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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Done 6k+km on my Honda 160i scooter, the clock says average 53Km/ltr.
  2. Back to the OP, how much do you NEED to live in Pattaya ........ About 25kbht/month should be comfortable for a single retired person, then add more for female company, drinking and drugs.
  3. Were they former navy seals or special forces?
  4. 5Km outside any Thai town will get you a house for 10kbht/month (or less). Obviously excluding Bangkok and the islands.
  5. Would point out there's plenty of houses in Thailand selling for 1-2Mbht, that's $30,000-$60,000US. Not sure why you think the average expat would blow 10Mbht on a house in someone else's name, in a country they have no right to live in. This is a strange forum where everyone is rich, has big houses, young wives that love them for themselves, never pay for sex, were all educated and successful businessmen. Reality is, I've rarely met any foreigners that managed better than finishing high school, or worked in better jobs than postman/painter/locksmith/insurance salesmen, or live in anything better than a cheap one room condo. One question I do ask myself ....... all you guys that never pay for sex, don't take drugs, don't smoke, don't go to bars, don't drink alcohol ......... why are you all living in Pattaya?
  6. Doesn't look like 13m above the water to me ............. more like 0.5m at it's highest point. How can you live with yourself, telling these silly lies all the time? Are you confusing his Martha Vinyard property with his Honolulu property?
  7. If you think sex is a pain in the bum, you're probably doing it wrong! Rent at 30kbht/month seems massively out of line for a single guy. My 3 bedroom house costs 10kbht/month. As for income, massive boasters on this forum, the reality is most have nothing but their state pension. When the Brit DWP pays out a week late, look at all the complaint posts on these forums .......... Most people seem to be living hand to mouth, pension doesn't arrive on time and they don't eat. (Brit pension is 800GBP/4 weeks, that's about $1,000US/month)
  8. And you keep posting the same nonsense about sea level rises. There are none, and if there were the rich of the world wouldn't still be buying seafront property, and the banks wouldn't still provide 30 year mortgages on them. Not to mention the huge current investments in building resorts on Pacific islands that were predicted to be underwater by now. You need to use a little common sense when making your alarmist posts, else be laughed at. Official figures are clearly fake!
  9. The whole point being my childhood home on Shoreham beach isn't underwater. And if there were any sea level rises, it would be!
  10. Sea level looks to be the same as it was 60 years back to me.
  11. Don't know, as I never speak with neighbours, no matter what county I'm in.
  12. Surely you can't be a good person if you're not tempted to do bad things and resist.
  13. It didn't feel any hotter to me!
  14. Arrest all the Thai girls dancing in the video for disrespecting Thailand!
  15. Online form and your invitation code is also very easy.
  16. Marry a local and then a VISA is $50 for 5 years.
  17. I suspect you imagine retirement to be far more exciting, or with more opportunities, than actually exist. My gran used to sit in front of the fire knitting all day. My mom and dad used to sit at the dining room table making a bottle or two of wine last in silence (unless I spoke).
  18. Agree, now is the best time to be alive, especially for those retired on our 'boomer' pensions, that for many youngsters will never exist. Even in 2009 I remember, 40" Plasma TV wasn't very good and cost thousands of dollars, no smartphones, internet was over very slow wires, getting lost in the jungle because no smartphones. Now we have all the comms, tv shows, music and movies available at the touch of a button for almost no cost.
  19. I thought we were all retired with plenty of time to post?
  20. Last year my 14yo Thai niece lived with us so she could go to school. Turned out to be impossible to stop her skipping school and shagging the boys. Had to send her back to the village, where she continues the shagging, but at least nobody can blame me. Nobody is gonna stop a girl from doing what she wants at the age she wants, unless you imprison them.
  21. Don't think dating a dinner lady is that big a boast!
  22. Nothing will change, Anutin has the final vote.
  23. Cannabis has saved me a lot of money, used to spend 3,000bht/month on alcohol,now I spend 500bht on cannabis.
  24. I did ask my brief, what if they discover I'm lying, and he said ............ "Just tell them I told you to say that, the judge might tell me off, but he and I will still be having lunch and drinks together in the pub after the case" But saying you don't remember can't be proven as a lie, I can't even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, and if I were a Prince, one more shag in a sea of shags probably isn't any more memorable to him than yesterdays breakfast is to me. Andrew has the right to 'due process' and should be considered innocent until proven guilty in court. (Not that i'm sure a Prince is answerable to a civilian court)
  25. Plus 500 pounds fuel allowance + 10 pounds Xmas bonus.

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