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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. At 67 I no longer care if I live or die. I've had my life, no need to extend it any more with expensive and/or unpleasant medical treatments. I accept death when it comes!
  2. True if you believe people are living longer, but is it actually true? When I was a kid (1960s) I knew loads of people in their 80s and 90s. But today everyone I know died age 70 at best. Where are all today's old people who lived longer?
  3. Triggers me when I see racists, I'm completely unbiased and don't want to meet people of any colour.
  4. Unless you live next to the hospital you'll probably die in the 'pretend ambulance' as the crew drive you to the private hospital that will pay them the biggest bounty.
  5. But if you're close to state pension age you can phone then 20 days after payment and they will update manually.
  6. I've not seen any, maybe they dress like men when they're not working.
  7. Would point out, once outside the tourist areas there aren't any. Back to the OP, clinically depressed IMHO.
  8. Plenty of Indian males with gold necklaces in Pattaya appear to be in danger. Not to mention one of my pals fell to his death from a balcony in CM, only witness the ladyboy in his room. So here I am, totally happy with true transgender people being accepted in their new sexuality, but you hate me for pointing out the dangers of crossdressers pretending. I can't win. In fact anyone with an ounce of common sense would realise that many men are sexually aggressive and inherently violent no matter what clothes they choose to wear.
  9. Sour Diesel, on the previous page of this thread, ask Philthebook for details. I don't share supplier details to new members. They tend to get reported and shut down.
  10. That's because we're buying at 20bht/gm! Not to mention your low post count.
  11. Obviously, if they've had the full op, there's no danger. But they're not transgender if they still have a penis.
  12. Normally the IO uses his 'discretion' to wave the need for money in a bank account. No laws are broken. If you've found one pretending you have money, I'd find another agent as that's illegal.
  13. Ladyboys were allowed to use female dorms at Chiang Mai University (2015-2017). There were several rapes, now stopped as they created a 3rd class of dorms for the ladyboys to live in. Not sure if it was made public knowledge. No insecurity from me, but my daughter was a student at the time and I'd prefer her not to be raped while living in compulsory (1st year) student accommodation.
  14. I have no problems with transgender, full ops should be totally accepted as women in society. Guys wearing a dress and pretending to be women, entirely different, that endangers both men and women.
  15. Very little point in saving the lump sum, spend it while you can enjoy it IMHO. I used some of mine to buy extra state pension.
  16. Agreed, same for me, the 20% tax on your private pension makes a significant difference to the calculation. No age adjustments on my pension, she gets 65% of my pension before lump sum paid.
  17. Normal financial advice is to take the largest tax free cash sum you can. Now the state pension is 10k5 and the personal tax allowance is 12k4, you will be taxed at 20% on nearly all your private pension. I worked out I would need to live another 22 years to break even if I didn't take the largest lump sum. My chances of making it to 86 would be close to ZERO.
  18. The last photo i posted on social media got 50,000 likes. I'm definitely important. Back to the OP, 2 hot chicks fighting in a car park. I'm ready to like the video when it gets posted!
  19. Back in the west, you take what you can get. In Asia we can pick and choose (financial leverage). Here we get treated as if we were rich/pop stars/famous/important men, back home we were invisible to women.
  20. I had no idea about sex until I was 17. Late starter, age 52 in Thailand.
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