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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Working in a nursing home or as a hospital porter isn't my idea of a good job. I did stack shelves in Tesco as a high school student, not much future in it. I wonder how long you'd need to work in the supermarket to buy your own home? My oldest son is a shelf stacker (asst manager) in the local Co-op, age 32 he's still living in a rented room in a shared house.
  2. Took my rabbit to the vet this week ...... $3 (100bht) Friend took her rabbit to a UK vet .... 100GBP. Both rabbits had the same problem (ear mites, Ivermectin injection). I couldn't afford to keep pets in the UK.
  3. You're wrong, this Wednesday is the next day it's Wednesday. Or do you think 'this afternoon' is sometime next week?
  4. You made a basic mistake ....... Fun first, dinner (and/or cash) after.
  5. Apparently the correct words would be 'person with semen' and 'receptacle for semen'
  6. I think footage was to do with film.
  7. So in another 3 months, the world can forget about trying to stop climate change 'cos we're all going to die anyway. Good to hear, we can live our lives without further worries. Obviously the Climate Alarmists will just change the end date when it doesn't happen. (like they always do when their bonkers predictions fail)
  8. Would point out some teens behave like this with no input from their parents. I know as I made the mistake of taking in such a 13yo girl last year. Complete nightmare, she's gone now.
  9. In the UK he would have been made a Lord and given a seat on the board of several major banks.
  10. Margaret Thatcher killed all Brit industry. It was the easiest way to destroy the Unions and the backbone of the Labour Party.
  11. More to do with employing people for their diversity than their ability IMHO. As for Climate change ..... The 3rd intellectual pillar of wokeism, "Environmentalism based on the notion that it is desirable and possible to arrest climate change." I much preferred the pre-woke environmentalism, save the whale, trees, remove garbage from the seas and land ........ forgotten now, all that matters is Co2.
  12. How long do you need Biden to be in office before he becomes responsible? (Obviously Biden can't be responsible for anything as he's sunk so far into dementia he doesn't know where he is or what day it is)
  13. I can read any book, watch any movie, listen to any music without leaving my home. That's got to be worth something!! "Slouching Towards Utopia: The Economic History of the Twentieth Century by J. Bradford de Long" Is worth a read
  14. Trump was the best president the USA has had for a long time. He started no wars, killed few foreign nationals, no bank failures. No sex crimes like the Clintons and Kennedys. Yet everyone hates him ................why? Seems hurting a few liberals feelings is a major crime! Biden gets elected, Russia promptly invades Ukraine, banks fail. If Trump ha been elected for a second term, those events probably wouldn't have happened.
  15. My Thai woman says the exact opposite. Thai men can't be trusted with young girls (10+). My daughter wasn't even allowed to get on a Songtaw unless there were other customers already riding it.
  16. Not to forget rationing was still going until 1954.
  17. BritManToo


    Got us in SanSai as well, almost no warning.
  18. I too would like to be a female. But a small cute one, not one that looks like 'Big Daddy' wearing his moms frock. I would also like the same asset stripping, pension stripping, house stripping rights to go with my new hot female body.
  19. 'Necklaced' was popular in South Africa circa 1980s (Black on black crime). Car tyre round the neck then set it on fire.
  20. Probably 1/2 the people in Thailand would test positive to cannabis at the moment. Is it really significant in any way?
  21. OK, so you believe everything your government tells you. I'm not seeing all these old folk walking around so where are they hiding? Remember it saves the government a lot of money to up the life expectancy numbers as it gives them an excuse to raise the state pension age. Just taking the people I knew on this forum who've died ....... NancyL died mid 60s. Dave2 died age 70. These are more realistic examples of life expectancy from the people I've known. But if they were the real ages we could expect to die, the government couldn't raise the state pension age, and their financial pals would need to offer better pension payouts.
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