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Everything posted by starky

  1. I wonder what you would say if a bloke that had 50 fights was so terribly "assaulted" and tried to follow her down the street to square up.
  2. It was clearly a win for old mate who not only dumped a beer on her and laughed off her feeble attempts and trying to bash him he also bitch slapped her hero mate that tried to follow up with the lamest elbow in the history of Muay Thai.
  3. The back of her dress looks fairly soaked to me tbh as does her hair at the back.
  4. In any other country if a professional or semi professional fighter of any persuasion was involved in an assault that is a very serious offence. To then go and brag in the media that you had assaulted someone, well probably wouldn't get you locked up but you'd be in a fair bit of trouble.
  5. So your Aussie girlfriends were dud roots? ????
  6. I always thought they do but officially it doesn't count on the scoreboard ????
  7. I laughed at your comment then realised I'll have to get mine as well. Your just not allowed to say things like that anymore ......apparently
  8. And can we not wait a few years how sick are 5-11 year olds getting from covid and particularly omicron? Most of the debate I've heard is vaccinate young children to prevent spread through their parents or grandparents. Now we live in a world where everyone has had the opportunity to be double vaxxed and some are on their first and even second booster I would require a more substantial argument than that. We were told 2 would be enough now countries like Oz have moved boosters forward to 3 months and Pfizer is working on a omicron specifv vax will I and my children need that as well? Im sorry I did the right thing had my double dose now im not that keen on another if I need it within 3 months. I have had zero flu vaccines ever had the tired and true ones when I was young and a slew of others as a requirement as my profession as a seafarer but what I won't do is subject my self to endless injections.
  9. Oh yes. Highly informative. "Hadn't smoked for 3 months then had 2 bongs or 2 grams" that's some bloody big cones mate. A friend told me you would be doing very well to get a gram of hooch in a cone ????Also Viagra and Cialis want to be on the lookout now that pot can give you massive instantaneous erections. 2 cones and cut his willy off due to cannabis no fxxxn way. Sorry
  10. Im with you mate. Two daughters 6 and 8. It's all well and good for me to have to take it and I'm not anti vac but I'm certainly holding off on having my booster until I have to. Which will be when I go back to work. As I doubt I will get into Oz without having it. Oz is doing the mandatory without being mandatory rort and so be it. As for the girls. No matter how many people want to praise these vaccines the reality is for the most part they are approved for emergency use only. I think the school will probably say no entry for the unvaccinated but like you at this stage I have zero interest in subjecting my children to what is basically an experimental rmna vaccine.
  11. Agreed and those that lived through it know its a dinosaur that won't return. Anyone that's come here in the last year 10 years is chasing something that hasn't existed for a veeeeeeery long time. It will be im sure a decent experience for them but anyone that was here from the mid 90s or earlier knows the truth. For mine Pattaya was gone by '07 it had just become a cash cow. The gogo model basically destroyed the bars with the coyotes and dancers and superstars and all the other tiers they tried to create.
  12. Me old pop used to tell me if you can make a fist of your friends (I.e 5) your doing better than most in this world. Those were the days when a friend or a mate had your back no matter what, do or die, right or wrong and would give you the last dollar in their pocket or literally the shirt off their back. Not some unt you have never met that you added on some social media site, or some goose you bumped into and had a beer with once. Friends is a very subjective term meaning very different things to some.
  13. starky

    Understanding Isaan

    Yep. Absolutely correct. Lot of pride up in the country. Never heard one of my immediate family say they speak passa issan. They lao through and through but not Laos Laos of course because they Thai ????????????????
  14. starky

    Understanding Isaan

    Obviously thai is proper school taught formal Thai. Lao Thai is basically slang used up on the border as it is for Khmer dialects further east and other dialects around the country. It has never in my experience been referred to as Isaan always lao in my part of the country. As soon as here a Bo I think lao ????
  15. starky

    Understanding Isaan

    Udon is a bloody big joint mate. Encompassing many suburban and rural areas and socio economic places. My place out in the moo ban is dead poor with basically only subsistence farmers. My house in town has many Thais with beautiful mercs, lambos bms and all the other nice cars and 10 million baht houses with all the bells and whistles so not sure where you are coming from. Parts of Udon are 100% rural Thailand and have been way longer than the 20 odd years I've been living up there.
  16. starky

    Understanding Isaan

    So your saying falangs or foreigners generalise isaan? Really? So isaan is not recognised by Thais as an area of Thailand it is a falang construct? Isaan only exists due to the foreigners that live there?
  17. Thats pretty much it in a nutshell unfortunately.
  18. Nothing to do with scared. I'm an Aussie too. Am i therefore required or obligated to talk to everyone with am English accent in this country? Why? Would love to here your theory on this. If I met genuine people in my travels I will always be polite and engage but talking to every single person with everyone who speaks English. <deleted> that to the moon thanks. And i realise your taking the <deleted> mate but most foreigners here are far more worth dodging than knocking around with
  19. Quite a bizarre OP tbh. I can't think of anyone that came to Thailand specifically in search of male friends. I am sure that people that work or have businesses here have had relationships that developed into friendship over time and those in the barfly areas have "mates" who have similar interests and probably some of those have developed into friendships. I gotta a couple people here I have met over the years that o would have dinner with but they are hardly friends in my definition of the word. The one I love. When I moved out of Bangkok was some would get dirty or think there is some obligation for me to smile or acknowledge every single white person I see like we have something in common because we share a skin colour in a foreign land. I actually pretty much run when I hear someone talking English here for as others have said I have neither the time nor the inclination to interact with people I barely know. There are quite a few genuine people here and I can't comment on expat communities in other countries but here the duds would outweigh those worth knowing by a huge margin
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