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Everything posted by starky

  1. Wanted to do a poll, but wasn't sure how lol. Maybe someone else could. See a lot of comments that I find amusing and though I think this forum for the most part is still highly populated by a certain type of tourist ill ask anyway. I agree that there is not many/ if any tourists coming at the moment but once the "floodgates" open... -What percentage of tourists come exclusively or mostly to frequent bars, go-gos and other night-life venues? - What percentage would include the above as at least a portion of their trip? -What percentage of tourists could come here and not all be concerned about alcohol sales? (This one seems to be fairly contentious with many saying they wouldn't go on holiday if they couldn't drink alcohol. Which I can't fathom. I love a drink but it wouldn't stop me holidaying somewhere I wanted to see.) I think there seems to be some disconnect. Well at least on this forum about how important bars and the sale of alcohol are to the average tourist. I also think Thailand is saying, though the message isn't clear enough, that when they want "quality tourists" they aren't talking about a huge influx of millionaires but a huge exodus of sex tourists. I think there may be room for say some very small parts of Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket to remain as those sort of destinations but long term there is definitely a huge pivot away from it. Which would lead to other obvious questions like would Phuket and Pattaya be more attractive to most tourists if the bars weren't present? Personally I think it will be better for Thailand and not at a huge financial loss either.
  2. Here we go again lol..look it's a fine goal but for the most part, like most of Asia Thailand has, is and for the foreseeable future will be a fairly low rent joint (think Bali, Phillos, Cambodia et al.). As many have stated in the past the amount of money that would have to be spent on infrastructure alone to make this a destination to the truly rich is staggering. Of course wealthy people do come to Thailand but if they are expecting a high volume of elite travellers they have a massive amount of work to do. If on the other handing they are thinking about just <deleted> off the bar flys and other associated riff raff it's probably well overdue.
  3. Of course the US being the centre of the known universe everything they say must be the most correct but here is a list of countries you can enter unvaccinated and all the "hoops" you have to jump through to enter them *spoiler alert* There are many with "hoops" on the list ???? You may in fact see plenty of hoops for most countries on the list https://www.afar.com/magazine/travelers-with-covid-vaccines-can-visit-these-countries/amp https://www.travelandleisure.com/travel-news/countries-accepting-vaccinated-travelers
  4. As I have said in many threads. I don't find anything particularly taxing about coming to Thailand atm. Especially when compared to a couple of weeks ago. Realistically though I would say no tourists are coming or almost zero. Only people travelling to Thailand at this time would be Thai nationals, expats and long term stayers returning to family and possibly those with foreign relatives who live/work in Thailand but I doubt there would be very many of those.
  5. Couldn't agree more I don't think it's particularly geared towards tourists at all tbh. But it's not particularly overwhelming either compared to what it was a couple weeks ago that will be up to the individual to judge. And there is certainly no shortage of judgement on this forum.
  6. Well you've mixed a few things in the bowl there. And misquoted me, ( never touted it as a success, never claimed it was standard) but as someone who has no interest in other countries, I'll say it again! I don't find the specific entry requirements for Thailand atm cumbersome at all. And let me say it again "in my opinion". If others find them too difficult or wish to look to other easier countries to enter I wish them all the best of luck. ????
  7. Yep covid is all a myth. But back to my point I have zero problem doing a covid test on arrival and spending one night in a Bangkok hotel which is generally what I would do after flying here anyway so zero skin off my nose. And any thinking person would think that places like Australia and New Zealand have been extremely successful in keeping covid out anyone with half a brain could see that .
  8. Yes and with a rolling average of 75k cases a day what does it matter lol. Countries still interested in keeping covid out even from the fully vaccinated for the most part expect a test before flying a tonne of paperwork a test on arrival and some form of tracing app. Why should Thailand be any different? In fact despite the non stop moaning on this forum and as someone who travelled to Thailand twice through the ASQ/COE system I find the new system to be reasonable and not at all cumbersome except for the problems some seem to be having with the Thailand pass. But those doing the most whingeing about that probably aren't coming anyway.
  9. Everyone single gold shop has the "spot" price displayed per baht of gold. Some will be exactly on the gold price some will shave a few baht in thier favour. And yes of course paying by credit card will attract some additional fee depending on the card
  10. Yes much better to let a committee of falang fossils whose major concern is the opening of bars and buying the cheapest <deleted> possible decide for as they will tell you they spend all the money and really keep the Thai economy moving.
  11. Costs nothing. 5000 baht my <deleted> take that to a local amphur sorted. Include instructions on how you wanted your body handled if no one available to do that for you. last_will_Thai.docx
  12. Most travel insurance I thought was mostly about repatriation (for serious events) and then foregoing all costs once you returned home.
  13. Hang on I got it Whinge whinge moan moan Zero covid tests Zero entry paper work No waiting to find out if I may have inadvertently brought covid with me (not even 1 night it's too hard) Open all the bars Let me drink <deleted> 24/7 There thats the dinosaurs covered ???? Did I mention I can't go on holidays ANYWHERE without drinking? Phew. Sorted.
  14. I know so much better than a junta led faux democracy. At least you know where you stand with the socialists
  15. https://www.thaiembassy.com/travel-to-thailand/common-problems-in-thailand-pass-application Maybe helpful to some....
  16. Weird you would waste your time on a Thai centric forum then. Or are you here to convert us all? Open our eyes? Lol
  17. All the non stop whining on here is ridiculous people crying about having to do a night's "quarantine" pack of sooks. The VTL travel to Singapore and other such countries is almost identical (and more expensive) you might want to compare and contrast what other nations are doing before complaining and if it seems all to hard then maybe consider another destination. Singapore for example...... https://www.escape.com.au/destinations/asia/singapore/what-it-was-like-on-the-first-singapore-airlines-vaccinated-travel-lane-flight-from-australia/news-story/e45903ff6c93c3056df09e41e2ab4b6b
  18. All the non stop whiners on here who complain about all the hoops you have to jump through to travel during a pandemic might want to compare what it's like in other parts of Asia. like the VTL travel to Singapore for example.
  19. Exactly right. Thailand pass website does not accept any pdf format at all, nor multiple pages nor anything over 5mb. So the system is rubbish yes but if you only enter single pages per download request and you know how to convert files to jpeg or png you shouldn't have a problem.
  20. The whole problem with this thread, article, OP the whole disgusting mess is somehow confusing sex education with child abuse. Jesus christ this joint needs to move into the modern world. Kids being tampered with has nothing in common with sex education
  21. They tried that on me I said I work offshore and the rest of the time I am overseas it's near impossible for me to receive sms (which is true) I said you can leave my accounts password only or I will be removing all my money closing my accounts and moving to a bank that respects my wishes as a customer. Problem solved. Have you spoken with your bank?
  22. Regardless of age or conditions? So a 25 year old with no family pays the same as a 75 year old with 3 kids and missus ? Yeah right. Sounds fair
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