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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's clearly stated in the OP. Any organisation of person spouting 'misinformation' is talking about censorship and tyranny. It's like the title 'deniers', when someone calls anyone a denier, they are trying to silence you.
  2. I would agree with the GP practice, from all the posts you make on this forum you appear to be either near death or a hypochondriac.
  3. Ever noticed that COVID alarmists and climate alarmists and medical insurance alarmists are the same small group of posters? Something to do with OCD IMHO.
  4. The UN want to control what we say and what we think. If I want to believe something that's not true, what right does anyone have to stop me. The biggest misinformation on the planet would be religion, and people are prepared to kill and die over that, shouldn't they try to stop religion first? If I want to claim climate change isn't real, the earth is flat, the USA never landed on the moon ....... what harm does it do anyone. It's not as if my opinion affects anyone in any way positive or negative.
  5. I don't even use my real name and photo on Facebook or Gmail.
  6. I might intervene if someone were beating a child. But not an adult, they can make their own choices.
  7. As there is nothing anyone can do to stop COVID/colds/flu, there's not much point in any reaction.
  8. Only show her UK passport to the check-in desk. They don't have any stamps.
  9. .................... would you fly on an airline that had a 10% chance of crashing and burning?
  10. I'm a pepper with a keyboar that has 'd' and 'r' problems.
  11. CDC says no rabies vaccine required after rat bites. Can't find a higher medical advisor than them!
  12. Yep, I'm a pepper. Moved to Thailand to survive the zombie apocalypse. House full of swords to chop their brains. Solar power and terabytes of movies/books for entertainment in the post apocalyptic world. Ceramic water filter to clean the buffalo pee from the klong behind my house.
  13. And I'll repeat my post from page 3. The academic pdf link clearly states, rh column just after 1/2 way down, no documented cases of rabies in humans after a rat bite has been documented. One of us is lacking in comprehension skills, hopefully it isn't me.
  14. BritManToo

    Isaan Woman

    And that difference is mainly a lot less sex with a wife! (your wife, not someone else's)
  15. Thai doctors always want to cut bits out. I've encountered this situation 3x (1x my 5yo son appendix, 2x me gall bladder and prostate) in the past 10 years. We refused each time, and discovered later they were wrong each time. I believe you are right to seek a second opinion, and maybe not mention the first opinion so they don't get the chance to back each other up.
  16. I don't believe you did post such a link ........... although I may be wrong.
  17. No dispute that small mammals can catch rabies. What I question, is can they then transmit rabies to humans. And the answer appears to be no, or so infrequently it never gets reported.
  18. Never had a rabies jab, not had tetanus jabs for the past 40 years either. Refused cancer investigations when I had the symptoms of cancer 2 years back. I'm old, I've already had my life. Never been bitten by a rat. Have been bitten by rabbits, last time my vet offered me a rabies jab, I refused. No reports of anyone catching rabies from rabbits or rats.
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