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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I wouldn't have hung around, no point in getting involved in other people's arguments. I usually manage to hide from arguments happening in my own household. Avoid all confrontation is the best way to live life!
  2. Not sure you need to go out to fireworks. I can stand on my balcony at home and see the Loi Kratong celebrations. Not to mention, less chance of a rocket in the ear. Surprised you manage to leave your hospital bed at all, with your extensive collection of unusual medical ailments.
  3. The cheerleaders to which you referred were shot by a Latino. As I pointed out in my post directly after you hated on elderly white guys.
  4. I'd feel safer in the US with a concealed carry, than risk my elderly martial arts skills against drug dealers, homeless, and gang members.
  5. I'm not keen on getting rat diseased moat water thrown on my head/face. And don't want to be knocked off my m/c by drunks or people throwing buckets of ice and water over me as I drive along the road. But if you enjoy it, why not! I avoided socialising during Songkran, but was back out as normal this week. I have no problem mixing with much younger Thai ladies, but zero interest in mixing with thuggish drunken young males from the UK/Oz/NZ.
  6. You only repeat the teenage black persons statement. Do you have some problem which makes you exclude the elderly white persons statement?
  7. Can't beat ivermectin injections at the vet. My vet charges 100-150bht a time and 2 injections seem to last my rabbits 2-3 years.
  8. Black guy was trying to open the door. White guy was inside with gun. Presumably everyone has the right to stop someone breaking and entering their home.
  9. Still 40c in CM in the afternoons, near 5pm now and down to 37c. Been hiding in my bedroom all aft, air-con managed to get it down to 30c.
  10. Female independence is created by welfare. No welfare in Thailand so no female independence.
  11. To be fair, If a large thuggish looking guy was trying my front door in an attempt to enter my home, I might shoot first and ask questions later as well. Especially if it were after dark and in a gang problem area of town. Obviously that wouldn't be the case in a car park (cheerleaders), or a child knocking a ball into my garden.
  12. Q: What steps are you taking to stop climate change? A: None, like all the other alarmists. So while you claim not to be ignorant, you are apathetic which is just as bad!
  13. Garden shooter doesn't look like an old white racist to me! Cheerleader shooter, Pedro Rodriguez age 25 doesn't appear to be old or white either.
  14. I figured out how to generate 80% of my household electricity. What's your contribution to your cause? I'm betting nothing.
  15. It hasn't happened yet, and all the big boys are spending millions on beachfront estates.
  16. No need, my childhood home on Shoreham Beach is still on the beach 60 years later, and I predict it will still be there in another 60 years.
  17. Raining a little now. Temp down from 40c to 32c. And I can see Doi Suthep for the first time this month.
  18. Don't think there's any accurate way of knowing the temperatures before 1950. So all the numbers are estimates of some kind, and I'm guessing the margin of error is at least 2c. The satellite readings post 1979 are questionable as they've changed the satellite measuring equipment 3x since then. Even a guy measuring outside his house for the past 60 years would have problems making such small measurement variations as his neighbour concreting over the front garden to park his car would probably increase the average readings by 1c. Part of science is to take readings using the same equipment. Don't think that was possible from year 0 to year 2020. Putting all the different readings, using all the different sources, into one graph is just bad science.
  19. If anyone did this in front of my woman's house, she'd beat them unconscious. Guessing the OP doesn't cohabit with a Thai lady.
  20. No point in storing water unless you live in the desert. It's one of those ignorant journalist/writer prepper nonsense memes. (like dropping your guns, falling over while running away, not being able to reload, etc) Store food not water! Most places have plenty of water in the wild, although you might want to buy a ceramic filter to get the bugs out.
  21. Any income sourced from the UK is liable to UK tax no matter where you live. Current UK state pension is 10,400 pounds, tax allowance is 12,500 pounds. So you get around 2,000pounds tax free from any other UK income. 20% tax will be deducted from any excess. Best to leave your tax residence in the UK, if you don't want your financial accounts in the UK closed ..... and you want state pension rises.
  22. The good genes come from the violent thugs. Those who take care of the womans kids (from the violent thugs) get used and discarded (with little sex).
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