tax base. Everything from Beer Lao, motorbike petrol, rice, even mobile phone fees has hidden tax. In turn Thailand's tax base supports these parks. Given that, all Thai as well as foreigners living here help support the parks via taxes. Foreign tourists do not because they spend little time here. Therefore, Thai and foreigners who live here should pay a lower price. Foreign tourists including Chinese should pay a higher price to support these venues equally.
  19. So who replaced Prem? Ex-PM Gen Surayud Chulanont, Prem's right-hand man, was chosen to replace Prem as the all powerful head of the Privy Council. Surayud has been one of Thaksin's greatest critics all along. You can read about their relationship here, WIKI. Good luck on the pardon.
  20. "He did what? Here, hold my tank ..." Honesty, considering all that's transpired between various parties, PT would surely be least favored for a Royal pardon, especially considering Surayud Chulanont's past and current roles.
  21. The official term is 'hidden tax'. Everyone pays. In 2001, US citizens paid $657.5 billion in hidden taxes, $2,642 per capita. Likewise, everyone in Thailand pays hidden taxes into the tax base which in turn supports parks and attractions. So those of us living here, eating rice, using petrol, etc. also pay.
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