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Everything posted by starky

  1. Well it was 93 which isn't a 100 at all and the other 300 are people who haven't arrived yet so. No.
  2. You missed the 93 we had this month which is a 100 apparently ???????????????? when you add that to the 100 we have had and the 300 we haven't had you get 500....simples
  3. "We got 93 so that's a 100 and 100 we have had with the 300 that we haven't had yet that's 500" lol . A rare insight into the mystifying world of TAT maths. And as others have so rightly stated arrivals, not many arrivals and even fewer tourists.
  4. WOW we must really have different news feeds except that the CDC the UK, US, Israeli, Australian, New Zealand and quite a few other governments (not media sources) are recommending and pushing forward booster vaccines specifically because of omi. So back to the fear mongering maybe it's governments who are trying to push the line the sky is falling. Personally I think developed nations should stop hogging all the vaccine but hey it seems like the "im all right jack" mentality will prevail. https://www.straitstimes.com/world/as-omicron-emerges-countries-weigh-need-for-covid-19-booster-shots
  5. Preaching to the converted mate I was complaining months ago on this very forum how developing nations were hoarding vaccine with fully vaccinated populations while as usual the developing world gets screwed
  6. No covid denier here but neither will I <deleted> myself every single time a new variant is discovered and there will be plenty of them. Neither do I see any sense in having a booster shot 2 or 3 months after I just had a second covid shot. Either the vaccine is effective against omi or its not if it is why would I need another booster? If it's not why would I need a booster of something that's ineffective. The time for lockdowns and this fall back chicken little sky is falling nonsense is over imo.
  7. No more no less? How about very high risk is that standard nomenclature? Did the WHO say any of this or is it all made up? https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/omicron-poses-very-high-global-risk-countries-must-prepare-who-2021-11-29/
  8. Yes and as usual the media has grabbed it and run with it.
  9. If you think getting into Thailand is a punish don't even attempt the VTL system you'll really have something to cry about.
  10. If WHO was the voice of sanity maybe the shouldn't have started the fear mongering by labelling it a cause of major concern 48 hours after it was discovered.
  11. Ah yes hilarious and what if only 100 of them have delta with a mean reproductive rate of 5? How many can they pass it onto in the first week potentially?
  12. I stay at the novotel to ..worse still what if it's the free transport provided by the hotel to most of the hotels surrounding swampy and bang Na how do you show proof of that. Has anyone ever booked a taxi before arriving In Thailand? ????????????
  13. "Just can't help myself. Bad habits. I'm running wild lost control." ????????????????????
  14. Same could be said for Aussies and Mericans most of whom to be honest even struggle with English
  15. Well I've never liked Roosters musings at all so I'm not really surprised to find out he's a right karnt as well.
  16. Lol did you read the OP? Mr Anutin first received two doses of Sinovac in February, as well as a third booster of AstraZeneca. Anutin has had 2 sinovacs....or do you not believe him? Because there is no way you could stage a photo shoot where it looked like his family or himself where injected with Sinovac but really weren't, right? Bwahahahah
  17. Thats alright mate heaps of other threads to read if this one doesn't interest you.. funnily enough not many even tried to hazard a guess and it went quickly off topic like most threads as well. Just an observation
  18. Im assuming the keep it open for the most part for all the tea money involved. Asia doesn't have any issue with prostitution what they have an issue with is face. Subtle is fine blatant maybe not so much. But as you say if they wanted it completely abolished it would be gone depending on the rank of the jao por who really runs these operations I suspect. Nothing is as it seems I would think it goes much higher than let's just close the bars and its got nothing to do with the westerners who frequent them. As you would be aware many here are way above persecution or punishment.
  19. Obviously my whole OP is a bit tounge in cheek and there is no malice involved but I find it amusing that there is a certain demographic that thinks Thailand will totally collapse without them being here. I believe they are waaaay off base and the need for their presence however important it may have been during the Vietnam era is rapidly dwindling into extinction. There is also another demographic that believes Thailand owes them something due to their life choices I also think their day in the Sun might be waning. Of course this is only my opinion. ????????????
  20. Point taken. But are those that are inclined to imbibe a fine wine with a meal the same that must have a beer with their all you can eat buffet. ???????????? sorry couldn't help myself.
  21. So more on topic what percentage of that 40 million in your opinion come to Thailand mostly for the bar/nightlife/"entertainment" industry?
  22. So in your opinion Thailand should have zero control on who enters their country? That if they want the tourists it should just be a free for all? No oversight, no vaccination, no testing, no paperwork, nothing? I would suggest that's a very careless approach. Have things not improved drastically since November 1st in regards to entry? Thailand pass seems to be a lemon but other than that it seems some effort is being made to make it easier.
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